The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2365

At the gate of the city, Liu Hao exchanged greetings with the Han officials who came back from the southern expedition for a while. Liu Hao said, "I\'ll give a banquet in the palace tonight. Everyone will come. Don\'t get drunk tonight."

"Minister, thank you for your kindness!"



In the night sky, the moon is bright and the stars are Lang Lang.

There is a strange mountain winding south around the ancient city. Its mountain landform is like a Youlong, so it is also called Panlong mountain.

A middle-aged Taoist priest was standing on the top of Panlong mountain, looking up at the sky with a strange look.

"Strange! Strange!"

"Ziwei emperor\'s star reflects Guanzhong. It should be the spirit of Li valve. How can the stars in the north be dim? It seems that even Yuanba has been unlucky?"

The middle-aged Taoist is called Yuan Tiangang. He pinches a strange formula in his hand. It seems very difficult to understand, and the expression on his face is gradually dignified.

Looking for the dragon and looking for Qi is also a secret means handed down from ancient times. Yuan Tiangang has the means to connect with heaven, and is also known as immortal Ziyang.

He also has an identity, that is, Li Yuanba\'s master.

"The emperor star flutters and falls in the northwest. It seems that it\'s time for me to get out of the mountain!"


The Song Dynasty, the Duke of Zhennan, swept the South and returned to the dynasty triumphantly. The three armies of the Han Dynasty were inspired.

In Chang\'an City, running water banquets have been held for several days, and the city is in a state of jubilation.

On this day, Xie Xuan, a senior general of Longxiang camp, also returned from Luoyang to resume his life:

"Your Majesty, Rong Fengxiang is here."

"Bring him in."

Liu Hao put down his memorials and said calmly.

An old man in a robe came in nervously and nervously. He didn\'t dare to look at the red gold dragon chair. He knelt down and saluted: "Luoyang chamber of commerce is glorious and auspicious. I\'ll see your Majesty the holy emperor!"

"Should I call you the devil to dispel the dust, or should I call you rongfengxiang?"

Liu Hao glanced at him and said faintly.

Rong Fengxiang roared in his mind. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He walked several steps on his knees and said in a hurry: "tell your majesty! I have retired from the Jianghu and engaged in business at ease. I have never done anything harmful to nature or resisted a big man. Please forgive me."

"The Li valve people in Guanzhong will be beheaded tomorrow. If you have done anything, today is a corpse. The Rong family will kill them all."

Liu Hao said calmly, "I have included the Yin Kui sect under my command, and most of the sects of the holy gate have been destroyed. Please hand in the martial arts and mental skills of the true preacher Lao Jun\'s view."

The evil way PI Chen, alias Rong Fengxiang, mixed with the chairman of Luoyang chamber of Commerce. In fact, he has some secret connection with Yin Kui sect.

The dust removing vest was in a cold sweat. He breathed a sigh of relief and carefully took out a secret script hidden close to him. Before he could give it to him, Liu Hao rolled up his robe sleeve, which gave birth to a unique absorbing force in the void and took the secret script away from him.

"You step down and be a good man from now on."

The evil way PI Chen heard Liu haoweiyi\'s voice, quickly bowed down and gave a big ceremony, and withdrew from the hall.

Liu Hao\'s awe inspiring power just now was like a towering mountain, which pressed on his heart and made him out of breath. When he came out of the hall, he felt the breadth of the world.

"Has the cultivation of the holy emperor crossed the great master and reached the realm of breaking the void?"

Bichen has lingering palpitations.

He is a multi-year-old man in the Jianghu. He has won the reputation of the eight masters of the demon sect. Naturally, he is also the number one person. He has seen the overlord of the owl like a crucian carp crossing the river, but no one can compare with Liu Hao.

Master Wudao met an expert in the realm of great master, and he may not be able to compete, but PI Chen met Liu Hao, but he was directly crushed and couldn\'t even resist

As he was walking outside, PI Chen suddenly saw a familiar figure. Just a flash, he shrank into an inch and crossed a distance of more than 20 feet.

Vaguely looking back, he saw that the middle-aged man in green shirt bowed down in the hall and saluted Liu Hao.

Evil king, Shi Zhixuan!

PI Chen was shocked and suddenly stopped. His mouth opened and his eyes were about to pop out of his eyes


"It\'s really preaching martial arts. It\'s really evil..."

Liu Hao looked at the martial arts of Lao Jun Guan, the true preacher, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

The inheritance of the true path is divided into two parts, but it has created two eight masters of the demon sect, namely, Bichen, Ziwu sword and Zuo Youxian. It can be said that they have great potential.

This vein of the evil way is the inheritance of Lao Jun\'s view, which talks about the art of yin and Yang and the combination of houses.

Although it can not be compared with the Heart Sutra of the Royal daughter of the Yellow Emperor, it also expounds the avenue from another angle, which also benefits Liu Hao.

"Shi Qing, you\'re here."

Sensing the Qi of Shi Zhixuan, Liu Hao closed his mind.

Shi Zhixuan said, "Congratulations, your majesty. You have to really preach and secret Xuangong. There are two ways and six sects of the holy gate. Now there are only the demon Xiang sect that has not been collected."


Liu Hao shook his head and sighed, "there is also the evil heart magic Dharma of the evil extreme sect. This is the real central divine skill of the holy gate heaven magic strategy."

Zhao Deyan of the evil phase school is the national teacher of the East Turks. Liu Hao\'s next strategy is to use troops for the sudden advance. Naturally, he can\'t run away.

The key is this magic method of heart planting. It is amazing, but like the atlas of the God of war, it is hidden in the world.

You Niao tired and Ding jiuzhong, the so-called experts of the evil extreme sect and the disciples of Xiang Yutian, learned other martial arts of the evil extreme sect, but didn\'t learn the most critical kind of evil in the heart, which disappointed Liu haohaosheng.

Shi Zhixuan said with a smile: "the magic of Daoxin has disappeared for hundreds of years. It is basically impossible to find it in a short time. Among the four wonderful books, there is another volume, but in front of your majesty, taking it is like looking for things."

"Shi Qing said the Cihang sword code?"

Liu Hao smiled and communicated with smart people, which was pleasant.

Cihang sword Scripture is also one of the four wonderful books in the world. It can be said that the scattered immortal Ning Daoqi spits blood, which he once read, is extremely obscure and profound.

"The evil king will lead the imperial master and send troops to wipe out the gate of Cihang Jingzhai mountain."

"Minister, take orders!"

Li valve was destroyed in Guanzhong. Without the support of such a powerful valve force, Cihang Jingzhai had only the influence in the Jianghu.

Now the four holy monks have been destroyed, and the thirteen stick monks have also died in the battle of the evil king against Chang\'an. The cards of Cihang Jingzhai have been played, and the rest is no longer enough.

Liu Hao has long wanted to see what the mystery of the Cihang sword code is. Unfortunately, due to the general trend, he has not been able to make the trip.

At this time, Chang\'an City, suddenly came a tsunami like cry.

"What day is it today?"

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, withdrew his mind and asked curiously