The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2375

The Cihang sword code has fallen into the palm of his hand, and Liu Hao got all the mystery.

Tianmo policy is trying to collect, only the last policy is to plant magic in the heart.

The longevity formula is written in ancient Chinese characters. As soon as the main task of the hero series is completed, there is a way to solve it.

It\'s the atlas of the God of war. It\'s hidden in the hall of the God of war. The trace is ethereal and hard to find.

Just thinking, the system prompts: "feel the host\'s mind and say that the reward for hero series tasks will be announced in advance!"

Reward for task completion: the war temple is open once, and the evaluation level is supreme god level. Please let the host know!

"This is awesome!"

Liu Hao was very happy when he heard the sound!


When the princes submit, the Central Plains is stable.

But the war between several countries has already begun.

East and West Turks, Tuyuhun and Koryo all launched an army to bite off a piece of meat on the big man while the Qi of the Central Plains has not recovered.

Liu Hao could not hold sand in his eyes. In his anger, the Imperial Army poured out.

After taking over 100000 troops in Youzhou, Wang Meng took Xu Huang and Luo Yi as generals, and 200000 troops swept the grassland and stormed the Western Turks.

Li Jing took command of the eastern Turks, took the military mourning Heavenly King ran min as the vanguard general, led 30000 wolves to ride, attacked thousands of miles, and went deep behind the enemy. He himself was the commanding army, and decided on the front battlefield with the eastern Turk army.

Marshal Yue Fei of Wu Mu led the Weibei army to attack Tuyuhun directly. The pioneer Pei Yuanqing has killed 17 generals of Tuyuhun, killing red eyes. It is really God to stop killing God and devil to stop killing devil!

The prairie is high and flat with a vast area. There are thousands of large and small lakes in the area, starting from Xing\'an Mountain in the East, Altai Mountain in the west, Yinshan Mountain in the south, Baikal Lake, yenishui River and the upper reaches of Erqis River in the north.

Boundless grassland, endless blood.

When the wind blew, at least hundreds of thousands of troops gathered on the wide and empty grassland.

When Liu Hao arrived at the eastern Turkic grassland battlefield by Emperor\'s driving, the front-line secret report was sent by the Han military aircraft department.

"Li Jing was properly deployed. He fought against hundreds of thousands of East Turkic Rangers on the grassland, fought against them step by step, won three wars and three victories, cut the first tens of thousands of levels, and killed and retreated East Turks for thirty miles!"

Liu Hao was inspired by his speech.

The officials of the Han Dynasty also laughed together:

"Your Majesty knows talents with insight. It seems that pharmacist Li is really good at leading soldiers!"

"You can kill tens of thousands of soldiers by fighting cavalry with infantry. How did pharmacist Li do it?"

"No wonder his majesty praised him for his handsome talent and becoming the God of war of the dynasty in the future. Now it seems that there is something of Chen Qingzhi."

"With a large number of heroes, the Dynasty will be prosperous for thousands of generations!"


Li Jing\'s achievements were completely real and there was no water at all.

This time, several lines of the Han Dynasty fought at the same time, and most of the elite cavalry were under the command of Wang Meng and Yue Fei.

Li Jing sent ran min to lead the most elite Snow Wolf cavalry to chisel through the rear of the East Turks, and most of his headquarters were infantry.

Fighting cavalry with infantry is a natural disadvantage, and many of these infantry under Li Jing are incorporated from the Xiaoguo army of the Sui Dynasty. Their combat power is not as strong as Huben\'s fierce soldiers.

Now Li Jing can win the East Turks three times, which can be regarded as a full score answer to Liu Hao\'s trust.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, showed a smile on his serious fat face and said, "Your Majesty, pharmacist li really lived up to your expectations. After this war, the Dynasty will have another handsome talent."

Cao Zhengchun has been with Liu Hao for the longest time. He clearly sees Liu Hao\'s growth all the way.

Liu Hao selected talents and promoted famous marshals such as Zhou Yu, Yue Fei and Chen Qingzhi. They are all powerful people who have swept through millions of troops and destroyed the country and cities, such as eating and drinking water.

The younger generation, including Lu Xun, Xie an, Deng AI, Zhong Hui and Jiang Wei, led the army in the expedition and never failed. Now there is another Li Jing.

Cao Zhengchun is Liu Hao\'s diehard loyalty. Naturally, he is happy for Liu Hao.

Liu Hao smiled like a spring breeze on his face, raised his hand and said, "order someone to give Royal wine to the army of pharmacist Li in order to pay for his ambition!"

"Old slave, take orders!"

Cao Zhengchun clung to his fist and took the order.


Turkic court.

It was already gloomy.

At the beginning, Khan\'s face was gloomy, and the look of fear and panic flashed in his eyes from time to time.

"You guys, there was an absolute military advantage in the three wars before and after, but the Turkic warriors were defeated by Han Gou. Ben Khan needs an explanation. What\'s going on!"

Since he decided to set foot on the Central Plains, Shibi Khan recruited all the young and strong people who could hold swords and bows in the East Turks to strengthen the momentum of Turkic Rangers.

However, it gathered more than 400000 Turkic troops and killed infantry with cavalry. It has a natural advantage. It was defeated three times by the Han army with less than 100000 people, and countless soldiers were lost!!

How can Shibi Khan not panic?

The Turkic generals also lowered their heads one after another.

"Da Han, the commander-in-chief of the unified army of the Han Army, is really powerful. His footmen are used for defense like iron barrels. The big Turkic warriors pierced the flanks of the Han Army several times, but they were shot back by arrows and rain..."

The great general Yan Lihui was terrified and said with a fist.

At the beginning, Khan moved his body and asked Li Shimin, "is there such a figure in the Central Plains?"

Li Shimin\'s expression is unspeakably complex.

At the beginning, Tiance mansion was set up to recruit heroes and wise men from all over the world. Li Jing was under his command.

As a result, after a defeat in Guanzhong, Li Tang\'s foundation was destroyed. He had no choice but to run to Turk, but Li Jing voted for the big man.

"All this belongs to me!"

Thinking of this, Li Shimin became more and more jealous of Liu Hao.

"I tell Khan that although Li Jing is good at using the army, he is a novice and inexperienced. As long as he sells a few flaws, he is eager to make contributions, and our opportunity will come..."

"Better so!"

At the beginning, Khan nodded and said, "in that case, you will deploy and command the next war. What else do you want to play?"

Zhao Deyan, the Turkic national teacher, stood out and bowed his hands and said, "Khan, the country is not peaceful recently. There is a group of wolf cavalry on the grassland. They are very fierce. Where they pass, several tribes have been slaughtered and bled thousands of miles. Please send a general to annihilate them!"

After the frontal defeat, there was trouble in China. At the beginning, Khan\'s heart was palpitating, and his head hurt again and again. He said, "national teacher, you took someone to wipe out these fierce bandits!"