The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2355

Li Jing!

Liu Hao wrote down these two characters, ready to let the military aircraft Department send orders to the front line of the battlefield in Guanzhong, and let Wang Meng pay more attention to Li Jing.

Li Jing was the founding God of war of the Tang Dynasty, and Wang Meng was also the evil spirit of an era in history. His speaking ability is definitely not under Li Jing.

Now the Tianjiao of these two times holds one son each, and it is also an interesting thing to play chess across time and space.

In addition to the Guanzhong war, song Kuang led his army to attack the south, and Xu Huang is leading the army to fight in the land of Qinglu.

The anti King princes in the world began to be cleared out, and the situation gradually stabilized, waiting for the good news of song Que and Xu Huang.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive. The royal guards at the military aircraft Department sent the Qinglu war report:

Xu Huang\'s troops went out of Qingzhou and Luzhou. In January, the military front crossed the north and south, breaking 22 cities one after another!

Most of the land of Qinglu has been controlled by the dynasty. Now Shangshutai is trying to recruit talents and purge the land of Qinglu.

"Xu Gongming, a real tiger general!"

Liu Hao put down the memorial and couldn\'t help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Xu Huang, Xu Gongming, who threw himself into the Han Dynasty on the way, also completely bloomed the bright light of the five good generals on the Qinglu battlefield.

The land of Qinglu was settled, leaving the South repressed by the Song Dynasty.



The red dragon banners swept thousands of miles.

Kou Zhong looked solemn. He was sitting on a yellow hustle horse, wearing a purple gold helmet, a gold exquisite lock armour, and a moon saber in the well. He was awe inspiring.

One of the counsellors in the army attacked his green shirt and kept pace with him. He sighed: "the army of the dynasty is as powerful as bamboo. Now there is only one Shen faxing in the south of the Yangtze River. This is the time for general kou to make progress."

Kou Zhong turned sideways and asked, "Mr. Xu, Shen faxing has a deep foundation in Wu County and sits in more than ten counties. How should he arrange the attack?"

Fighting with blood and fire is always the best way for a man to grow up.

After this period of training, Kou Zhong not only learned the essence of Tiandao nine moves, but also became more calm.

Xu Xing stroked his beard and said with a smile: "with the power of the holy emperor and the iron and blood master of the dynasty, attacking Wu county is a response to heaven. It is certain that Shen faxing will take the city and fall. If he dares not to fall, it will be a gift to the general. At that time, he will directly step on the city and kill him directly..."


Wu Jun.

Shen faxing received the Han Army Qianfeng military newspaper from the scouts. His face was gloomy and almost dripping black water.

All his generals were silent.

The Iron Army of the Han Dynasty was so fierce that it swept dozens of cities in the south of the Yangtze River.

Local princes, the fall of the fall, the fall of the fall.

In the twinkling of an eye, the original situation of heroes rising together disappeared, and he became a man fighting alone.

Although there are 100000 rebel troops in Wujun County, there are only 60000 soldiers who can fight. The rest are old, weak, sick and disabled. They can\'t see compared with the millions of troops in the Han Dynasty

"He is not an opponent at all. If he resists tenaciously, he will die without a place to bury..."

Shen faxing has been a local official since the Sui Dynasty. He is rooted in the south of the Yangtze River and has strong strength. Naturally, he is not a fool.

In the situation in the south of the Yangtze River, originally he was on a par with Du Fuwei, with similar strength, but now Du Fuwei did not dare to stubbornly resist the Han heavenly soldiers and fell at the sight of the wind. He gave Shen faxing a few courage, and he did not dare to resist the Han army.

"Open the gate and kneel down to the emperor!"

As the Rebel Flag on the wall of Wu County broke, the city gate burst open, 100000 rebel troops were disarmed, and Shen faxing went out of the city in white.



Guanzhong battlefield.

The camp of the joint forces of the princes stretched for 70 miles, and flags were raised to cover the sky and block out the sun.

Li Shimin, Li Xiaogong, Li Jing, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande and others are gathering to discuss military intelligence.

Li Xiaogong\'s face was heavy and he sighed, "now Tong has been lost and the situation is serious. What good plan can the pharmacist have to break the enemy?"

The news of the death of Li Yuanji, king of Qi, was sent back to Chang\'an last night.

Not only did Li Tang shake up and down, but even Dou Jiande and Liu Wuzhou couldn\'t sit still.

At present, even Tongguan has been lost. If you want to reap the benefits, even Chang\'an may be broken in one fell swoop

Li Jing looked cold and stern. Looking at the military map in the account, he frowned and said, "once Tongguan is so strategically important, the situation of the coalition forces is very passive now..."

"Fortunately, there are still millions of troops in Guanzhong, but the Han army is brave and has no more than 100000 troops. If we can win the first battle, the morale of millions of troops will be like a rainbow, take Luoyang directly and reverse the situation in an instant..."

Li Jing\'s judgment on the situation is still very clear and calm.

The front line of the Han Dynasty was very long. After the meeting of the princes of Siming Mountain, they began to divide their troops and march across the world.

"What the pharmacist said is true. Song Ke, the most powerful commander of the Han Army, has led his troops to the south of the Yangtze River..."

Li Shimin regretted, "it\'s a pity that he didn\'t unite the princes of the world to resist the Han Dynasty one day earlier. Otherwise, why would the Han emperor be so domineering?"

Dou Jiande patted the table and shouted, "I\'m afraid he\'s an egg! If the coalition army can\'t beat more than 100000 people, it\'s better to go home and farm!"

Liu Wuzhou also nodded and said, "a million troops, one spit can drown the Han army. Just go to war."

Li Jing said decisively, "in that case, go to war tomorrow and have a showdown with the Han army."


On the plain.

Millions of troops, all over the mountains, swept the world.

Yue Fei, commander-in-chief of the Han Army, received the battle paper and led the army to confront the Allied forces of the princes in front of the battle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the big man array, the warrior with tiger back and bear waist, bare his arms, Qiu Jie\'s strong muscles like hard rocks, began to swing his hammer wildly and bang the battle drum.

Marshal Wu Mu Yue Fei pressed his sword on the general\'s platform with a wide field of vision and looked at the enemy\'s army in the distance. He was very strict and flawless. He couldn\'t help but sigh: "there are also capable people in the Tang army. Is this Li Jing in the mouth of the holy emperor?"

Wang Meng put his hands together in his sleeves and said, "Your Majesty\'s eyes are like a torch. He never makes mistakes when he sees people and things. Li Jing is really excellent."

"In any case, millions of troops will turn into fly ash before the Imperial Army!"