The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2372


The double-edged spear pierced the void with thousands of Qi and killed more than ten riders in front of him under the horse in an instant!

Blood rage!

Grinning grimly, ran min ran into the Turkic cavalry array, raised his right hand and cut the long halberd horizontally.

The crescent gas blade broke through the air and burst out, cutting off more than ten Turkic cavalry in front.

The great master of martial arts went wild with all his strength. His spirit was full of smoke. He ran through the sky and shot straight into the sky. Even the strong wind couldn\'t disperse.

Every move has great lethality.

"Bastards, die again!"

Ran min\'s Halberd wiped again, and his violent Qi cut through the void.


It was also several Turkic cavalry who rushed with knives. The cowhide armor on their body could not stop the invincible air blade. From their shoulders to their crotch, they were cut in two by ran min\'s halberd.

Uh huh!

The Turkic warrior\'s eyes were bulging, staring at the fierce man in front of him, and his eyes were full of shock and fear

"It is worthy of being the general of Jiulong granted by your majesty. General ran min is invincible!"

"Follow general ran min and kill him!"

"Blood slaughters thousands of miles, and blood washes the grassland!"

Huan Wen, Zu Ti and other great men behind them also used their own means. The snow wolf rode wildly and began to kill the Turkic cavalry.

This Turkic tribe can also be called everyone is a soldier. Teenage Turkic men are proficient in riding and shooting, but they can\'t compete with the iron cavalry of the dynasty at all.

The big wolf rode, but he killed all over the heaven and the world and broke through the ace army of all dynasties!

Blood gas permeated the whole grassland.

It seems that the full moon was dyed scarlet.


"There\'s war!"

Liu Hao was resting on Shang Xiufang\'s slender legs. Suddenly, he felt the red dot flash on the system and couldn\'t help but cheer up.

When I opened the system panel, I just saw the shadow scattered on the East Turkic territory and the war taking place on the grassland.

"It\'s Wu mourning the heavenly king ran min."

Liu Hao opened the war information and couldn\'t help but marvel at it.

With the cultivation of Ran min\'s great master realm, plus the bonus of Tu Hu\'s special attribute, the lethality caused by different races is doubled!

In particular, the snow wolf riding behind him killed red eyes one by one.

As long as the enemies in front of the wolf are torn to pieces by the fierce wolf, the blood splashes everywhere, and the snow-white wolf is dyed red!

Worship value and merit value are rising rapidly. This night, a cavalry of tens of thousands of Turkic tribes has been killed.

The Turkic women and children crouched and knelt on the ground, shivering.

The sound of crying and wailing stirred on the open and lonely grassland for a long time.

War is iron and cruel.

Liu Hao\'s heart is as strong as iron. He clearly knows what he should do, but he won\'t have any virgin heart.

If we don\'t eliminate the grassland by means of desperation today, the Han people will howl miserably at the Turkic bandit pass in the future.

Apart from the last expedition of the kusana empire with the master of literature and Taoism, this time Huanwen led the army for the first time, or went deep into the enemy\'s rear alone. Huanwen was in an extremely excited state.

"King of heaven, the last general has led people to kill all the Turkic cavalry of this tribe, and sent a signal to the military aircraft office. Please show me what to do next!"

"This is an extraordinary time. We should do extraordinary things!"

Ran min\'s tiger eyes, the red flame leaped and said in a deep voice: "it\'s inevitable that Turks will make trouble. Turkic tribal men, whoever is higher than the wheel, will be killed!"

"Women and children are held in the tent, waiting for the military aircraft office to receive them. After killing them, they supplement food and water, and chisel and kill the Turkic King court with our general."

"Last general, yes!"

Huan Wen shook his body, boldly hugged his fist and took the order.



Too cruel!

Hold the butcher\'s knife high, this is the grassland to kill!

Liu Hao nodded slightly and appreciated ran min\'s practice.

Once the war starts, it will affect the whole body.

Turks are the absolute enemy of the Han Dynasty. Ran Min wants to use the heavenly king\'s courage to cut the gap of the East Turkic King\'s court from the side and win fighters for Li Jing in the front battlefield.

"If I have such a powerful general, Turks have millions of troops. What\'s the point?"

Liu Hao closed his mind and felt the soft snow under his pillow. It was Shang Xiufang\'s long legs.

Wake up the power of the world and lie drunk on the beautiful knee.

This is a man\'s supreme ideal. Liu Hao has a very happy feeling at this time.

While enjoying it, a system prompt sound suddenly came from my ear:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Wang Meng said that he would demobilize Luo Yi, 100000 Youzhou troops would demobilize and demobilize Han, and Wang Meng\'s intelligence + 1!"

"Wang Meng is the only good minister in Guanzhong, and Wang JINGLUE is unparalleled among national scholars!"

Liu Hao suddenly opened his eyes and checked the system list. Sure enough, Luo Yi\'s name appeared in the Han camp.

Luo Yi - force 98, intelligence 76, politics 72, command 88!

Stunt 1, gun Hero: Luo\'s ancestral gun technique is unique in the world. When Luo Yi is using a gun, force + 2.

When he commands the army to fight, command + 2!

Stunt 2, return lance: when Luo Yi uses the return lance, the force value is temporarily + 5, and there is a 60% chance to kill the enemy whose basic force value is lower than his own!

"Luo Cheng\'s Lao Tzu is really extraordinary!"

Liu Hao glanced down and nodded with satisfaction.

Luo Yi didn\'t have much pen and ink in the romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties, but he can sit in Youzhou. A group of anti kings such as Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou have died. He is still there, but he is also a rare figure.

Youzhou Yanyun 18 riders are proficient in the method of riding together, encircling and killing. They are even more powerful.

We have conquered 100000 Youzhou troops in one fell swoop. The next step is to integrate Youzhou troops and deploy to attack Western Turks!

Liu Hao checked the system map, and Wang Meng made the corresponding deployment at the first time. Luo Yi led Luo Cheng and Yan Yun to command the Youzhou army as the left wing, and the Huben fierce soldiers of the xuhuang Dynasty as the right wing. In this way, hundreds of thousands of troops came out together on the left and right wings and pushed the West Turks. It\'s only a matter of time!

When the war started, the situation was very good. Liu Hao\'s eyebrows and eyes were relaxed, and his mood was naturally unspeakable