The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2384

East Turks occupy the north, ride hundreds of thousands of horses and invade the Central Plains every year. On the contrary, the princes of the Central Plains have to fear their soldiers and bow down to them.

In World War I today, the imperial army completely annihilated the eastern Turks and annihilated them in the long river of history.

How brilliant is this!?

Li Jing, the marshal of the East Road, also won the respect of his generals.

Everyone looked at him with different eyes. This resolute young man defeated hundreds of thousands of strong Turkic troops when he started his career. He can afford to use arms like a God. He is likely to be a handsome talent in the future of the dynasty.

"Minister, Li Jing pays homage to his Majesty the holy emperor. His majesty will live forever!"

Li Jing, dressed in a strong armor, met the driver and knelt down on the ground.

Liu Hao patted Li Jing on the shoulder and said with a smile, "the pharmacist is so handsome!"

Just this compliment made Li Jing feel excited and hard to let go for a long time

The defeat in Guanzhong is not a crime of war!

He Li Jing finally proved his value in the Han Dynasty!

"Thanks to the efforts of the officers and men of the three services, Wolong military division broke the ghost and God means of Taoist real people with supreme and mysterious means, and the army was able to successfully break the enemy array..."

Li Jing was not proud at all. Instead, he humbly shared the credit among the Han soldiers.

"Where is yuan Tiangang now? He is of great use to me."

Liu Hao was still curious about the legend of immortals coming to earth in later generations.

The royal guards clenched their fists and said, "Your Majesty, the royal guards will guard him in the Turkic King City."

After Li Jing, ran min also came to see the driver.

"The snow wolf rode thousands of miles and pierced the whole Turkic rear. I have the heavenly king ran min, why worry about the barbarians!?"

Liu Hao affectionately patted ran min\'s strong shoulder and said with emotion.

Thirty thousand snow wolves can be regarded as the ace army of the Han Dynasty.

Under the leadership of Ran min, the wolf rode through the flank defense line of the whole Turkic rear. It can be said that this is the perfect cooperation between ran min and General Li Jing.

Huan Wen, Zu Ti, Gou Xi and others followed ran min to see him. They were greatly praised and excited.

"Pharmacist Li arranges the city defense, and the other Aiqing follow me into the city. We will give a banquet tonight to reward the three armies."

With a wave of Liu Hao\'s Dragon sleeve, the Jiulong Heavenly Emperor\'s chariot slowly drove into the Turkic King\'s court.


West Turkic court.

A group of people looked dignified and were sitting in the tent discussing the military affairs fiercely.

While the armies of the Han Dynasty marched on the eastern Turks, the Western Turks also fought several battles with Wang Meng.

The result was seven consecutive battles, and Lien Chan lost in a row!

In this tragic national war, a general rose.

Qiao Luocheng, a cold faced and cold gun, used a five hook Flying Magic gun in his hand to kill 27 strong generals of Western Turks. He once killed vertically and horizontally among 100000 Turk Rangers.

The West Turkic King court trembled and trembled at the sight of the white robe!

"Luo Cheng\'s courage is the best of the three armies. It depends on whether Marshal Yun can set up a game to capture him alive. Otherwise, we will die and have no place to bury!"

Ye Hu Khan of the West Turkic system sat on the throne decadent, his eyes full of fear.


"Little dragon, wait for you, brother Cheng."

Cheng Yaojin grinned and his horse galloped on the grassland.

"Brother Cheng."

Luo Cheng said helplessly, "general Zilong is the general of five tigers. Where am I qualified to offend general Zilong\'s taboo?"

Cheng Yaojin teased and forced him to invade the West Turks. He shamelessly begged Liu Hao for the pioneer general seal and killed the enemy with Luo Cheng.

"Hey, hey! Shixin, I\'ll take good care of you. But this time, you killed more heads than brother in the raid on West Turk. You\'re in the limelight. When you kill the Turk King\'s court, you should leave the head of the old thief tongyehu to brother."

Cheng Yaojin patted Luo Cheng on the shoulder and asked earnestly.


Luo Cheng has no way to deal with this self familiar brother. It doesn\'t make sense to say anything at all.

At this time, Yan Yun\'s 18th cavalry suddenly looked solemn. The boss turned over and fell off his horse, attached himself to the ground to listen, and said in a calm voice:

"There are cavalry coming, a lot of people, about 50000!"

Youyun eighteen cavalry have fought with Turks in the north for more than ten years. They have a very good understanding of the characteristics of Turkic cavalry.

Cheng Yaojin\'s spirit was refreshed. He held Tiangang\'s double axes and said with a loud smile, "here comes the head giver. Look at my old Cheng, one axe and one clean!"


Liu Hao is eating in the palace.

Wen Chen and Wu Jiang sat in separate seats.

There are foreign women in the hall, dressed in gauze and dancing gracefully.

The golden and crisp lamb leg baked on the table, the dripping oil, the entrance is delicate, and it is also a rare enjoyment to drink a mouthful of rich and dark horse milk wine.

Zhuge Liang, Li Jing and others enjoyed exotic food with an unspeakable ease.

The eastern Turks were strong for a time, and the frightened princes of the Central Plains became ministers. However, under the army of the Han Dynasty, they were only annihilated in the long river of history and turned into dust

Li Jing and some generals\' sense of belonging to the Han Dynasty and their respect for Liu Hao have reached their peak.

Liu Hao is raising his knife to cut the mutton leg. He suddenly senses the red light flashing on the system panel.

"Another war?"

With a movement of mind, he instantly entered the West Turkic battlefield and saw the vast grassland.

At this time, there was blood everywhere on the grassland, and there were broken limbs and arms of Turkic cavalry everywhere. The blood flowed thousands of miles and was as miserable as hell.

Cheng Yaojin, holding Tiangang Disha double axes, chiseled and killed madly among tens of thousands of Turkic Rangers.

The Tiangang Disha double axes, which have been quenched in the thunder pool, have more terrible power. Their Qi strength has reached the extreme. There is a silver arc lingering on the axe, which is as powerful as thunder!

The Turkic Rangers bravely attacked the Han pioneer army, but as long as they were close to Cheng Yaojin, they would immediately end up with broken muscles and bones, howling and rolling down the saddle and dying.

On the other hand, the five hook Flying Magic gun in Luo Cheng\'s hand has also turned into a silver dragon and white python. It breaks through the air and kills. With each shot, there are tens of millions of spears, and killing is like cutting grass.

"Luo Cheng, there is the wind of Zilong youth!"

Liu Hao smiled knowingly and suddenly recalled that year in his mind.

It was when he rushed to rescue Luoyang that Zhao Yun broke into hundreds of thousands of Xiliang troops alone and killed seven in and seven out.

Heroic spirit is the best in the world