The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2364

"Ding! After the host completes the current world mainline series of tasks, the learning permission of ancient characters will be opened. Please let the host know!"

Listening to the system prompt, Liu Hao decisively inquired about the system task progress:

"Speaking of heroes, who is the final task of heroes - please defeat the three great masters and officially destroy the Turks, Tuyuhun and Koryo!"

"This series of end tasks is very difficult, and the final reward must be rich!"

Liu Hao took back his mind with satisfaction and said, "Ziling, I\'m going to send you to the imperial learning palace. There are thousands of volumes of ancient books and secret strategies in the learning palace. The famous Confucianism Gao Xianyun collection. You can learn the way of holy texts... What do you think?"

Since the two Xiaoqiang are mixed with themselves, their loyalty is on the horizontal line. Liu Hao naturally doesn\'t hesitate to cultivate them.

Kou Zhong likes to move and is as fierce as nine days of thunder. Liu Hao sent him to invade the battlefield and sweep the south, making him famous as a Young Marshal.

Xu Ziling, on the other hand, is quiet by nature. He is like a pool of autumn water. He doesn\'t like to fight with others. Liu Hao plans to put him in the imperial palace. If the way of Saint Wen is successful, he will become a master of civil and martial arts in the future, which is no worse than Kou Zhong.

"What I wish, I dare not invite you!"

Xu Ziling readily agreed and said, "after I have met Zhong Shao, I will go to the Imperial Palace mentioned by your majesty."

Good friends, a quilt.

Kou Zhong is the only one that Xu Ziling remembers most in the world.

The two gangsters depend on life and death. They grow up all the way and swear to stand out. Now Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have found their own positions.

"So good."

Liu Hao nodded and smiled.



After the 13th, the Han Dynasty conquered the army in the South and finally took charge of Chang\'an.

In recent days, in order to eliminate the remaining Party of Li valve, the whole city of Chang\'an has been under martial law. Today, in order to welcome the victorious return of the Imperial Army, drums are also played, making the whole city a sensation and bustling.

Many ordinary people went to meet them ten miles outside the city in order to see the heroic style of the fierce soldiers of the dynasty.

Along the official road, people in Guanzhong can be seen everywhere, which is a rare spectacle in this troubled times.

The reason is that Liu Hao implemented the policy of benefiting the people and benevolence, which reduced the taxes of the people. Now the prestige of the emperor of the Han Dynasty is at the height of the sun.

"Look, the Duke of Zhennan is coming!"

There was a sudden cry of surprise in the crowd. The people next to the official road stood on tiptoe and looked at the green robed middle-aged people driving horses in the distance, cheering and boiling.

"The holy emperor\'s imperial seal is not the first swordsman!"

"Kill Ning Dodge, one of the three great masters!"

"The hero of Zhennan is peerless. Tiandao is invincible. He has swept the south!"


The ground began to vibrate amid the loud cries of the crowd.

Not far away, the great man, an iron and blood master, walked slowly with neat and killing steps. The towering of the Dynasty gradually revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Huben\'s fierce soldiers are all clanking with iron armor, holding long guns and halberds, and marching towards Chang\'an city.

In the face of such an iron and blood hero, the people were stunned.


In this troubled time, they have seen the random war of princes, but they have never seen such a terrible iron blood hero.

Every step of this army\'s fierce pawn seems to be measured with a ruler. He swaggers, looks at the front and is murderous!

"Your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

The royal guards drove horses at a gallop, and the sound shocked all the fields.

First of all, the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp on both sides of the official road knelt down on one knee and hugged fists. In the March, they shouted: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The people on both sides of the official road also knelt down and shouted in unison, full of awe.

Song Kuan, who was in front of the horse beating line, also rolled his saddle and fell off his horse. Kou Zhong and Xu Xingzhi behind him all fell on one knee and shouted long live the mountain.

For a moment, the whole Chang\'an city was shouting long live.

The chariot of the emperor of Kowloon galloped out. Liu Hao got down from the carriage and shouted, "all the people of the Han Dynasty, get flat."

The powerful and deep voice, stirring and spreading far away, can be clearly heard in the whole Chang\'an city.

Liu Hao stepped forward, picked up song Que and said with a smile, "in March, Song Qing swept across the south of the Yangtze River. Song Qing\'s great achievements today must be recorded in history and will last forever."

Song que quickly bowed and hugged his fist and said, "the minister just made a little effort. It was all due to his Majesty\'s great power that the world was subject and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment."

"Good, good, good!"

Liu Hao looked around. Obviously, he was in a good mood. He laughed and said, "Kou Zhong, I heard that you played the reputation of Young Marshal in the south?"

Kou Zhong winked at Xu Ziling behind song Que and exchanged eyes. Hearing Liu Hao\'s voice, he hurriedly saluted and said, "at the end of the day, he will rely on his Majesty\'s divine power to shock the world. Where the army passes, he will fall in the wind!"

"And you learned to butter up?"

Liu Hao was slightly happy and glanced at the empty walk around Kou Zhong.

Empty action - force 78, intelligence 93, politics 84, command 85, talent 86!

Stunt 1, the world\'s talents: superior intelligence, profound strategy!

Empty action is the world\'s talent, intelligence + 2, politics + 2!

Stunt 2, Ming Fu: when they meet the Ming Lord and their loyalty reaches 100 full value, they can make their monarch intelligence + 2!

Tip: [the loyalty of the current virtual line to the host is 88 points!!]

If you remember correctly, this middle-aged counselor called Xu Xingzhi is the master of the young commander\'s army in the original plot. He found a big surprise by observing his attributes with Qi skill.

The dual attribute ability exceeds 90 points, and this stunt that can push up the monarch\'s intelligence has found a treasure!

Liu Hao patted Xu Xingzhi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I\'ve seen the military newspaper submitted by the military aircraft department. You all have great achievements. Mr. Xu has 100000 soldiers in his chest, which is the talent of Wang Zuo!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The virtual walk has been rewarded. I\'m excited. Loyalty + 10. The current loyalty is 98. Please make persistent efforts!"

Not many people were praised by the holy emperor in public. Thousands of people envied and focused on themselves. They took a deep breath, calmed their inner excitement, arched their hands, and said respectfully, "it\'s also an honor for me to serve your majesty..."