The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2371



The sound of horses\' hoofs roared like thunder on the official road.

In the place where the smoke and dust billowed, the eighteen riders of Youyun, who were dressed in iron armor and hung with a cold chopping sabre, galloped forward.

Wearing a white Dragon Robe, Luo Cheng also galloped forward with a five hook Flying Magic gun.

In front of Yan Yun\'s 18th cavalry and Luo Cheng, there was a mighty old man, wearing a gold helmet, a red and beautiful flower robe, a golden dragon scale armor, an ink black foal under his crotch and a Phoenix Tail Gold scale gun. He was majestic and shouted, "who is coming?"

The sound moved with internal strength and vibrated all over the field.

In the Han Army array opposite, Xu Huang hugged his fist and said, "I\'ve heard for a long time that Luo Yi in Youzhou is a rare hero. When I saw him today, he was really extraordinary. I have something important to talk about with general Luo in front of the Han Army array today."

Luo Yi took his gun and shouted, "Youzhou has never participated in the scuffle in the Central Plains. Do you think Youzhou is weak and deceptive when you commit Youzhou today?"

Before Xu Huang spoke, Wang Meng, dressed in a green shirt, took the lead and said, "old general, now the troubled times have been settled, the north and the south are unified, and all the princes in the world have offered their surrender tables and bowed their heads to be ministers. The old general is a hero in the world. When you know the general trend..."

Luo Yi\'s thick eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Luo Cheng came back from the Siming Mountain princes\' meeting and told him the strength of Liu Hao.

Recently, Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande, two great northern princes, led troops South and fought a bloody battle with millions of troops in Guanzhong. Although Luo Yi was far away in Youzhou, he also received the wind.

Shanyang, Liu Wuzhou, die!

Hebei Dou Jiande, destroy!

Guanzhong, Li Yuan, absolutely!

Several big lords and princes were killed in the first war!

Luo Yi knows a lot about Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande. They all support hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and the strength of his Youzhou army is between Bozhong and Luo Yi.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are powerful enough to win the world, and even the first World War in Guanzhong was destroyed. What kind of hegemonic figure is Liu Hao!?

"The holy emperor has said that if you rush outside, you must first settle inside. The Han people don\'t kill the Han people."

Wang Meng continued: "I led the army to wipe out the north. Now I\'m with General Xu Huang. I\'m going to go north out of Youzhou to conquer Turks according to the will of the holy emperor. If general Luo falls to the Han Dynasty, the holy emperor will be reused. It\'s the luck of millions of people in Youzhou. Killing Turks can be listed in the annals of history. Isn\'t it the work of a great husband?"

Know with emotion, move with reason.

Everyone in Youzhou army was moved.

Wang Meng pulled the people of Youzhou into the same camp of the Han people and pointed directly at the common enemy Turk, which is the great righteousness.

Turks are divided into East and West. The West Turks are not as powerful as the East Turks, but they also run across the grassland. From time to time, they invade Youzhou and rob the people. Naturally, people in Youzhou hate their bones.

Unfortunately, the Turkic cavalry came and went like the wind. Luo Yi\'s Youzhou army fought against it for decades and failed to win the Turkic army.

"Does the emperor of Han really want to send troops to Turks?"

Luo Yi held the reins and asked in a deep voice.

Wang Meng said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the holy emperor, has risen from Bashu, collected Lingnan, set foot in Jingchu and killed three heroes in Luoyang. He fought fiercely in Guanzhong, invincible and broad. He is a wise king never seen in the world, and the Turkic border barbarians dare to covet the land of China..."

"Not to hide from the old general, your majesty has sent generals to kill East and West Turks on the grassland. It\'s time for general Luo to kill Turk thieves!"

Wang Mengwen was shocked by the sea. He was eloquent and enunciated clearly. It was enlightening to hear.

Luo Cheng and Yan Yun rode for eighteen years, and their blood was boiling. They wanted to take their guns and mount their horses immediately. They ran to the grassland with the army of the Dynasty and killed the Turks!

"Father, I\'ve seen your Majesty the holy emperor. Wende\'s martial arts are really the holy and bright monarch that hasn\'t been seen in thousands of years. Why don\'t you... Surrender."

Luo Cheng said on Luo Yi\'s side.

Luo Yi\'s eyes turned and found that Yan Yun\'s eighteen horses, like Luo Cheng, were full of hope. He immediately sighed, "Wang JINGLUE, a real national scholar!"

Wearing a green shirt, he said that he had dropped the whole Youzhou with only three inches of eloquence, which can be called an unparalleled national scholar!

Luo Yi hugged his fist on his horse and said, "if you want to kill Turkic dogs, count me as an old man!"


The night is as cold as water.

On the boundless grassland.

Wu mourns the heavenly king ran min riding on the Zhulong divine horse, holding a double-edged spear and a long hook halberd, galloping under the moonlight.

Behind him, young generals such as Huan Wen, Zu Ti and Gou Xi led the snow wolf to ride like the wind.

Hooves roared like thunder, and grass debris and soil splashed on the ground.

Not far away, a Turkic tribe can be seen faintly.

Ran min held his horse\'s belly between his legs, held the halberd high in his right hand, and shouted, "tell me, what\'s ahead!"

Xiao Qi Du Wei Huan Wen pressed his knife and shouted, "Turks!"


Under the moonlight, a cruel and bloodthirsty smile gradually appeared at the corners of Ran min\'s mouth and roared, "but today, this general will tell you a truth! The world is big, hundreds of millions of people, and Han, Turk and Korean are human!"

"But people are high and low. The Han people live in the divine land of China and are supreme, while the Turkic barbarians are born our humble slaves!"

"Now the Turks are not king like and the holy emperor is furious. My general wants to kill the grassland with blood today and let the whole grassland flow with blood!"

"Willing to follow the general and kill thousands of miles with blood!!"

Young people like Huan Wen and Zu Ti felt their blood burning and shouted wildly.

Thirty thousand snow wolves rode, also raised the machete in their hands and roared in unison.

The howl of the wolf and the roar of the wolf cavalry merged together and shook the field.

The Turkic tribe finally woke up.

The nation growing up on horseback reacted quickly, and thousands of riders instantly killed out of the camp.

At the head was a burly Turkic fierce man, holding a machete, pointing to ran min and shouting angrily: "you humble Chinese dog, dare to make trouble in the Turkic tribe, you all have to die!"

The Turkic cavalry also waved their machetes and screamed.

They invade the pass every year. They don\'t know how much oil and water they have made from the Han people. On weekdays, they have regarded the Han people as pigs and sheep. At this time, when the Han people come to attack the tribe, how can they bear it?

Dozens of powerful Turkic cavalry, wielding machetes, killed ran min.

"Humble bastards!"

Ran min smiled grimly, but did not say much. His legs clamped his horse\'s belly. Zhu long rushed out like a flash of fire