The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2348

When he returned to the sea, his face was as cold as ice. He killed dozens of riders one after another. His body flashed like a ghost. He didn\'t retreat but entered the Xuanjia cavalry array with a knife.

"Brother Yidao, wait for me!"

Cheng Shifei also rushed into the enemy array, and several sharp and cold sabres came face-to-face. A strong golden awn gas mask suddenly appeared on him. King Kong did not damage the body. The spirit Gang naturally operated. The steel knife cut on him, as if it had been cut on fine iron. Suddenly, the metal and iron made a sudden sound.

"Grass! This... This boy is invulnerable. He\'s a monster!"

The Xuanjia cavalry on the opposite side saw several small gaps in his horse chopping knife, and his eyes were almost falling out

King Kong is not bad, invulnerable!

What the fuck... Is it within the reach of manpower!?

The fist is his weapon. A demon subduing fist blows out, and the golden fist power rushes out. In an instant, the Xuanjia cavalry company and horse in front of him fly out for more than ten meters, and the Xuanjia cavalry array is overturned

The four spies of HuLong villa are really extraordinary.

A knife returning to the sea and Cheng right and wrong dragged Chai Shao\'s Xuanjia cavalry. Haitang and Duan Tianya used their peerless body method, which was as fast as light smoke, and swept to the carriage in the middle in an instant.

"Spend money all over the sky!"

Begonia whispered, and countless concealed weapons broke the air.

This is Liu Hao\'s original concealed weapon technique. At the beginning, it was called the first concealed weapon in the world in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that it is unique in the world. Even if the martial arts master is not careful, he will suffer losses.

Li Tang soldiers guarding near the carriage, swept by the rain of money, immediately screamed and fell down.

Duan Tianya showed ninja and appeared in the carriage like a ghost.

"Mr. Fang, come with me!"

Fang Xuanling is just a scholar. He has no strength to bind chickens, nor has he been in contact with the cultivation system of the Holy Text of the dynasty. He doesn\'t even have the opportunity to resist. He was knocked unconscious and taken away by Duan Tianya

At this time, the cold iron Dao in the palm of Guihai Dao burst into a fierce light. The Dao Gang penetrated hundreds of Xuanjia riders and cut Chaishao into the cavalry array.

After killing Chaishao, the situation immediately reversed. Xuanjiaqi lost his command and the formation was in chaos.

But the sword returning to the sea was like an indefatigable killing machine. The four spies of heaven and earth, xuanhuang and Huang, were all powerful. However, in half an hour, they scattered this group of Xuanjia cavalry

When the dust settled, Cheng looked at the corpses all over the ground, stroked the instant noodles head, and then looked at his palm. "When did I become so powerful?"



Luoyang palace, imperial study.

Liu Hao is sitting opposite to the prince and Minister of the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

The handsome evil king Shi Zhixuan has white temples, but his back is straight and his sitting posture is respectful. He is full of respect for Liu Hao.

He had experienced Liu Hao\'s means and knew in his heart that the young and powerful emperor in front of him was probably a terrible figure who had stepped into the fairyland with one foot, which was unfathomable.

Liu Hao sensed Shi Zhixuan\'s Qi slightly and said with a smile, "it seems that Aiqing\'s old troubles have gone away. The demons are gone. He will be able to go further and impact the final realm in the future."

Shi Zhixuan said, "it\'s all your Majesty\'s help that makes me have such good fortune. Your majesty, but driven, I should pursue it."

Talking to smart people is easy.

Shi Zhixuan succumbs to the power of Liu Hao. Liu Hao also wants to do something with the help of Shi Zhixuan.

Liu Hao said directly, "the two northern princes have entered the pass and formed an alliance. The war in Chang\'an must be extremely anxious. I want to send Aiqing to coordinate the Wulin army, sneak into Chang\'an City and kill dragons."

Yes, Liu Hao plans to send the evil king Shi Zhixuan and the imperial master to directly enter Chang\'an city through the secret way of Yang Gong\'s treasure house.

Do what you want, and don\'t leave any way back for Li.

As long as he enters Chang\'an City, the master is like a dragon. Even if Li Yuan goes from heaven to earth, he will have no way to go.

Shi Zhixuan smiled, bowed and said, "Your Majesty is wise, Minister... Take orders!"

After ordering this matter, Liu Hao discussed with Shi Zhixuan about the martial arts of the holy gate.

No one knows more about Shengmen\'s martial arts than Shi Zhixuan, but after some discussion, Shi Zhixuan was more shocked and admired. Liu Hao\'s martial arts heritage is still beyond his imagination!

After Shi Zhixuan left, Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and settled his mind: according to this speed, it won\'t be long before he can destroy Li valve in Guanzhong, sweep away the heroes, and establish Han Tong again, which is what is in front of him

Thinking about the future, a system prompt sound came from my ear:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Kou Zhong inspired a dead fight and decided with the iron cavalry green Jiao Ren Shaoming. If you win, your understanding of martial arts will be greatly improved!"

Liu Hao looked slightly, opened the system panel, projected in front of him, and impressively found a wonderful duel in progress

Jiangnan, on a long street.

The sound of killing shook the sky.

Commander Kou Zhong\'s Huben fierce soldiers are fighting with the gang members of the iron cavalry club.

The door of vendors along the street is closed for fear of causing trouble. Kou Zhong holds the moon in the well and stands opposite a middle-aged man with different appearance.

"Ren Shaoming is the son of Feiying Qu AO and a key chess piece for tiele to lay out the Central Plains..."

Liu Haoxiang smiled.

Flying Eagle Qu Ao didn\'t even have the qualification to let Liu Hao do it, so he was killed by the great master of the dynasty. This Ren Shaoming couldn\'t get into Liu Hao\'s eyes at all.

However, Ren Shaoming escaped from the hands of Tiandao song Ke several times. He is a rare expert of the young generation. He also has a dozen against Kou Zhong who has risen like a comet.



On the long street, they drank wildly, and their momentum soared wildly. They strode like meteors towards the opposite side.

Just when they were more than ten meters away, they jumped in the air almost at the same time, and the two long knives came out of their scabbards at the same time, cutting and killing each other.

The sabre force is violent, like a river tide, sweeping the air and killing the opponent.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sound of gold and iron in the air can be heard all the time.

They shot very quickly. In an instant, they passed a thousand knives. The knife Qi dissipated, and the green brick ground on the long street flew away.

"Only this strength?!"

Kou Zhong roared wildly and carried the true Qi of longevity formula.

On the moon sabre in the well, there was a red flash of the sabre, and the sky was slashed angrily, as if it had turned into a red dragon in the sky