The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2374

Even the valiant Li Yuanba, the drum beating urn and the golden hammer can\'t break Liu Hao\'s Dragon God gang. It can be said that this is the strongest body protecting God Gang under human immortals. Even if it is a shocking blow from the great master of martial arts, there is nothing to do.

Boom! Boom!

Both the undead seal method and the spirit of the heavenly devil ran into Liu Hao\'s body protecting spirit Gang without reservation.

There was a dull roar like thunder.

The Dragon camp guards, who were wearing heavy armour on the edge, were unstable, were lifted and flew back a few steps towards the rear.

The dust settled.

There was a deep pit on the field. Liu Hao stood in the center, unharmed. The evil king Shi Zhixuan and Yin empress Zhu Yuyan were shocked back more than ten steps.

"What a powerful skill!"

Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin, was shocked. Burning jade and stone was her masterpiece for decades. Although she had just made half of it, it was unimaginable. When she hit Liu Hao\'s Dragon God Gang, it was like a clay ox into the sea without any sound.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan also looked shocked.

After Liu Hao helped him repair his spiritual flaws, his martial arts have gone further and reached an unprecedented level, but he still can\'t see Liu Hao\'s details. This is the most awesome place!

"Is this still the martial arts in the world?"

Wan Wan, who was watching the battle, was stunned to speechless with her beautiful eyes staring round and her sandalwood mouth slightly open

After the evil king Yin, the two top experts in the world fought with all their strength. I\'m afraid the three masters didn\'t dare to connect.

Liu Hao not only took it lightly, but also like no one else, her majestic figure like a dragon and strong human spirit attracted waves in her heart.

Everyone had different thoughts, but there was no doubt that they were full of awe.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "do you want to continue?"

"I dare not!"

Shi Zhixuan knelt on the ground and bowed down. After the shadow, Zhu Yuyan also lowered her head and looked lonely. Looking at Shi Zhixuan\'s eyes, she hated infinitely.

"It\'s hopeless!"

Liu Hao was too lazy to take care of it. He said casually, "as long as it doesn\'t cause human life, you can solve it in private."

This is his bottom line.

Private grievances should not be allowed to involve the impairment of the strength of the dynasty.

"The minister will give an explanation."

Shi Zhixuan arched his hand and said respectfully, "here is the Cihang sword code. Please have a look."

He turned his wide sleeves, and a faint old book flew out and fell into Liu Hao\'s hands.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has won the Cihang sword dictionary, one of the four wonderful books!"

Wan Wan\'s fiber foot moved gently and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, Shifei Xuan is waiting to come down."

"Take it down."

Liu Hao waved his hand casually, as if he was not interested in shifeixuan like a holy fairy.

Liu Hao came forward to suppress this matter, and that\'s all. Zhu Yuyan knew that even if she burned the whole jade and stone, she couldn\'t help Shi Zhixuan. Naturally, she wouldn\'t be foolish enough to launch a suicide attack.

As for whether Shi Zhixuan felt guilty about her, Liu Hao didn\'t care much about their love and killed each other.

Sword code.

This is a faint yellow ancient volume with strange texture, but it looks like an old book for some years. It is ordinary.

Liu Hao knows that this is what Dini, the ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai, learned all his life. It is also because it contains the way to break the void.

"Your Majesty, be careful. This sword code is a little evil. After reading it, I feel that there are many demons and blood is retrograde. If I practice according to the sword code, I\'m afraid I\'ll be possessed by demons..."

Before Shi Zhixuan left, he reminded him with fear.

Ning Dodge, one of the three great masters, also spit blood several times after reading the sword code. Instead, Liu Hao became more and more curious. What is the beauty of the sword code that can make the great masters fear spitting blood?

Inside the car.

Dark fragrance floating.

Liu Hao and Diao Chan sit opposite each other, with a sword code in the middle.

They kept their mind and spirit, and the Qi machine naturally circulated all over the world. Looking at the sword code, they felt a strange feeling.

In the void, thousands of sword sounds suddenly sounded!

Looking down, Diao Chan\'s face became more dignified. Liu Hao was shocked by it.

"The sword Scripture not only records the Dini\'s martial arts moves and the heart method formula of Jingzhai, but also contains the Dini\'s martial will!"

"It\'s no wonder that when he explored shifeixuan\'s sea of knowledge with his mind that day, he was immediately crushed by a vast martial will. Dini himself is definitely an expert in breaking the void!"

After being exposed to Dini\'s martial will, Liu Hao had a layer of insight in his eyes.

One method, ten thousand methods.

At present, Liu Hao\'s martial arts background is not comparable to that of Liu Hao, even if it is the resurrection of Dini.

When Diao Chan saw half of it, she was influenced by the will of Dini martial arts. Her true Qi flowed back, her blood floated, closed her eyes and adjusted her true Qi.

Liu Hao moved his mind and handed over a Buddhist bone relic.

Buddha bone relic is a strange thing that was exploded by killing the four holy monks. It has been put in the storage space to eat ash. At this time, it comes in handy.

Diao Chan seemed to be infected by the divine light of Buddhism, and there was a sense of calm and peace on her body.

Dini is also a Buddhist. Her martial will is naturally close to the power of Buddhism. Diao Chan\'s slender hand is closely connected with Liu Hao\'s fingers, and her mind gradually calms down.

I don\'t know how long it took to hear the system prompt sound:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Read the Cihang sword classic, one of the four wonderful books. The details of martial arts have been greatly deepened!"

"Congratulations to the host. Diao Chan read the Cihang sword classic, one of the four wonderful books. The details of martial arts have been deepened!"

The martial arts of the poor predecessors are really extraordinary. Liu Hao feels that he is a barrier away from human immortals. It seems that he can break through his tentacles!

However, Liu Hao was not in a hurry to impact the realm of human immortality.

As soon as the time and place are right, we can break the void immediately, but after breaking the void, we are facing the unknown. We must make careful deployment before we can start to impact the realm of human immortals.

Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, breathed a sigh and said, "Your Majesty, the Cihang sword Scripture is indeed mysterious. My ministers and concubines all feel that they seem to have some understanding. Running the sword Scripture with the spirit of heaven and evil can trigger a more powerful sword Qi."

With that, Liu Hao watched Diao Chan demonstrate it again.

Magic Qi and holy sword Qi are integrated together. They are contradictory and unified. They suddenly burst out like ice and fire. They have no power!

Liu Hao smiled and said, "the four wonderful books are the martial arts left by the strong ones who break the void. I want to see what will happen after the four wonderful books are collected."