The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2361

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, Jin zichi flashed and said in a slow voice, "since Tuyuhun dares to intervene in the affairs of the Central Plains, I will destroy the whole Tuyuhun... Go to pass on the ministers and generals of the Shangshutai and prepare for the military discussion in the court."


Royal Guards clung to their fists and took orders.

At the command of Liu Hao, the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty rushed to Chang\'an palace one after another.

After the Mermaids entered the hall and divided into two columns of civil and military forces, Liu Hao directly asked, "it is established in Guanzhong. The northern princes died in the battlefield in Guanzhong. It is easy to subdue the north. In the next step, I want to destroy Tuyuhun, Turks and Koryo. What\'s your plan, Aiqing?"

The hall immediately began to talk loudly.

It is a national war to destroy the Yi nationality, which involves a lot and is by no means a trivial matter.

In particular, at the peak of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, led millions of troops to invade Korea, even losing the war.

Northern princes such as Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande also secretly colluded with Turks and bowed down to be ministers in exchange for their support!

Li Yuan, the Li valve, even recognized Turks as his father after sitting in the middle of the pass.

In this world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, the power of different races is more powerful than expected.

"Hit! Hit the fuck!"

"Your Majesty, please send troops immediately, and the minister will lead the wolf to ride immediately, sweep the grassland, and swear not to be a man without slaughtering the grassland!"

"As long as there are only 3000 generals at the end, they must take the head of Turkic Khan at the beginning and end!"

The ministers were discussing the details of the strategic military aircraft and the advance and dispatch of troops, while the generals looked excited. They wanted to immediately put on their wings, carry knives and guns, directly kill and rush to the grassland, and destroy the grassland countries for Liu Hao.

Field marshal Yue Fei also stood up and said with a fist in his arms: "I am willing to lead the Wei army to clean up the grassland for your majesty and kill the Turks and Tuyuhun countries!"

System prompt: [Yue Fei broke through millions of troops of princes in Guanzhong, and his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high. Under this state, the aura of Beiwei Legion will be doubled. Please know!]


Not only general five tigers and nine dragons, but even Yue Fei is crazy!

Military heart available!

Liu Hao looked a little stunned and immediately said with a smile, "when Peng always raises troops, what does Shi Qing think of the current situation?"

It was inappropriate to call Shi Zhixuan the evil king in the court. Liu Hao directly called him Shi Qing.

Shi Zhixuan, once incarnated as Pei Ju, was an important minister in the imperial court of the great Sui Dynasty who arranged the strategies of various countries in the western regions. He knew more about the situation of Turks, Tuyuhun and other countries.

When Liu Hao called his name, Shi Zhixuan stood out, arched his hands and said in a respectful voice: "Turks can be divided into East and West. At the beginning, they are the sweat of East Turks. Over the past ten years, they have conquered the South and North, from Qidan and Shiwei in the east to Tuyuhun and Gaochang in the West. As for the West Turks, they are based in the Ili River basin. The whole land west of Altai mountain is theirs, and the territory is not inferior to the East Turks."

"Whether it is east Turk or west Turk, its subordinate establishment is different from the system of the middle Turkish imperial dynasty. It takes the tribe as the main body. For example, the beginning and end of East Turk is just the most powerful chief, who is elected as the supreme leader. In that place where the strong is king, no one dares to guarantee that he can still maintain his power and status tomorrow..."

"Bi Xuan is the first expert of East Turks, so he has a transcendent status like a God in the local area. If Shi Bi Khan doesn\'t have his support, he can\'t sit in the position of Great Khan... So the minister thinks that attacking and killing Bi Xuan is the best policy to destroy Turks!"

Three great masters.

People in the Jianghu regard him as a figure of Wulin myth and a legend in the world.

In the first World War of Chang\'an, immortal Ning Daoqi died in the hand of the evil king Shi Zhixuan who made up for the flaw, while the remaining two great masters at the top of the martial arts are not from the Central Plains.

Fu Cailin, the master of sword playing in Gaoli country, is a mysterious and unpredictable sword player. If the sword missing in Song Dynasty is the first sword in the world, as long as no one in Cihang Jingzhai has practiced the highest level of Cihang sword code, Fu Cailin\'s cultivation of sword is the world\'s first sword in Sui and Tang Dynasties!

Another great master is bi Xuan, a martial master in East Turkistan.

The respect of martial arts and Taoism, the great law of Yanyang, burn all the eight wastelands!

This is how noble and domineering. Since then, we can see how strong Bi Xuan is.

Liu Hao flicked his finger on the table, recalled the original plot in his mind, smiled and said: "Shi Qing\'s words are reasonable. I have made up my mind. First, I will completely calm the north as soon as possible. When the world returns to the Han Dynasty, I will raise the army and enlist Turks in person..."

"At that time, Peng will lead his troops to attack Tuyuhun, and Wang JINGLUE will lead his troops out of Youzhou and destroy Korea."

Now the Han Dynasty has gathered thousands of heroes through the ages. There are a large number of civil and military talents. Yue Fei and Wang Meng are all talents of the world. Liu Hao has too many cards to play.

The initial foreign strategy was thus decided. Yue Fei, Wang Meng and others all stood out and said, "minister, take orders!"

The court meeting was dissolved, and the Great Han civil and military people retreated.

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly caught up with Wang Meng and said with a grin, "Wang JINGLUE, what do you think of my martial arts?"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin\'s teasing force, Wang Meng was a little speechless. He bowed his hand and said, "general Cheng is deeply appreciated by his majesty. He is listed as the thirty-six General of Xuanwu. He is a hero of the king Dynasty and a rare general in the world."


Cheng Yaojin was a little elated. He patted his chest and said with a smile, "I\'ve been a pioneer general for many times in my life. I\'ll never let you down when I go to Korea this time!"

I came to beg for the pioneer Officer

Thinking that this was the recognized blessing general of the dynasty, Wang Meng was also willing to sell him a favor and said, "general Cheng, the general of the dynasty, this matter is wrapped up in Wang Meng."


Chang\'an is not very calm these days.

The emperor of the Great Han Dynasty settled in Guanzhong, and the news of Li valve\'s defeat has been spread.

The common people know that this place in the pass has changed its master.

At first, the people in Guanzhong were worried that if the city was destroyed, it would be accompanied by blood and killing.

But later, the people in Guanzhong were completely relieved.

The Han Dynasty stabilized the town of Xidu, but did not implement bloody repression. On the wide streets of Chang\'an, there were regular inspections by the Dragon camp guards with clanking iron armor and holding long guns and halberds. The alternation of political power in Guanzhong is in a smooth transition

At the same time, the Shangshu desk, the power center of the Han Dynasty, also issued a document to implement the new Han Dynasty policy in Guanzhong generation and abolish the original system. The tax of the new policy has been reduced by at least 30% compared with the original. The people in Guanzhong are jubilant and ecstatic!

For a moment, Liu Hao\'s reputation was at its zenith