The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2349

Kou Zhong\'s Sabre technique is so powerful that he can kill Ren Shaoming in a hurry and can\'t Parry

Ren Shaoming\'s martial arts are not as good as Qu Ao. He is still a long way from the master\'s realm. He is just a first-class expert in the Jianghu. However, Kou Zhong\'s cultivation of longevity formula has risen like a comet, and his qualification is much better than Ren Shaoming.

Especially at this time, when he led the imperial army to sweep the south of the Yangtze River, Kou Zhong had the cheek to watch the Ferris sword, and song lacked the practice of the sword. He learned the method of heaven knife from Song lacked, and the momentum of swallowing the south of the Yangtze River by holding the dragon was raised again.

"The eight methods in the well are amazing!"

Kou Zhong\'s eyes are clear, but the moon in the well cuts through the void and draws a perfect curve. The knife moves like a meteor, breaking through the air and fleeting

Those who are good and amazing are infinite like heaven and earth and inexhaustible like rivers. Camp and leave them and attack them.

This Sabre combines the method of using the army. It has a certain style of everyone. Ren Shaoming only feels the roaring of the sabre around him. He is confused. He can\'t touch the edge of the moon in the well.


After the sound of a dragon\'s sword, Ren Shaoming\'s big head flew into the sky and his eyes were as big as cattle. He couldn\'t believe he died like this

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Kou Zhong will kill any Shaoming of the iron cavalry club. He has a deeper understanding of martial arts and an additional reward and worship value of 2000 points!"

"The imperial concubine commands the Yin Kui sect to deter the south of the Yangtze River. Lin Shihong offers the city to surrender. The additional reward worship value is 10000 points and the additional reward merit value is 50000 points!"

"Awesome, my good Cicada!"

Liu Hao\'s mouth hung a satisfied arc, his fingers bounced on the table, and he was in a good mood.

"Big Tang Shuanglong, Kou Zhong\'s little strong, is really awesome..."

This iron cavalry club is also a big gang in the eight gangs and ten clubs. It dominates the south of the Yangtze River. Now Kou Zhong has fewer directors. The whole situation in the south of the Yangtze River will be smooth.

Whoever dares to resist the imperial army will be punished!




A military conference is in full swing.

Li Tang\'s civil and military officials were tense and dignified.

The Han Dynasty set up troops in Luoyang and hundreds of thousands of troops directed at Guanzhong, which was a heavy blow to Li valve, who occupied the land of Guanlong.

Especially at the meeting of the princes of Siming Mountain, tens of thousands of Xuanjia and several generals went in.

Li Yuan was on pins and needles and took the lead in asking, "Dear Ai Qing, how should the strategy be deployed next?"

The counselor Liu Wenjing stood out and said with an arch hand: "Liu Wuzhou, king of Shanyang, and Dou Jiande, king of Xia in Hebei, are both heroes. Now the two princes have sent 400000 troops into Guanzhong. The total strength of our army can reach as much as 800000. As long as we rely on the natural danger of Xiongguan to resist the Han Army, it is more than enough..."

Li Yuan\'s face softened a lot and said, "there are so many people in Tiance mansion. With the power of one person, there are 400000 troops for me. I will reuse them in the future..."

Li Shimin\'s face was a little complacent, and he arched his hand and said, "this is all the father and Emperor\'s great fortune. Only Fang Xuanling can succeed."

"This man is really talented. He is lucky for Datang!"

Fang Xuanling ran to the north and persuaded Liu Wuzhou and Dou Jiande to participate in the "anti Han" alliance. Even Liu Wenjing and Feng Deyi, the master of Li valve, didn\'t think they could do it themselves.

Li Jiancheng was silent and jealous. He was sulky when he saw Li Shimin\'s Tiance mansion show up in front of people.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly sounded outside the hall.

I saw a Li Tang Xuanjia cavalry, quickly broke into the hall, bowed down and said in a tragic voice: "Your Majesty, Mr. Fang met a strong enemy on his way back to Chang\'an along Taiyuan road. Now... Now I don\'t know whether he is alive or dead..."

in an uproar!

There was an uproar in the hall!

Li Yuan looked shocked and couldn\'t help patting the table angrily. He scolded with his halberd finger: "there are hundreds of Xuanjia heavy cavalry, but they can defeat thousands of troops. How does Chaishao do things?"

Li Tang\'s civil and military officials also felt incredible.

I can\'t help Li Yuan\'s anger.

This is the place where Li valve made his fortune in Taiyuan, which is equivalent to his own base camp. As a result, Fang Xuanling encountered an accident in the safest place. Isn\'t this beating Li Yuan in the face?

The Xuanjia cavalry kowtowed and banged on the white jade ground, and said miserably, "there is an unparalleled swordsman in the enemy. His sword technique is like God. General Chaishao was killed among the thousands of troops... If his subordinates didn\'t want to come back and reply to his majesty and run for their lives, I\'m afraid they would also die locally..."

Listening to the Xuanjia cavalry\'s detailed account of the interception of Taiyuan road that day, Li Tang\'s ministers felt chilly. It must be an expert sent by the Han Dynasty to go deep behind the enemy. I think it\'s like having such an expert ambush and assassinate myself at my home

Li Shimin\'s smile solidified, his fists clenched, and his nails deeply pierced into the meat

Nima, depressed!

I\'m so depressed that I want to vomit blood!

Fang Xuanling is the top three counselor in his Tiance mansion. Now falling into the hands of the enemy is tantamount to cutting off his arm

It\'s too hard!

There was silence in the hall. Li Tang and others looked at each other and were speechless.

Now people have been intercepted and killed. I don\'t know whether they will live or die. Before the war officially begins, a schemer has been damaged first

At this time, another scout Li Tang broke in outside the hall and shouted, "no, Hangu pass fell, and the king of Huai\'an (Li Shentong) died in battle!!!"


Li Yuan was like being hit by five thunders. He slumped down on the Dragon chair, his face pale and his lips trembled.

Li and Tang officials in the hall trembled with fear.

Li Shentong is the core Minister of Li valve. Li Yuan set up troops in Taiyuan, many of which have made great contributions to Li Shentong.

Hangu pass is a strategic place to guard the gateway of the central pass. Li Shentong, such an important official of Li valve, was safe, but now he has been attacked!!

Li Tang, how can you not be surprised?

The hall was silent.

Although Fang Xuanling is a young talent, compared with Li Shentong and the 100000 troops in Hanguguan, the latter is naturally heavier. This blow makes people feel a little confused

The more Li Yuan thought about it, the more he had a headache. He shouted, "Shentong, my brother!"

Even fainted on the Dragon chair