The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2358

The talent of Kirin is the talent of Kirin. Even his flattery is so refined. Liu Hao is very comfortable and useful. There is a light sound of footsteps outside the door:

"Chang\'an good news!"

A royal guards rolled up his cloak and walked in quickly from the door. He knelt on one knee, hugged his fist, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, marshal Wu Mu led the back Wei army, which has penetrated the whole battlefield in Guanzhong. Now he is chasing the remaining princes..."

"Since then, the only Han in the world!"

Liu Hao flicked his fingers rhythmically on the table and asked, "is there any news about Li Shimin?"

The royal guards said, "Yue Shuai sent experts to hunt down the thieves such as Li Shimin and Dou Jiande. Yue Shuai personally went out and captured Li Jing, the commander of the joint forces of the princes."

Liu Hao observed silence for Li Jing for three seconds

The God of war of the Tang Dynasty was also unlucky. He had never failed in his career. Now he has just made his debut. He was first educated by the back Wei army led by peak Yue Fei for a while

"Anyway, Li Jing has been captured alive. He bought one for free and earned Yuchi Gong in vain..."

Liu Hao thought of this, feeling unspeakably comfortable, and his mind was very accessible.

Next, it\'s up to the evil king!


Mountains and rivers are thousands of miles away, and there are nine gates in the city que. If you don\'t see the emperor\'s capital, you can know the respect of the son of heaven.

A collection of cultural relics, the imperial capital for thousands of years, refers to Chang\'an city.

Chang\'an is located on the South Bank of Weihe River in Guanzhong Plain, which is known as 800 Li Qinchuan. Historically, Zhou, Qin, Han, Western Jin, pre Zhao, pre Qin, post Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties all built their capitals here.

In the south is Zhongnan Mountain in the middle of Qinling Mountains. It is a natural barrier in the south. There are heavy mountains overlooking the Weihe River and green mountains inserted into the distant sky.

In the north, there are Yaoshan mountain, Huanglong Mountain, cuo\'e mountain and Liangshan Mountain, which constitute a meandering Beishan Mountain system, facing the Qinling Mountains.

The city wall of 278 feet stands into the clouds, majestic and awe inspiring.

Yong\'an canal connects the Weihe River in the north of the city and supplies half of the water of Chang\'an. It is an important water transportation road. This Yuema bridge is the most spectacular stone bridge in Chang\'an.

The straight Yong\'an canal runs through the north and South gates parallel to Yong\'an street. Boats and boats travel under the bridge. There are endless cars and horses on the bridge. There are huge houses and luxury households all around. In the intersection area of such a city, there is a handsome man in a green shirt with unspeakable melancholy vicissitudes between his eyebrows.

This man is naturally Shi Zhixuan.

With the help of Yang Gong\'s treasure house, Shi Zhixuan floated into Chang\'an at night.

This time, Liu Hao named it the action of chopping the Tang Dynasty. The imperial masters Gong Yangyu, Xiao qianjue, Xiao Feng, Ding Peng, Guihai Yidao and others were all listed. Shen Lian and Ding Xiu led the royal guards and sneaked into Chang\'an city without anyone noticing.

Millions of troops on the front line are still fighting to the death.

The sound of killing the sky has lasted for two days and nights, but it still doesn\'t mean to stop. As soon as the breeze is sent, Li Yuan seems to be able to smell the bloody smell in the air.

"I don\'t know how the war on the front line is going... Can Li Jing be a big responsibility..."

Li Yuan was worried. It had been four or five hours since he got the front-line military newspaper last time.

During this time, he was restless and did not think about food and tea.


At this time, scout Li Tang rushed into the hall, knelt on one knee, hugged his fist, and said, "tell your majesty, front-line military newspaper... Old general Qu tutong died, General Liu Hongji died, King Liu Wuzhou of Shanyang was killed among the ten thousand armies by the Han Army General, and our army was beheaded by 150000. Li Jing is riding heavily with Xuanjia to take the enemy\'s middle army and fight to the death!"


After listening to the Scout\'s military newspaper, Li Yuan puffed out a mouthful of red blood and fell back on his back.

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon body!"

The eunuch on the side hurriedly helped him up and pinched him. Li Yuan finally woke up.

He is also a soldier. Although he is old now, how can he not know the battlefield situation?

Even his own coach took the risk and took the lead in charging and chiseling the opposite central army. What else can I say?

"Where\'s Shimin?"

Li Yuan sighed, his face pale with too much blood loss.

"His Highness the king of Qin is gathering the army and preparing to retreat into Chang\'an City and make plans again!"

"Chang\'an is not a place to stay for a long time. Pass on my personal order to clean up the soft in the palace and order the crown prince to lead the Yulin army to prepare to open the west gate of Chang\'an and run into Liangzhou!"

Li Yuan, the owl hero, had a sharp light like a hawk and a falcon in his eyes. He said angrily, "when you quit Chang\'an, you took someone to burn Chang\'an City, and then spread rumors that the Han army destroyed the city and set it on fire... I want to see what you can take advantage of!"

Pop! Pop! Pop!

At this time, a burst of crisp applause broke out in the quiet palace.


When Li Yuan saw the middle-aged man in a green shirt walking around the palace, his pupils suddenly contracted!

Shi, Zhi, Xuan!

As the leader of Li\'s sect, he has an unspeakable connection with the Buddha sect. Naturally, he is thunderous about the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan smiled and said, "today, according to the emperor\'s order, I entered Chang\'an City and borrowed something from the emperor of Tang."

"What do you want to borrow...?"

"Borrow your head!"

The wide sleeves of the evil king shizhixuan spread and laughed: "come out, many Buddhist bald donkeys, just kill them!"

After the chaos of the princes in Siming Mountain, only one master Jiaxiang remained among the four holy monks, and only a few of the thirteen stick monks remained.

Now even fan Qinghui, the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, has gone out. It can be seen that today\'s Buddhism is also full of details.

Fan Qinghui looked compassionate and said, "the evil king was trapped in a heart demon and disappeared for decades. He didn\'t expect to do such a big thing as soon as he was born. Why don\'t you put down his obsession and convert to Buddhism? Only in this way can he cut off the heart demon and achieve the great road..."

Shifei Xuan was still too tender compared with fan Qinghui. A faint holy smell escaped from her while she spoke.

"This is what Cihang Jingzhai is capable of!"

Shi Zhixuan sneered and said, "Your Majesty, the holy emperor, you have participated in the creation of nature. You have used the Supreme Xuangong to cut off the heart demons for me. You also want to shake my heart? Tonight\'s blood stained Chang\'an City, take your sacrifice knife first!..."