The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2360

With a little effort on Liu Hao\'s arm, Yun Yuzhen\'s weak and boneless body fell into Liu Hao\'s arms.

The beauty gave a cry of exhortation, and her cheeks like snow and jade instantly turned red, as bright as clouds.

The spring night is warm and the emperor is romantic.


The Guanzhong war finally came to an end.

Yue Fei, marshal Wu Mu of the Great Han Dynasty, commanded the Weibei army, and finally killed the princes\' coalition forces.

Liu Wuzhou, the king of Shanyang, was unlucky. He lost Yuchi Gong, a fierce general under his command. Marshal song Jingang was also killed by Yue Yun, one of the four powerful and eight sledgehammers of the Han Dynasty. Liu Wuzhou was alone and cold-hearted. He wanted to lead the iron cavalry of Shanyang to retreat. As a result, he was picked and killed by Zhao Yun, the general of the five tigers of the Han Dynasty, and Bai longchangyin.

Dou Jiande, the Xia king of Hebei, also suffered heavy losses.

His ambition expanded and brought at least 200000 fierce soldiers from Hebei Province. He intended to invade the Central Plains. As a result, he could not steal the chicken and erode the rice.

After su dingfang was shot down and killed by Pei Yuanqing, the white robed General of the Han Army, then the famous fierce general Liu heikai also died under the gun of sun Tze, the general of the Han army. Dou Jiande was also shocked and regretted participating in the struggle for hegemony in Guanzhong

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world?

Old Huang Zhong, the general of the five tigers of the Han Dynasty, opened a strong bow with seven stones. 800 steps away, he led the string and opened an arrow to snipe and kill Dou Jiande, the king of Xia!

This generation of owl heroes, sitting on hundreds of thousands of soldiers and armours, gathered in Hebei. They were also spirited for half a life. They unexpectedly fell here. In the end, their bodies were trampled into meat mud by the chaotic army of princes, and there was no body!

The military plane soon sent the war damage report to the Chang\'an palace.

The tragedy of the war was beyond Liu Hao\'s expectation.

The Allied troops of the princes numbered 600000 and 700000, and more than 400000 were killed in the war. There are thousands of miles of fertile fields in the pass. The bodies of soldiers wearing the clothes and armor of the Allied troops of the princes can be seen everywhere.

Blood thousands of miles, miserable as hell!

The world shaking war gathered all the strength of Guan Long and the northern princes, which was several times more terrible than the chaotic war of the princes of Siming Mountain.

Liu Hao immediately ordered: "go to the herald hospital to speed up the treatment of the body and don\'t cause a plague."

If this is not handled properly and causes a plague, it is not a joke. Millions of people in Guanlong will at least die and become ghosts.

Fortunately, Liu Hao knew the seriousness of the problem, and the hospital had sufficient medical power to clean up such a post-war mess.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, bowed down and looked at Liu Hao with his eyes. He asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, how should you deal with the empress of Li valve in the palace?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "in accordance with the usual practice, he drove out of the palace and denounced him as a slave."

With the fall of Li valve, Li valve\'s children naturally became prisoners, and Liu Hao became the new owner of this magnificent palace.

Liu Hao is naturally not interested in Li Yuan\'s women. In his current status, the women he chooses are naturally unique, such as Shang Xiufang, Dong Shuni, Yun Yuzhen and so on.

Li Yuan\'s woman, even if she is somewhat beautiful, is nothing but broken shoes. It\'s not worth mentioning.

"I\'ll do it now."

Cao Zhengchun was about to bow down. Liu Hao put down the military newspaper in his hand and asked, "is there any news about Li Shimin?"

Liu Hao checked the system military newspaper and found the beheading information of Li Yuan and Li Jiancheng, but he didn\'t see the death information of Li Shimin.

"The military aircraft office searched the whole city, but has not found Li Shimin\'s whereabouts..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and was a little speechless.

Li Er is probably the son of the spirit of heaven and earth.

What is Qi Yun?

Luck can\'t be seen or touched, but it is the magical power that can help Li Er turn the risk into a barbarian in the crisis of life and death.

The same is true in history. Li Shimin encountered many dangers, but got a great opportunity to subdue good officials and generals, and finally achieved the cause of overlord.

Liu Hao set up a game to kill Li twice. For the first time, in Siming Mountain, the Buddha sect played all the cards, including three of Li Yuanba and the four holy monks, plus nine of the thirteen stick monks. Finally, Li Shimin escaped from death by relying on the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

This time the princes gathered in Guanzhong to fight fiercely. All his father and brother died. Li Er\'s life was hard, but he didn\'t know what happened and escaped again.

"Report! General Shan xiongxin wants to see you!"

"Leaflet xiongxin comes in."

"Xuan ~ ~ general Shan xiongxin has an audience!"

The eunuch screamed.

Shan xiongxin untied his sword, took a few heads in his hand, walked into the hall with a tiger step, walked more than ten steps closer to Liu Hao, knelt on one knee, threw his head to the place, and rolled his bones.

Shan xiongxin clapped his fist and said respectfully, "the last general, meet your majesty, long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"


Liu Hao glanced at the head on the ground and frowned slightly.

The heads of these subjects are rough and fierce, with braided hair. They are not the appearance of people in the Central Plains.

"At the end of the day, Li Shimin was intercepted and killed by the order of the Army division. As a result, he ran into this group of aliens..."

Shan xiongxin brought together what he saw and heard about this ambush.

Liu Hao lost his Qi skill at the dead man, and also made clear the identity of the dead man.

Tuyuhun pioneer general Xing Yifei - force 90, intelligence 46, politics 44, command 67!

Stunt: ferocious and brave, superior force!

When fighting bravely with human blood, force + 2!

Tuyuhun\'s people, why did they come to the Guanzhong generation?

Liu Hao has been in the top position for a long time and is very sensitive to war. As soon as he saw these heads, he had an alarm in his heart

Shan xiongxin pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees. He hugged his fist and said, "the leader of the Tuyuhun army has excellent martial arts. When he was about to fight with him, some foreign cavalry grabbed him and took the opportunity to take Li Shimin away. He didn\'t do well. Please bring down the Holy emperor."

Shan xiongxin\'s red face became more and more red. Liu Hao sent Wang Meng to recover him under the moon and treated him so well. Today, he let Liu Hao\'s confidant and sworn enemy go. This feeling is really hard.

Liu Hao smiled, picked up Shan xiongxin, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a warm smile, "what\'s the crime of Aiqing? Li Shimin\'s luck is good. It\'s naturally very difficult to kill him, but there\'s a saying, it\'s no more than three."

Work hard, fail again, and run out three times.

Li Shimin\'s luck can only end here