The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2373


The news of the destruction of Cihang Jingzhai spread all over the world.

The whole Jianghu was shocked by it.

A holy land of Wulin, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, is an existence that millions of people look up to. In this way, Liu Hao stepped on it and turned it into a powder.

The Buddhist holy land in the North has been uprooted, and the influence of Buddhism has naturally plummeted.

All over the world, everyone knows that the emperor of the Han Dynasty doesn\'t like Buddhism and Taoism. Many heroes in the Jianghu have gone out one after another. For a moment, I don\'t know how many Buddhist temples have been demolished

These are later words, not to mention for the time being.

After the forces in the southern Jianghu were completely stable, Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, led the people of Yin Kui sect to return to life.

Dark fragrance floating.

A faint shadow drifted, and Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, swept directly into the Jiulong Heavenly Emperor\'s car and bumped into Liu Hao\'s arms.

Diao Chan\'s beautiful eyes moved slightly. She looked at Liu Hao with a smile like anger and said, "my concubine is fighting rivers and mountains outside, but your majesty is carefree and happy every day. You are really a dizzy king."

Liu Hao was sweating and speechless.

Think about it. After the dynasty was on the right track, Yujia\'s personal expedition was more symbolic. Liu Hao hasn\'t done it for a long time.

I\'ve been hanging out with Shang Xiufang these days. I don\'t even know where my own daughter has been raised. As expected, I haven\'t done anything serious. It\'s a bit like the development trend of confused monarch.

"Even if you are confused, I love beauty like concubine AI. I also love beauty, but I don\'t love rivers and mountains..."

Liu Hao\'s face was not red and his heart did not jump. He hugged Diao Chan. The couple snuggled quietly and felt the temperature of their bodies. It was also very warm and romantic.

"Your Majesty, this time I went south and wiped out several evil sects. Here are the key points of their martial arts and mental skills..."

After a warm talk, the couple said some interesting stories during this period. Diao Chan seemed to think of something and gave Liu Hao the secret scripts of the magic door she got this time.

"However, there is a strange feeling that the imperial concubines are exquisite, but they are not the cream of the magic."

"Aifei\'s intuition is right."

Not to mention that a woman\'s sixth sense is very sharp, Liu Hao read the martial arts and mental skills of the evil extreme sect and the true preacher, and sighed.

Liu Hao has collected seven or eight out of ten volumes of Tianmo strategy.

However, the more you collect the martial arts of the demon sect, the more you understand that only the heart kind of demon is the real core of the Tianmo strategy.

"The four wonderful books have surfaced one after another. It is said that there is no one in the world to practice the Taoist heart planting magic method. Where is it? Is the evil emperor Xiang Yutian really not dead?"

Liu Hao\'s mind flashed, and many thoughts came to his mind.

When the Taoist heart cultivates magic to the extreme, there is no doubt that it can break the void. However, after the broken void described by master Huang disappeared from the original world and shuttled through the void, which world did he go to?

More and more close to the realm of human immortality, Liu Hao seemed to feel that his strength was surging and powerful enough to break through the void and escape into the unknown world.

"On my way home, I heard a secret report from the military aircraft office that your majesty stepped on the Cihang quiet room?"

Diao Chanzhen leaned her head on Liu Hao\'s shoulder and asked softly.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "yes, the evil king Shi Zhixuan led the crowd to kill the Mountain Gate of Cihang Jingzhai and trample on the holy land. This man is amazing. He is expected to be promoted to the double master of civil and military affairs of the Han Dynasty in the future. The Cihang sword code, one of the four wonderful books, is already in my bag..."

While he was talking, there were two real Qi riots outside.

Liu Hao and Diao Chan were extremely sensitive to the five senses. They felt it in an instant. The couple looked at each other and stole out of the car.

It can be seen that on the wide plain ahead, Xie xuanzheng led the Dragon camp guard to protect the Dragon Emperor\'s car.

In the distance, there are two figures crisscross and flash, and the air is making a violent noise. A death battle is going on.

Evil king Shi Zhixuan vs Yin empress Zhu Yuyan!

These two people are also old friends. Zhu Yuyan followed Diao Chan to calm down in the south. However, she didn\'t meet Shi Zhixuan on the way back.

When we meet today, we have a narrow road for our enemies. Naturally, we should settle our love and hatred.

"Yu Yan, why do you bother?"

The evil king Shi Zhixuan is still the image of a middle-aged scholar who has gone through the vicissitudes of life, but with his hands and feet, he has an awe inspiring master\'s demeanor, and the immortal seal method has an unpredictable mystery.

"Today you have no me!"

Zhu YuYan\'s beautiful eyes seemed to burst out fire. The lips bitten by Bei teeth were full of red blood. The heavenly demon Dharma had run to the extreme and attacked Shi Zhixuan.

The witch Wan Wan of Yin Kui sect seemed eager to try, but she was suppressed by Diao Chan with a look in her eyes.

Diao Chan also said helplessly, "it seems that it is a situation of endless death. What do you think you should do, your majesty?"

Diao Chan also learned something from Liu Hao about Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan. Zhu Yuyan is her new right-hand man, while Shi Zhixuan, the evil king, is Liu Hao\'s confidant. At this time, the two fight dead. No matter how they say it, it won\'t do any good

"No, Zhu Yuyan is going to burn jade and stone!"

Burning jade and stone is a unique skill created by Zhu Yuyan from the great law of heaven and evil. It will really harm herself and others.

Compress the true Qi of the heavenly demons into the acupoints and orifices, and raise your whole body to an unprecedented level in a short time. The consequence of doing so is that the acupoints and orifices burst, which is similar to the disintegration of the heavenly demons.

With the utmost sublimation, Zhu YuYan\'s strength rose sharply and reached the level of a great master. Even the evil king was thrilled: "Yuyan, you have practiced the great magic method to this level!"

Previously, Shi Zhixuan was suppressed by the realm, and he can still control a certain initiative, but now they are standing on the same level, and Shi Zhixuan also feels extremely dangerous.

If Zhu YuYan\'s demons disintegrate and urge her to the extreme, she will die, while Shi Zhixuan will be seriously injured.

Liu Hao certainly won\'t sit back and watch such a thing happen.


Liu Hao\'s toes were light, and the man had pulled out of the air. Like the arrogant dragon, he ran across the air, and finally fell steadily between the two.

The immortal seal of the evil king and Zhu YuYan\'s jade and stone were both on fire towards Liu Hao.

Royal Dragon Spirit Gang, King Kong is not bad!

The emperor\'s real strength flows, Liu Hao\'s body shakes slightly, the purple and Golden Dragon robes fly, and his hair dances without wind. The real dragon comes out in the air. Around Liu Hao, the golden and purple awns are flourishing, and there is an extremely powerful and domineering feeling