The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2377

Huan Wen\'s whole body was stained with blood, but his face was excited. He hugged his fist and said, "king of heaven, this battle is a great victory, breaking tens of thousands of Turks, which is enough to hurt the Turks!"

Ran min glanced coldly and said with a grin, "this is not enough!"

"Feiying urgent letter to Li Jing, our army rectifies the wolf riding, and is ready to directly chisel the Turkic King\'s court, so that he can accelerate the front!"


Huan Wen felt his scalp numb with excitement and breathed. He asked, "king of heaven, although the Turkic King court has lost several games in a row, at least hundreds of thousands of Rangers have gathered in the king court, and the elite golden wolf army is ready to go. Will he attack again when pharmacist Li completely breaks through the Turkic army?"

There is no comparability between tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of people.

Hundreds of thousands of Rangers gathered in the Turkic King\'s court, which can be said to be endless. At a glance, they can\'t see the edge at all!

"I have made up my mind!"

Ran min raised his hand and pressed it falsely. He said bluntly, "at this time, the fighter plane has appeared. He rode the wolf at a great speed, attacked the enemy\'s wings bravely and killed the Turkic Khan. He can open up space for the front battlefield. If Li Jing knows how to use his troops, he will be able to completely crush the Turkic army in the front battlefield and finish his work in the first battle!"


Does Li Jing know how to use the army?

History has given the best answer to this question.

The invincible military God of the Tang Dynasty, Turks and Tuyuhun, who can fight a powerful foreign war for a time, can\'t raise their heads. The three-year-old children on the grassland dare not cry at night!

When Li Jing received the letter from ran min Feiying, he only said two words. As Wang Shichong\'s Ministry, Yang Gongqing can also be called a veteran on the battlefield and experienced.

Li Jing pointed to the military map in the account and said with a smile: "General Yang, please see, general ran min is now cutting through the enemy\'s rear and attacking thousands of miles. Now he is thirty miles northwest of the Turkic King\'s court. As long as general ran min leads his troops to rush forward and attack the Turkic King\'s court, our army will advance and respond positively. This is a combination of positive and strange. There is no victory or defeat!"

"Li Shuai\'s foresight will be far worse than it!"

Yang Gongqing suddenly realized it and hugged his fist in admiration.

"Shan xiongxin and Wu Yunzhao led Huben\'s fierce soldiers to attack the Turkic camp at night, and the three links of drums. When the Turks were in chaos, they pretended to attack fiercely, and waited for the enemy to break into the camp!"


Shan xiongxin and Wu Yunzhao took orders boldly.


The night is getting deeper and deeper.

On the grassland tonight, the wind suddenly blew.

In the Turkic camp, there is a single lamp.

Li Shimin and his eldest sun Wuji sat opposite each other. Their faces were heavy and they were somewhat helpless and desolate.

After rehearsing the deployment of military aircraft all night, Li Shimin finally came to a conclusion:

Han Army, immovable as a mountain!

Even with the benefit of hundreds of thousands of Turkic Rangers, they may not be better than the soldiers of the Han army.

Li Shimin experienced the world shaking war in the pass. He knew that this was only a regular force of the Han army. How would he fight this war if the Han ace army came out?

At this time, a figure flashed in the account, and Yuan Tiangang\'s voice came in: "in the southwest corner, there is murderous spirit rushing straight to the bullfight."

Yuan Tiangang didn\'t know how to lead the army to fight, but the Taoist immortal was very sensitive to the changes of Qi mechanism between heaven and earth.

When Li Shimin and changsun Wuji heard this, their faces changed greatly. They blurted out, "no, the Han army will attack the camp at night!"

Outside the camp, a bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly!


Under the boundless night.

Wu Yunzhao and Shan xiongxin are both wearing heavy armor. One is carrying a liangyinzhang eight snake spear and the other is carrying a horse. According to Li Jing\'s arrangement, rockets are firing together to create chaos in the Turkic barracks.

"Pharmacist Li has no choice but to decide to win in the battlefield while devising strategies!"

Shan xiongxin looked coldly at the Turkic camp, which was in chaos because of the sound of attack horns everywhere.

The arrogant second brother Shan is not easy to convince people. At first, he didn\'t think much of Li Jing, a young man who surrendered from Li Tang, but Li Jing also used his own skills to forcibly retreat hundreds of thousands of Turkic troops with weak forces, and convinced Shan xiongxin with his magnificent performance.

The war drums roared, and the killing sound like a tide came from all directions. The Turkic military camp thought it had been madly attacked by the enemy, and immediately fell into a great chaos.

Before the confrontation, the self tramplers have been killed and injured. Li Shimin and changsun Wuji are as anxious as ants on a hot pot, desperately rectifying the Turkic soldiers to resist.

However, at the moment when the Turkic army was about to stabilize, Wu Yunzhao, the Great Han Nanyang Hou, looked up and saw the sudden fireworks in the air.

"The whole army is attacking, ready to break down the enemy camp!"

This is the order of the Chinese army to launch the general attack. Wu Yunzhao raised the liangyinzhang eight snake spear in his hand and shouted, "follow the general to break through the enemy camp!"

"Break through the enemy camp and kill all Turks!"

"Break through the enemy camp and kill all Turks!"

The Han army was a fierce soldier with high morale. He raised his voice and roared wildly.

Many recruits who have just joined Huben camp look extremely excited. In contrast, Huben\'s fierce soldiers who have experienced many battles are much calmer.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Ten thousand horses gallop to kill, ride the dust and step into the sky!

Wu Yunzhao, the fifth hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, took the lead. Zhang BA\'s snake spear turned into a silver dragon and continued to kill wantonly in the Turkic barracks.

Crazy assassination, ten thousand cold spots on the spear tip!

The Turkic soldier who stood in front of Wu Yunzhao was directly picked and killed on the spot and died.

"Report! The Han Army entered the camp from the left wing. The Han general is brave and has killed seven generals in a row!"

"Report! No, the camp on the right side has been broken and my grain grass has been burned up!!"

"Report! General kangliku was killed!"



Countless pieces of news rushed to the Chinese army. Li Shimin was sweating like rain and was hit by five thunders