The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2383

This powerful and domineering figure should be Wu Zun Bi Xuan.

Wu Zun Bi Xuan was born in the grassland. He was savage and domineering by nature and had a vigorous spirit, which is consistent with this domineering skill.

Liu Hao constantly deduced and absorbed the subtleties of the Yanyang Dharma in his mind with the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor, and various feelings constantly emerged in his heart.

Wu Zun Bi Xuan killed invincible hands all over the grassland by relying on this Yanyang Dharma, and even tied with Ning Daoqi, a scattered immortal in the Central Plains, making him the reputation of the three great masters in the world.

In an instant, after millions of deduction, the operation of Yanyang Dharma with small phaseless work reached a new height.

The Kowloon Emperor\'s car was moving forward, and a noble and domineering purple shadow swept out.


The red hot Qi power diffuses into the air and burns the eight wastelands.

"Magic handsome Zhao Deyan, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the long chant of Liu Haowei instrument, the fierce red fire Qi swept through the air, and a black figure rolled out of the air.

"Yanyang Dafa, how can you Yanyang Dafa!"

The demon handsome Zhao Deyan was tall and thin, with a gloomy breath, but his face was full of fear and inexplicable expression.

"How could it be!? our magic xiangzong\'s divine skill has been practiced to the extreme. Even Bi Xuan can\'t detect it. He... How did he know!?"

"Pretending to force, still want to run?"

Liu Hao smiled coldly and waved his hands.

The hot sun\'s Qi strength dissipated in the air, but there was no strength. Suddenly, it was red, and the whole space was hot and boiling!

Zhao Deyan\'s pupils contracted suddenly. He felt that his reaction was countless times slower.

Just like an ordinary person, he was exposed naked for many days in the vast, dry, hot and frightening desert of yellow sand, and was on the verge of dying of thirst. It was a terrible taste of dry and water shortage!

What a terrible thing for an expert who has reached the martial arts master level!?

Unfortunately, under the Empire, time and space seemed to solidify. Zhao Deyan had no time response at all. He was bombarded by the scorching sun, flew backwards for more than ten meters, knocked down on the ground, and splashed dust everywhere.

Liu Hao landed lightly on the Kowloon Emperor\'s car, carrying his hands and looking indifferent.

Step! Step! Step!

Xie Xuan, commander of the forbidden guards of the Dragon camp, had noticed the change, rushed up and landed in front of Liu Hao. He knelt down on one knee, hugged his fist and said, "my escort is late. Please give me a sin!"

"Why is Aiqing guilty?"

Liu Hao waved his hand casually, motioned Xie Xuan to get up, and received a system message:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He killed the devil handsome Zhao Deyan and won a treasure chest of emperor rating!"

"Open the treasure chest directly."

Liu Hao said without hesitation.

"The host opened the emperor\'s rating treasure box and obtained the general outline of magic Xiang Zong\'s martial arts!"

"Yes, there\'s only one magic method left..."

After accepting the unique skill of the magic xiangzong sent to the door, Liu Hao has completely collected the martial arts secrets of the two roads and six sects separated by the holy gate.

As for the last volume of Tao Heart Magic, only fate.

"Dare to intercept the emperor, the owl\'s head, chop his body and feed the wolf!"

Xie Xuan, who has always been calm, is also on the edge of rage.

The forbidden guard of Longxiang camp is responsible for guarding Liu Hao\'s safety. Zhao Deyan even touched the near side and had no response!

Zhao Deyan\'s body was hurt by the heat of the sun. Half of his body was almost burnt to coke. It\'s also terrible!

This person can be said to be the most unlucky of the eight masters of the demon sect and a generation of martial arts master. Sitting in the position of the teacher of the East Turkic state, he was respected by thousands of people. As a result, he was ruthlessly slaughtered by Liu Hao.

After being intercepted by Zhao Deyan, the magic commander, the whole team stopped. Just as it was getting dark, Liu Hao ordered to set up camp on site for repair.

Wan Wan came out of the motorcade, barefoot, dust-free, beautiful like an elf from the fairy palace.

She saw with her own eyes that the devil commander Zhao Deyan was cut off by the royal guards and asked faintly, "has your majesty reached the supreme state of breaking the void?"

The highest state of the world martial arts system in the Sui and Tang Dynasties is to break the void.

The concept of human immortality was first put forward by Liu Hao.

Land gods, heaven and earth, invincible!

Wan Wan has been regarded as a rare wizard in the magic door for a hundred years. When she was a teenager, she practiced the magic Dharma to the 17th level, and her qualification was even above Zhu Yuyan. However, when she faced Liu Hao, she only had a kind of admiration that she wanted to tremble and surrender.

"The realm of human immortality is within my reach, but the time has not come."

Liu Hao looked up at the sky. His eyes were very bright, as deep and vast as the stars and the Milky way.

To be exact, his current accumulation of information is enough to cross the barrier of human immortals.

As long as Liu Hao wants to, he can do it.

But in the dark, Liu Hao has a strange feeling. After breaking through the realm of human immortality, the spirit of heaven and earth riots, leading to the fragmentation of the void, which may open the channel of another world. At that time, I don\'t know what will happen.

He was used to planning and then moving. Of course, he had to arrange many matters of the dynasty before he could break through without fetters.

Wan Wan spat out his little tongue and murmured, "Your Majesty\'s martial arts may be unprecedented, and there will be no comers. I can\'t believe what it will be like if your majesty makes every effort."

Killing devil handsome Zhao Deyan and Liu Hao only used two moves from beginning to end, using the Yanyang Dharma just realized.

Wan Wan dared not imagine how terrible Liu Hao would be if he broke out all his strength.


Turkic court.

With clanking iron armor and holding a spear and halberd, the Dragon camp forbidden guard has completely controlled the brilliant city on the grassland.

The Kowloon Emperor chariot slowly drove into the Turkic court.

More than 100000 Han soldiers standing in awe along the way knelt down one after another. This scene is also spectacular from the car of the emperor of Kowloon.

"Those who offend our strong man will be killed even if they are far away, and will be absolutely destroyed even if they are strong."

Liu Hao wore twelve Diao crowns on his head, embroidered Purple Dragon gun robes, embroidered sun, moon and stars on his shoulders, carried his hands and stood on the shaft. His pride was surging in his heart, and he was arrogant.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

There was a roar of mountains and tsunami, and the fanatical respect of more than 100000 people pushed the atmosphere on the field to an unprecedented level.

"All the great men, get flat!"

The roar of the holy emperor, like the roar of a dragon, has been stirring on the grassland for a long time.

The great men and soldiers began to hold high their swords, roar with their chest, and release their inner joy and excitement