The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2357


The Tang army will be on the stage.

Li Jing\'s face became more and more dignified.

He continuously spread the handsome flag, issued orders, adjusted the formation and repaired the gap.

The whole battlefield seems to be a vast chessboard.

Yue Fei took the front of the Han Army as the side holding the son\'s attack, and took the first advantage, while Li Jing was the side deploying the defense.

The two sides fought, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the whole plain trembled.

With the passage of time, the smile on the faces of Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande gradually disappeared, replaced by fear and panic

The Han army broke through the interception array of millions of troops and directly attacked the Chinese Army!!

Li Jing also made every effort to command the war, but he still failed to turn the tide.

There are millions of princes and a sea of people, but the gap in their inherent combat power can never be eliminated by a simple number advantage.

The five tiger Kowloon generals of the Han Dynasty, Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Lv Bu, Gao Chong, sun CE, etc., each had an unparalleled combat power. They could break into hundreds of thousands of troops, and could also fight vertically and horizontally, coming and going freely.

Five tigers and nine dragons, among millions of troops, take the first rank of general!

Qu tutong, the Veteran General of Li Tang, led the heavy armored cavalry to the front line and collided with the trapped camp driving the green dragon chariot, so he became the first victim.

Gao Chong\'s Golden Tiger spear mercilessly pierced Qu Toutong\'s chest and lifted the tiger\'s vigorous body in the air.

Yuwen Chengdu, the second hero in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, is also brave. Li Yuanba can\'t go out. Pei Yuanqing has become Liu Hao\'s confidant again. No one can fight him for three rounds in the world.

Yuchi Gong, a senior general under Liu Wuzhou\'s command, is extremely unlucky.

Yuchi Gong was killed by Pei Yuanqing with cold heart. As a result, he met Yuwen Chengdu and entered Liu Wuzhou\'s army. They fought fiercely and took the Phoenix wing and gold bell for three rounds. Then the tiger\'s mouth cracked and his strength was exhausted. Yuwen Chengdu\'s ape arm relaxed and captured the horse alive



Liu Hao is watching the battlefield situation from the system panel in Luoyang.

Yue Fei vs Li Jing!

These two famous generals through the ages are playing a game of chess with millions of male troops as chess pieces.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

"Li Jing really has all the qualities of a wise commander, calm, calm, brave, bold and ruthless..."

Liu Hao looked at the scene of Li Jing\'s bloody battle in the system projection and sighed with regret: "be cruel to the enemy, be more cruel to yourself, kill yourself and be reborn, powerful!"

Ordinary generals, the more they encounter a battle, the more flustered they are when they see the scene of the attack of the powerful army, and their brains are blank. Therefore, they appear to be powerful commanders like Han Xin.

The more commanders and soldiers, the more calm and excited they are. This is a natural big heart player, born for the big scene.

So did Yue Fei and so did Li Jing.

But at this time, Li Jing didn\'t know that Liu Hao was overlooking the whole battlefield. His every move fell into Liu Hao\'s eyes.

"There are ten bloody battles. There is no way ahead, so I\'ll fight a bloody way!!"

Li Jing roared like a crazy tiger, recklessly attacking the Han army.

In terms of martial arts, he is not at the top level, but he seems to have a strange trait that can infect people\'s hearts. He rushes into the array in person to further stimulate the morale of his troops.

Tang Jun\'s killing intention ran wild, and his morale was maintained at the peak. He fought with him.

"To you, a man!"

At present, the balance of victory has gradually tilted towards the Han army. Yue Fei held Liquan magic gun in his hand, clamped his horse belly in his legs, and shouted, "Ben Shuai will meet you for a while!"

Yue Fei is good at commanding, and the combat power of the back Wei army is amazing, but his initial force value did not break through the master\'s realm.

After learning the imperial Hidden Dragon skill, the potential was stimulated again and was blessed by the imperial Qi, which crossed the realm of martial arts masters in one fell swoop.

Martial arts master is the real dragon among people.

Even if Yue Fei doesn\'t often carry a gun to rush into the array, his combat power can\'t be underestimated.

The tip of the Liquan magic gun burst out an infinite spear, covering all the vital points of Li Jing.

Li Jing only felt that there was a powerful gun on his arm, his arm was sour and soft, and the long knife was waving like crazy.

The two sides fought with swords and guns for dozens of rounds. Yue Yun, Yan Chengfang and he Yuanqing fought together with four fierce eight hammers to kill the Xuanjia cavalry of the Death Squadron brought by Li Jing.

Even though Li Jing intended to kill the enemy, he was unable to return to heaven. Yue Fei shot him in the shoulder and caught him alive.

The Han army attacked and attacked unparalleled. Millions of princes gathered, but they were defeated like rotten wood for hundreds of miles.


Liu Hao was discussing the war with Mei Changsu, who came back to recover his life, when he heard a series of system prompts ringing in his ears:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Pei Yuanqing killed Su dingfang with double hammer. The additional reward is 5000 points of worship, 10000 points of meritorious deeds and one Wulin stone!"

"Congratulations to the host. General Yuwen Chengdu of Kowloon captured the famous general Yuchi Gong alive. The additional reward is 5000 points of worship and 10000 points of merit!"

"Congratulations to the host, General Zhao Yun of the five tigers. He killed Liu Wuzhou, the king of Shanyang among hundreds of thousands of troops. The Shanyang army collapsed. The additional reward is 10000 points of worship and 100000 points of merit!"

"Congratulations to the host. The millions of troops in Guanzhong won the decisive battle. Yue Fei led the Beiwei army to defeat the princes. The additional reward is 50000 points of worship and 500000 points of merit!"


The continuous good news made Liu Hao stretch his eyebrows and eyes, revealing a happy smile.

Have fun!

How happy!

After defeating millions of Allied troops of princes, the northern princes lost their vitality in this war, and the world situation was completely in the hands of the Han Dynasty.

Mei Chang Su Cha looked at the color and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, the dragon looks radiant today, but what\'s the happy event?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "I just couldn\'t decide. I suddenly crossed thousands of miles to the battlefield in Guanzhong. I saw Marshal Wu Mu break millions of troops and kill countless generals. It was a great victory."

Mei Changsu looked moved, stood up, bowed to the ground and said, "the holy emperor is the son of the real dragon and the master of Qi. It must be true that he is fascinated today. Congratulations to your majesty, you have settled in this world and have a boundless life!"

The longer Liu Hao ascended the throne, the more unfathomable he became. The sage chanted and the dragon and horse came out, and there were often various supernatural phenomena.

Mei Changsu felt that respecting Liu Hao was like worshipping God