The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2359

Fan Qinghui\'s spiritual offensive may moisten things silently and brainwash people invisibly for people with low spiritual cultivation.

However, when Shi Zhixuan stepped onto the top of the great master of martial arts, his spiritual flaws were filled in by Liu Hao\'s method of mending the sky. Such a spiritual offensive was useless.

Between the palaces of Chang\'an, there was a thunderous sound.

Ding Peng, Guihai Yidao, Xiao Feng, Xiao qianjue and others have begun to launch an offensive to launch a crazy impact on Li Tang Palace.

Shi Zhixuan\'s body was like a ghost. In a flash, he crossed a distance of more than 20 feet and swept in front of two Jingzhai disciples.

Pity these two excellent disciples of Cihang Jingzhai. Their martial arts are good enough to rank first in the Jianghu. But in front of the evil king, they are like two string puppets. Their necks are easily broken by Shi Zhixuan\'s immortal seal method, and the long sword around their waist is only half an inch out of its sheath

After killing the two people, Shi Zhixuan didn\'t stop at all. The magic body method spread and swept in front of master Jiaxiang. The undead seal method attacked madly.


Master Jiaxiang only felt that the air around him seemed to freeze, and his mind trembled. He quickly carried the Buddhist Xuangong to resist.

Unfortunately, at this time, three of the four holy monks have settled accounts. Master Jiaxiang is only one person, but it is unlikely to resist Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan shook him back with a palm, turned over and swept him out quickly. With a backhand, he condensed his strength in the void, which is the fierce killing move of mending the heaven


Master Jiaxiang couldn\'t believe looking at the white jade like palm penetrating his chest and died

Shi Zhixuan killed the last of the four holy monks. The devil was so powerful that he launched the killing method in the immortal seal again and took off fan Qinghui\'s head.

The evil king has been dormant for 30 years. As soon as he was born tonight, he washed the whole Buddhism with one person\'s blood!

Datang palace, blood and fire everywhere, turned into a pot of porridge.

In such a critical situation, Li Yuan was also quick witted. He changed into the eunuch\'s robe and wanted to run away.

Only when he stepped out of the Palace door, he saw the bloody green shirt, stood on the top of the palace que with his negative hand, and said slowly with a mocking smile: "send the Tang emperor on the road!"



Hoo hoo~~~

Li Shimin galloped on the plain. He didn\'t know where the gold helmets were scattered. His clothes and armor were scattered, and he was no longer energetic in the past.

It\'s just right to describe it with your heart like ashes.

Since he was born, there has been a minister who asserted that this son is invaluable.

As the favored son of heaven, Li Shimin really didn\'t lose face to Li valve. He showed his extraordinary talent since childhood. He had a good command of military books and strategies, knew everything, and was far better than his peers. When he grew up with the wind and water, he encountered the turbulent times.

To a certain extent, the rise of Li valve can also be said to be half of the country laid by Li Shimin.

If it were not for Liu Hao, Li Shimin might be more brilliant and might achieve higher achievements in the future.

But now, there is only despair in front of Li Shimin.

Step, step!

In the heavy snow, the wolf rode at a gallop. Shan xiongxin, a fierce man, waved his horse and rushed up to kill him. He shouted wildly: "I am ordered by the military division to capture and kill Li Shimin, and those who fall can avoid death!"

"Now, by the order of the military division, capture and kill Li Shimin. Those who surrender can avoid death!"

In the snow, the wolf began to howl, and the cavalry on the wolf\'s back began to roar, and the boiling killing sound shook the world.


The sound of hooves was like thunder, and the whole earth began to tremble.


The hatred of Li valve is full. Shan xiongxin doesn\'t even want to say a word more. He looks at the sky and takes Li Shimin\'s head

Li Shimin\'s martial arts are good among his peers, but how can he be an opponent in front of Shan xiongxin and other martial arts masters?

At this time, Li valve\'s bottom card was also played. Without the master of Buddhism, Li Er tried his best to support ten rounds. Less than ten rounds, he was out of strength.

Just as Li Er watched in despair as Ma Shuo broke the air and was about to fall on his neck, a wolf feather arrow came whizzing in the distance and came straight to Shan xiongxin\'s back.

A voice as powerful as a lion and tiger suddenly sounded: "stop!"



Thousands of powerful divisions in Guanzhong fought fiercely, with blood and fire, and the good news continued to be sent back to the Han Chinese army.

Liu Hao couldn\'t sit still and drove towards Chang\'an city.

In the emperor\'s car.

Liu Hao sat quietly alone, closing his eyes and meditating on the next situation.

According to this progress, Dingding Guanzhong is a foregone conclusion. The Weibei army is invincible and invincible, pushing millions of troops. Think about what a magnificent scene it is?

"It is certain that Xu Ziling will get the longevity formula. When the mess in Guanzhong is cleared, he will immediately prepare to attack Cihang Jingzhai and rob Cihang sword Scripture!"

Liu Hao tapped the table rhythmically with his fingers, and his mind turned: "the two and six sects of the magic door should also be integrated. We can\'t miss the Tianmo strategy in the four wonderful books!"

The hall of the God of war is ethereal outside the world. There is no chance and there is almost no way to enter, but the other three of the four wonderful books can be collected by any means.

At this time, a woman outside the carriage came in with a bowl of fish soup.

Liu Hao moved his eyelids and instantly recognized that the woman was Yun Yuzhen.

I don\'t know how the old manager Cao Zhengchun arranged it. Yun Yuzhen entered the palace a few days ago and became a maid of honor to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao naturally wouldn\'t refuse to have an eye-catching beauty around him. The war situation in Guanzhong was tense, and he wouldn\'t spend his mind on these details.

"Your Majesty, this is the soup made of fresh fish in the south of the Yangtze River. Please try it."

Yun Yuzhen was born in the south, and his voice also has a soft waxy Jiangnan accent.

Liu Hao slowly opened his eyes, took the jade bowl and tried it. It was really delicious. It reminded him of Zhan Yun, the beautiful cook at home, and Shang Xiuyu, the owner of the beauty market.

When Liu Hao finished eating, Yun Yuzhen respectfully came forward and wanted to squat down with dishes and chopsticks, but Liu Hao grabbed Yingying\'s Manyao.

At this time, Yun Yuzhen was still a yellow flower girl. Her delicate body trembled and immediately became overwhelmed. She was green and mixed with an inner charming temperament. She was worthy of being the red powder guild leader in the Tang Dynasty. Even Liu Hao, a veteran of flowers, had a momentary heartbeat