The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2362

"It is said that the emperor of the Han Dynasty is the God of heaven. He stepped on the stars and came to the world by dragon and horse. He is the right man!"

"The holy emperor calms the world. The people in Guanzhong finally have a good life!"

"How honored it is to be a Han!"

"Me too. I have no regrets to be a strong man in this life!"


The people at the bottom are always the most honest and direct.

They don\'t care about the overthrow of your luxury valve or the change of dynasty. Most people are only concerned about whether their mouths can be full and whether the whole family can wear warm clothes.

Can survive in the world, for thousands of years.

Liu Hao was familiar with the rise and fall of China for thousands of years. Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, the people have been the foundation.

He instructed the Shangshu station to implement the new deal, which suddenly made Liu Hao enjoy the hearts and minds of the people in Guanzhong. Liu Hao\'s personal reputation is also at the peak of the sun among the people.

"There are even rumors outside that your majesty is the crape myrtle God who came to save the common people..."

Mei Changsu put her hands together in her sleeves, and a faint smile hung from the corners of her mouth.

The military aircraft department controls intelligence. As an important Minister of military aircraft, he is equivalent to Liu Hao\'s eyes and ears, overlooking the world for Liu Hao.

This traceless flattery made Liu Hao feel comfortable, smiled and asked, "is there any news from the south of the Yangtze River?"

Mei Changsu arched his hand and said, "Kou Zhong swept the south of the Yangtze River with the moon sword in the well. He killed the iron cavalry club and Wu Jun against Wang Shen faxing. He didn\'t dare to resist. He offered the city and fell down. He is on the way to Chang\'an to worship. The Duke of Zhennan has swept the south. In a short time, his majesty will be able to collect all the land in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Qin Qiong led his troops to fight in Hebei, and Xu Huang beat down the land of Qinglu and left Hejian. At that time, the two armies will wipe out Hebei and reach Youzhou..."

The grand strategy has been revealed, and Liu Hao has a heroic spirit of swallowing thousands of miles in his heart.

At this time, a series of system prompt tones came from the system:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Empress Zhu Yuyan killed Chao gongcuo, the immortal of the South China Sea. The additional reward worship value is 3000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. The imperial concubine Diao Chan killed you Niao tired, an expert of the evil extreme sect. The additional reward worship value is 2000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Wan Wan killed Ding jiuzhong, an expert of the evil extreme sect. The additional reward worship value is 1500 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Imperial concubine Diao Chan killed Jinhuan Zhen, an expert of the evil extreme sect. The additional reward worship value is 1500 points!"


The beheading message of the demon giant jumped out like a screen.

"Two ways and six schools of the devil\'s gate are cleaned up!"

Liu Hao was a little happy. He noticed that there were red dots flashing on the system panel, so he cut in.

When the picture changes, you can see Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, standing on the top of a mountain. The Purple Palace Dress with ribbons floats slowly. She is dignified and fluttering. Her face is like an immortal. She is not as beautiful as human figures.

An old man with white hair, tall and powerful, holding a sword, also stood on the top of the mountain.

This man was Zuo Youxian, an expert of the Zhenchuan sect. He looked frightened and shouted, "you have extraordinary martial arts and are also a member of the holy gate. Must you kill them today?"

Zuo Youxian has always been active in the south. When the Imperial Army swept across the south, he naturally could not escape the fate of being cleaned.

Diao Chan said calmly, "if you don\'t respect the emperor or surrender to a great man, you can only die."

"What a arrogant tone! I was afraid that there were troops behind you to help you. I didn\'t expect you to kill them all. Today I\'ll let you know the unique skills of Zhenchuan school!"

Zuo Youxian burst into laughter, and the shocked white beard and white hair rustled.

His age is also the realm of martial arts masters. He has always been respected by thousands of people. Today, he was chased and killed like a lost dog. A large number of disciples died, and his heart was furious.


All I could hear was a loud sword in the air. Zuo Youxian Shi exhibited the unique martial arts of Zhenchuan school.

Ziwu Gang Qi and Renbing sword technique are both handed down from the Taoist school. Zuo Youxian has trained Ziwu Gang to the 18th level, which is already the top of the martial arts master. At this time, when you use Renbing sword technique, the fierce and domineering sword Qi fills the void and gives people a gloomy and strange feeling.

The sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and moves towards the key cover of Diao Chan. It is obvious that he has the idea of killing.

The Diao cicada did not move, but her bright wrist was slightly raised, and her slender hand touched the purple ribbon. The full-bodied spirit of the devil spread out in the air!

God, magic field!

It seems that there are countless black holes in the air, which contain infinite phagocytic power and guide the sword gang in.

Zuo Youxian felt that his five senses were in turmoil. He was shocked and said, "how possible, this woman... Who is this woman? Her magic Dharma is even better than Zhu Yuyan after Yin!"

Zuo Youxian, one of the eight masters of the demon sect, naturally knows the strength of Zhu Yuyan, the queen of Yin.

"Your sword and gang flow together, and you are still in the realm of separation of God rather than muddy flow of God. The secret script of the holy door zhenzhuan sect presented today, kneel down and surrender, and you will not die."

Diao Chan is a great master of martial arts. She often attends Liu Hao\'s side and talks about martial arts with Liu Hao and other experts who have only stepped into the fairyland world. Her horizons are naturally broad.

Zuo Youxian has established a sect in the Jianghu, but she is not in the eyes of Diao Chan.

After falling into the heaven magic field, Zuo Youxian\'s sword gang Tongliu was distorted and watered down by the heaven magic strength. After all, he lost a chip and lost in the hands of Diao Chan.

"I am willing to hand over the martial arts of Zhenchuan sect. Please spare my life!"

After being seriously injured by Tianmo Jin, Zuo Youxian fell into the dust. There was no master\'s demeanor. He handed over the secret script of zhenzhuan sect and kowtowed like a pound of garlic. The ground banged

"I just gave you a chance. If you don\'t cherish it, you can die now."

Diao Chan\'s tiny finger flick and the magic Qi took the secret script of Zhenchuan school. After confirming that it was correct, she bent her finger and shot the void sword Qi from the hole.

A blood hole appeared in front of the left Youxian\'s forehead, and blood was flowing out.


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The imperial concubine Diao Chan killed Zuo Youxian of Zhenchuan sect. The worship value is 3000 points and one Zhenchuan sect soul stone is rewarded!"

"Zhenchuan school Wuhun stone?"

Liu Hao looked slightly stunned.

Generally, the Wuhun stone will fall only when the enemy\'s generals are killed.

Just like killing Su dingfang, a Wuhun stone fell. Unexpectedly, the Zhenchuan sect lost one