The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2363

Tip: [Zhenchuan school\'s soul stone, branded with the essence of all martial arts of Shengmen Zhenchuan school, please know!]

Liu Hao felt a little moved in his heart, and immediately took out the zhenzhuan Wuhun stone emitting a bright light. His divine mind probed into it, and this Wuhun stone turned into a gorgeous light and disappeared into Liu Hao\'s divine consciousness


Liu Hao\'s mind suddenly filled with a warm current. The key points of martial arts and mental skills of Shengmen zhenzhuan school came to Liu Hao\'s eyes.

"The sword and the gang are the same. I see. The ancients were so wise that they could create such mysterious skills. The Zuo Youxian\'s qualification is mediocre, but he can\'t understand the beauty..."

Based on the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic, the emperor\'s true strength flows slowly, and Liu Hao begins to simulate the same flow of sword and gang with small non phase power.

I don\'t know how long later, Liu Hao has placed his mind on the sword gang. The sword comes out of the void, and the sword Qi pierces the void like a dragon and snake dancing!

If Zuo Youxian comes back to life, he must be stunned. This is the real unity of heart and sword, and the sword and gang flow together!

He practiced hard all his life and worked hard, but it was not worth half an hour for Liu Hao to cross his knees and understand the Tao

"The true preacher is divided into two. Now the martial arts of the true preacher are almost complete..."

Liu Hao closed his mind and said, "when will you collect the martial arts of Lao Jun\'s view..."

The martial arts of the true preacher have some meaning of Taoist Xuangong. The successor of the old gentleman\'s view is no stranger to Liu Hao. In fact, it is the evil way Bichen, pseudonym Rong Fengxiang, and another identity is the president of Luoyang chamber of Commerce.

Not long ago, in order to deploy the battle of millions of male troops in Guanzhong, Liu Hao ignored the evil way to break the dust.

"It\'s of great use for me to send Xie Xuan to Luoyang and take the old gentleman\'s temple to pass on the evil way and break the dust back to Chang\'an."

"My Lord, yes!"


Step! Step! Step!

Outside the Rong mansion in Luoyang, there was a sudden sound of light and solemn footsteps.

The devil\'s way has strong dust removing skills. Naturally, I heard the sound. My figure flashed, put on his clothes and rushed out from between the doors and windows.

"The president of Luoyang chamber of Commerce listens to the order!"

The moonlight fell on the courtyard. Unexpectedly, I didn\'t know when the armor was full of clanking iron armor and holding a long spear and halberd. Xie Xuan, who was in armor, said with a clang of his sword: "the holy emperor has an order to announce that Rong Fengxiang, President of Luoyang chamber of commerce, will come to Xidu to meet!"

The people in Rongfu were shocked and frightened. Rongfengxiang observed the surrounding situation and was dejected.

Longxiang camp is a forbidden army of the dynasty. It works naturally and carefully. The courtyard and walls are full of guards, armed with crossbows, aiming at Rong Fengxiang.

Not to mention the young general standing by the sword in front of him, his momentum is deep and firm,

If there is any change, Rong Fengxiang and even the whole Rong mansion will be killed

Rao is a veteran of Rong Fengxiang\'s Jianghu experience. At this time, he also looks pale and forces himself to calm down and say, "I... yes."



After hitting Guanzhong, the power began to shuffle.

Officials originally related to Li valve were removed and replaced by young officials of the Han Dynasty to fill the vacancy.

There is a buffer period for the alternation of political power.

During this period, the ministers of the Shangshutai were busy with the implementation of the new deal. Liu Hao seemed to take charge of the overall situation. In fact, he became the shopkeeper, but he was idle.

Chang\'an palace, imperial garden.

At this time, it is the time for chrysanthemums to bloom in late autumn. Flowers are blooming and fragrant.

Liu Hao sat by the lake in the imperial garden and looked at the lake. The lake was clear and bright like a mirror.

Yun Yuzhen and Shang Xiufang, who have officially entered the harem and have been honored as noble people, are sitting close to Liu Hao, one left and one right. They are beautiful and beautiful, reflecting the flowing water.

The fish in the lake swam in front of Liu Hao and suddenly sank. Shang Xiufang and Yun Yuzhen were stunned.

Liu Hao smiled. Isn\'t that what happened?

Look at the beauties around you. They are really beautiful. They are no less than the four famous beauties in history.

The leisurely time with the beauty was not too long, and a burst of light footsteps sounded in the imperial garden.

"Your Majesty, Xu Ziling galloped thousands of miles to Yangzhou. Now he\'s back to recover his life."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, whispered.

"The longevity formula is in hand!"

Liu Hao smiled and sprinkled the bait in his hand into the lake. Thousands of golden Koi jumped out of the water and scrambled for food.


"Minister Xu Ziling, fortunately, I didn\'t disgrace my life. Here\'s the formula for longevity!"

Xu Ziling saw Liu Hao sitting on the red gold dragon chair in the side hall. He couldn\'t help but feel strange:

Compared with the last meeting, Liu Hao\'s momentum seems to have become more and more Yuanzhi tingning. There is a stronger pressure between his hands and feet, which makes people unconsciously want to kneel down.

Thinking of the hearsay that the holy emperor destroyed millions of troops in Guanzhong, Xu Ziling\'s breathing slowed down a lot unconsciously, and his heart became more and more awed.

Liu Hao took a picture in the air and took the longevity formula in Xu Ziling\'s hand.

System prompt: [congratulations to the host, you have obtained the longevity formula of one of the four wonderful books. To learn this volume, you need to recognize ancient characters. Please know it!]

The material of this ancient book is very strange. It is cold and has a faint smell of ancient vicissitudes. When you open it, the words in it are really unrecognizable.

Liu Hao conquered the heavenly world, collected several world book collections and the addition of historical knowledge. At this time, he turned out to be illiterate!

I don\'t understand!

I can\'t understand it at all!

Liu Hao sensed the secret of eternal life with his mind. He could sense some ancient flavor flowing in it, but he could not explore its meaning.

"Ziling, it\'s hard for you this time."

After trying again and again, there was still no response. Liu Hao asked, "can you tell me your experience of practicing this longevity formula with Zhong Shao, which may be helpful to me?"

Now Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong really recognize Liu Hao as the boss. Naturally, they will not hide their secrets. They come together with Kou Zhong\'s fate. Liu Hao is speechless.

These two cockroaches have really taken shit luck to practice this supreme Xuangong. They have no reference significance at all.

But now that he has the longevity formula, Liu Hao always has a way to solve the mystery.

"System, can you exchange the learning permission of ancient characters?"