The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2376


On the grassland.

Snow Wolf riding swept like a dragon.

Wu mourning Heavenly King ran min led Huanwen, zuti and other generals, rode with 30000 snow wolves, slaughtered hundreds of miles with blood, stayed awake day and night, killed several tribes one after another, and finally wandered on the grassland in the center of the Turkic court, waiting for the fighter.


In the distance, a scout horse galloped to report: "tell the heavenly king that a large number of Turkic cavalry have been found in front, about 70000 Turkic Rangers!"

Seventy thousand people!

As soon as ran min\'s tiger eyes lit up, he looked up and said with a laugh: "good to come! Today, when this force is destroyed again, the front battlefield will be as powerful as bamboo!"

Huan Wen looked at the military map on his horse\'s back and said, "heavenly king, this place is only a hundred miles away from the Turkic King\'s court. As long as this Turkic cavalry can be destroyed, the wolf can directly attack the Turkic King\'s court, make a gap from the enemy\'s hinterland and win the battle!"

Huan Wen was also a famous general who was good at using troops in history. At this time, he experienced training in the Imperial Academy, and the strategic vision pattern was naturally extraordinary.

Ran min looked at Huan Wen with a little appreciation, raised the halberd in his hand, and shouted: "prepare to mount the horse to fight, Turkic local dogs also dare to commit the Great Han Tianwei, kill 70000 more today, enter the king\'s court, and take off the head of the old dog at the beginning!"

"May you follow the heavenly king and enter the king\'s court!"

"May you follow the heavenly king and enter the king\'s court!"

Huan Wen, Zu Ti and other generals shouted.

Thirty thousand wolves roared up to the sky behind them, and the wolf cavalry roared wildly.


"It\'s a great feat for pharmacist Li to win in a row, cut the first tens of thousands of levels and retreat the enemy by 400000. I\'ll use a cup of thin wine to strengthen the ambition of the three armies..."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, held the imperial edict, and his Yin sharp and loud voice stirred in the Han military camp.

Li Jing pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees. He took the imperial edict respectfully with both hands and said in a respectful voice, "it\'s not worth mentioning the minor contributions. Li Jing is willing to be his Majesty the holy emperor, destroy Turks and raise the prestige of our great Han!"

"May you, your majesty, annihilate the Turks and raise my great power!"

The soldiers of the three services of the Han Dynasty were also excited and roared loudly.

The holy Emperor gave wine to strengthen the army\'s heart. Everyone drank the Maotai wine in his hand, and then threw the bowl on the ground, breaking and ringing.


"There\'s war again!"

Liu Hao sensed the red light flashing in the system and couldn\'t help cutting out the system panel. He just saw a world shaking war.

With a double hook blade and a crescent long halberd in his hand, ran min, the king of mourning, was like a tiger killing a sheep and cutting wildly in the Turkic cavalry array.

"Wu mourning the heavenly king is worthy of being a barbarian killer and an alien nemesis!"

Ran min\'s special attribute of slaughtering Hu brings additional combat power bonus, which makes him more like a wild and fierce beast. Killing is like mowing grass.

It was a terrible mess and a fierce crash.

There are tens of thousands of Turkic Rangers in front of us, covering the sky and the earth, like the tide and the sea, but no one can prevent the heavenly king\'s sudden array.

Where ran min passed, there were Turkic cavalry wailing and screaming, rolling saddle and falling off their horses, and then they were trampled and killed by their own people.

"Damn Han dog!"

Yan Lihui, a Turkic double gun general, was about to crack his eyes. His angry hair and beard were like steel needles. He counted down one by one, held double guns and killed ran min recklessly.

Another fierce general mu Tiexiong, like the fierce lion\'s general, also carried a long knife weighing more than 100 kilograms and frantically killed ran min.

Turks have dominated the grassland for decades. They always regard the Han people as pigs and sheep. Yan Lihui and mu Tiexiong are also the top five generals of Turks. Where can the Han people be so crazy?

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The Turkic cavalry sent out bursts of wolf howls, waved their machetes and went towards the Han army.

"The dead are coming..."

At this time, ran min\'s murderous spirit was at its peak, and his momentum was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

Facing the two fierce generals killed in front of him, he turned his hand and waved it. The double hook spear pierced the void, as fast as a lightning flash, and directly led the owl back to Yan Lihui!

Yan Lihui couldn\'t show his unique skill of two guns at all. Ran min picked and killed him on the spear face to face, and his eyes widened in horror

Ran min turned his hand and started a knife again. It was like a cloud and flowing water. The crescent halberd broke through the air and cut angrily. When he crossed with mu Tiexiong, the halberd collided and sparks splashed.

Mu Tiexiong is among the Turkic warriors. His strength can rank the top three. He once lifted 800 kilograms of stone lions and shook the grassland.

But as soon as he touched ran min\'s Halberd with a hundred kilos of heavy knife in his hand, it was like being waved by the God of heaven. His arms were filled with the power of fierce and domineering thunder, which made him spit out a mouthful of red blood!

Ran min took a long halberd around his body, mysteriously broke through the air and killed this Turkic fierce general on horseback

However, in a moment, ran min had killed two Turkic generals in a row!

The whole battlefield was shocked by such great courage!

"The heavenly king is incomparable in the world!"

"The heavenly king is incomparable in the world!"

In the heavy snow, the knight spirit of the gray wolf rises again, climbs to an unimaginable height, and the murderous spirit goes straight to the bullfight!

The Turkic cavalry was terrified and lost the command and dispatching of the general. The former army cavalry array was in a mess, and the whole Turkic cavalry array was in a mess


"Great is the power of the king of heaven. The wolf slaughters thousands of miles with blood!"

Liu Hao looks at the battlefield from the system, which means that his mind is in the sky. Overlooking the whole battlefield, he sees the intensity of Zhuang Huai, and is also excited.

Hou Huo Qubing, the champion of the Han Dynasty, once did similar things. He went alone into the grassland and killed the Huns.

However, today\'s Wu mourning King ran min is more violent and direct.

Where you pass, you will be slaughtered with blood!

After more than ten days of crazy killing, the Turkic tribe suffered heavy losses, while ran min\'s energy and spirit have been raised to the peak. The great master of martial arts gave full play to all his combat power and threw himself into the battlefield, which is an extremely terrible thing.

At least 100000 Turks died directly or indirectly at the hands of Ran min.

From time to time, people in the field screamed and howled in Turkic language, which means that ran min was too terrible. When the wolf saw blood, he became more ferocious and bloodthirsty, constantly killing the Turkic cavalry.

This encounter was doomed from the beginning.

The Turkic Ranger failed!

And it was a fiasco!

Ran min violently killed more than a dozen Turkic generals in succession, and tens of thousands of Turkic Rangers died in this battle