The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2356

Yue Fei was full of pride in his chest. He lifted the Liquan magic gun and shouted, "Gao Chong led the green dragon to fall in front of the camp. If the enemy rushed into the array with heavy armor cavalry and beat the enemy with Liuhe green dragon array!"

"Pei Yuanqing, Yuwen Chengdu, sun CE, Yang Zaixing and other generals all lead the soldiers of their headquarters and are ready to rush to the array at any time..."

"Last general, yes!"

After a series of orders were passed on, Yuwen Chengdu, sun CE and other generals boldly took the order.


In the alliance of princes.

Li Jing also stood on the general\'s stage, watching the battlefield situation, his heart secretly awe inspiring.

In terms of military strength, the Han army is far less powerful than the joint forces of the princes in Guanzhong, but its military formation is natural and can\'t find any flaws.

"The smoke rolling in the southeast and northwest is where the cavalry of the Han army is located. When the war is anxious, the cavalry on both wings will wait for the opportunity to dig through the battlefield and will become the key to victory or defeat!"

Li Jing was acutely aware of the killing, and solemnly ordered to make deployment for the cavalry on both wings.

Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande, commanding the soldiers of the headquarters, laughed: "today, 100000 Han troops also want to go against the trend and defeat millions of troops, which is tantamount to a fool\'s dream!"

"Su dingfang, let Han Jiang know the power of our northern admiral!"

At the command of Dou Jiande, Su dingfang took the command and drove his horse out of the array.

He is the first general under Dou Jiande\'s command. He has the best shooting skills in the north. He has killed tens of thousands of Turkic armies and is known as the enemy of ten thousand people.

As soon as Su dingfang came out, the Allied forces of the princes broke out shouting like mountain torrents.

Li Shimin also nodded slightly, itching in his heart.

He was very accurate. Just looking at Su dingfang\'s demeanor, he knew that he was a peerless general. That\'s the truth that the army is easy to get and the general is hard to find.

Su dingfang swaggered in front of the two armies. Field marshal Yue Fei said casually, "Pei Yuanqing went to take the head of the enemy general, and Yue Yun, Yan Chengfang, he Yuanqing, Mu Qing and others plundered the array."


There was a cry in the array, and all the Han generals were killed.

"How did the Han Army send a child out to die?"

Su dingfang frowned and said, "ask your adults to come out and talk. Under Su\'s gun, he never killed an unknown general."

Pei Yuanqing\'s eyebrows stood up and his anger roared like spring thunder: "if you can take my three hammers, I\'ll spare you today!"

While talking, the land grabber felt the owner\'s violent killing intention and rushed out madly.


The Silver Hammer fell, rustling like a meteor, and went straight to Su dingfang\'s head.

The thunder of tigers and leopards roared in the air, and the Qi on the silver hammer was as violent as the raging tide of the river and sea, which was magnificent as unimaginable.

Su dingfang was awe inspiring. He raised his gun with both hands and threw it into the air.


There was only a sudden roar of gold and iron. Su dingfang\'s ears were buzzing, and Venus appeared in front of him.

The princes and allied forces were all shocked. They saw that Su dingfang\'s fine iron spear weighing more than 100 kilograms was smashed into a curved bow!

Su dingfang took the hammer hard and his arms were weak. He was shocked and wanted to spit blood:

He was about to touch the threshold of martial arts master. He had been on the battlefield for decades, and his shooting skills were honed to the point of perfection. He killed many fierce generals.

Today, Pei Yuanqing almost killed him with a hammer!

This is a real one force down ten meetings. There is no reason to say. It\'s just a combination. Su Ding is convenient and doesn\'t dare to fight again. He claps his horse and retreats towards his own array

"Want to go!? where to go?"

Pei Yuanqing rode as fast as the wind and caught up with him. His hand hit Su dingfang\'s back with a hammer.

A generation of fierce generals, who should have been named Lingyan Pavilion, died unexpectedly!


Dou Jiande also has beads of sweat the size of soybeans on his face. His mouth is open, but he can\'t say a word

My heart is dripping blood!

Su dingfang assured him of his position in Hebei. He died in the battle. What a loss!

Pei Yuanqing killed Su dingfang and drove his horse in front of the array. He carried two huge silver hammers in his hand and shouted, "who dares to pick up my hammer?"

The sound was like the roar of lions and tigers, which spread through millions of troops.

Is this still human!?

Everyone can\'t help but tremble. It\'s too fierce. It\'s like a monster. The first general of Hebei is not an opponent. Who dares to challenge?

Li Shimin sighed at the festival and said, "it\'s a pity that my brother Yuanba fell into the hands of the enemy, otherwise he would not make the Han General so arrogant!"

Pei Yuanqing killed Su dingfang, and one of Liu Wuzhou\'s generals, who was as strong as a bear, killed him boldly.

"Yuchi Gong comes to fight you!"

Yuchi Gong waved two whips in his hand. He was as brave as a tiger going down the mountain.

Rushed to the front of the battle and killed Pei Yuanqing for ten rounds. The tiger\'s mouth cracked with his hands and began to bleed. However, he had no choice but to retreat.

The fighting generals won in a row, and the morale of the Han army was like a rainbow. They had already taken the lead.

The famous marshals of Yue Fei generation will not sit back and watch their advantages lose in vain. With a wave of the handsome flag, the five tigers of the Han Dynasty and the generals of Jiulong come out together.

Huben\'s fierce pawn also killed out like a tide.

"The green dragon is invincible!"

The green dragon chariot galloped through the array. Gao Chong\'s hand was carved with a golden tiger head gun. Thousands of guns rushed out of the gun tip, pierced the void, and killed more than a dozen Li Tang soldiers in front of him. The blood spattered on the bronze fierce beast face armor on Gao Chong\'s cheek, which became more and more ferocious.

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

"If you want to be trapped, you will die without life!"

The soldiers of the trapped camp, dressed in heavy armor, armed with machetes and riding on the green dragon chariot, began to drive the battlefield and shine in the cold!

Even if there are millions of enemy troops, what if they cross the current!?

Even if the gods and demons of the heavens block the pace of the Dynasty\'s attack and fall into the camp, they dare to wave a knife at the gods and Buddhas all over the sky and tear them to pieces!

General Qu tutong, who led the heavily armored infantry to arrange the first line of defense, turned pale.

Heavy armored infantry holding an iron shield, like an iron barrier, blocked in front of the Han army. As a result, the Han Army rushed through a gap without suspense.

"Hiss! What a soldier!"

Qu tutong, the great general of the Tang army, was also a veteran of galloping on the battlefield for half his life. He knew the method of using troops, but he had never encountered such a situation.

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