The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2366

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager who stood beside Liu Hao, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, in today\'s Dharma court, di Renjie, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment, is supervising the killing of Li valve\'s best friend."

"Almost missed the big event!"

Liu Hao suddenly thought of something and got up and said, "follow me."


Above the Dharma field.

Li Tiannan knelt down on his knees, filled with regret and fear.

When the Han Dynasty came to Chang\'an, those who chose to surrender could be exempted from responsibility. As the commander of the Li Tang forbidden guards, he chose to fight hard.

As a result, the evil king slaughtered Chang\'an City and killed the Buddhist master.

The Dragon camp of the Han Dynasty broke into the city, with unparalleled soldiers and unparalleled iron and blood. Li Tang\'s forbidden guards were no match at all.

After a fierce street battle, Li Tiannan fought with a group of Li Tang\'s dead men, some of whom were killed on the spot, while others were captured alive and put into prison, and were sentenced to death.

The Li Tang forbidden guards behind Li Tiannan are also in a state of fear and confusion:

"If only I hadn\'t fought against the Han Dynasty!"

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, let alone if. Stubbornly resisting the army of the dynasty is equivalent to plotting against the capital crime. The Ministry of punishment of the Han Dynasty intervened, and di Renjie, the Minister of punishment, served as the beheading officer.

"Lord Di, your Majesty the holy emperor has arrived!"

The royal guards rushed to the Dharma court and shouted loudly. The atmosphere on the court was boiling.

The ninth five, the overlord of the male army who killed millions of princes is coming!

The common people around the Dharma center are looking forward to it. If they can see the emperor of the Han Dynasty with their own eyes, it will be a bragging talk in the future.

Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang, a pair of good friends, dare not neglect at all. They hurriedly get up, kneel down in front of the road and welcome Liu Hao.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the sound of mountain hooray, the Jiulong Heavenly Emperor chariot slowly drove into the Dharma field.

The dragon and horse hissed repeatedly, like the sound of dragon singing, which shocked people\'s mind and dared not look up.

Li Tiannan and others in the Dharma field were also shocked to the extreme.

They didn\'t understand until they died. It took Li Yuan half his life to become the leader of Guanzhong, and it didn\'t take long for Liu Hao to win the hearts of the people. What\'s this?

"Well done, you did a good job."

Liu Hao patted Di Renjie and Li Yuanfang on the shoulder and fully affirmed the pair of friends.

"Where is Li Jing now?"

After defeating Chang\'an City, Li Jing was arrested as a prisoner of war. Liu Hao was busy arranging the integration of Guanzhong forces and forgot the future God of war of the Tang Dynasty.

Di Renjie hugged his fist and said: "I inform your majesty that Li Jing was commander-in-chief of Li Tang. He was once highly praised by your majesty. The Shangshutai ordered him to be detained in the prison, and he was not on the list of interrogations and executions!"

Liu Hao nodded, which relieved him.

The future God of war, if he is asked and beheaded here, he will be a monster.

Looking at the Dharma center, most of them are loyal subordinates of Li Yuan who don\'t surrender. Li Tiannan, the leader of the forbidden guard army similar to Li valve, and Chai Shao, the grand valve in Guanzhong, were also killed by the whole family

The change of power requires both leniency and bloodshed.

The Lee valve forces are intertwined. Today\'s Dharma field has a wide range of implications, at least beheading thousands of levels.

Liu Hao was used to bleeding and his face was very calm. He said to di Renjie, "I\'m relieved that Aiqing works. After today, I\'ll see how to close the Longhao valve. Who dares to violate the Yin and Yang."

The emperor is the most ruthless.

If Liu Hao wants absolute control, he actually wants to weaken the power of Guan Longhao valve.

Today\'s Dharma field is open to kill, but also to set an example and deter the closure of Longhao valve.

"The time has come, cut!"

After several years of experience, di Renjie grew a moustache and looked more and more capable.

He threw the small token painted on the table towards the ground, and the executioner ghost\'s head knife in the Dharma field held high and cut it off mercilessly.

Rows of heads fell to the ground, blood splashed, and the evil spirit rushed into the sky.

Chang\'an is bleeding!

The people around were in an uproar. Some hid their eyes and dared not see the bloody scene again, while others looked more and more in awe

Since Li Jing is away, Liu Hao is not in the mood to watch the beheading.

If you really want to pursue excitement, you can be more exciting than this small scene in the past years.


The gloomy atmosphere seemed to cast a shadow on people\'s hearts.

After Liu Hao left the Dharma center, he went directly to the prison. It was the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp who guarded the prison. When they saw the emperor\'s driving, they fell to their knees. The highest etiquette in the march was long live the mountain.


The gate of the prison is open. Generally speaking, the poorer, ferocious and dangerous people are imprisoned in the deeper part of the prison,

Liu Haolong took the tiger step and went straight to the bottom.

Li Jing commanded a million troops and fought a bloody battle with Yue Fei in Guanzhong for several days. He can be regarded as an extremely dangerous person.

Although living in the cell with her hair scattered, Li Jing was still vigorous. Looking around, her eyes were awe inspiring. After she found Liu Hao standing outside the cell, she looked a little awed and complicated.

"Li Jing is known as the eternal God of war. He is really a figure!"

Liu Hao secretly praised him and didn\'t say much. He was born with a broken body. The invisible sword Qi was suddenly stimulated from the hole and immediately cut off the shackles of the cell in front of him.


Li Jing stood up, moved her wrist, arched her hand and said, "will the holy emperor come to kill me today?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "I want to kill you. Why come here in person? Brother pharmacist is a general in the world. It\'s a pity if he can\'t be used by a big man."

Li Jing said with a wry smile, "it\'s a famous general who killed hundreds of thousands of people with hundreds of thousands of troops, but lost the war and buried hundreds of thousands of troops. But he wants to die quickly."

Li Jing has millions of soldiers in his chest. As soon as he came out, he took charge of hundreds of thousands of princes\' troops. As a result, once he was defeated, his mentality was naturally unbalanced.

"It\'s not you who lost the war."

Liu Hao said with a smile, "although Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande have hundreds of thousands of troops, they actually have only momentum. In the face-to-face battle, the Great Han Huben\'s fierce soldiers can easily fight one against ten."

Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande belong to both sides of the army. It is not easy to command and dispatch. It is great that Li Jing can temporarily integrate their troops and dispatch them properly.

Unfortunately, the enemy he met was the Han Dynasty.

Follow Liu Hao to conquer the heavens and kill all over the sky and earth. He has never been a defeated imperial master