The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2350

"Your Majesty, your majesty!"

The eunuch standing on the white jade step was almost scared to pee. He hurried forward and helped Li Yuan up.

The courtiers in the hall were also in a mess.

Li Xiaogong, Liu Wenjing, Feng Deyi, Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin and others rushed forward to hold Li Yuan, shouting and pinching people.

If Li Yuan was scared to death in the Tai Chi hall, it would be a big joke!

After working hard for a while, Li Yuan woke up slowly

"What should we do now?"

Li Yuan woke up with "here!"

Cao Zhengchun bowed and stepped back quickly.

After a while, several people came in outside the door.

When they saw the young and heroic emperor sitting on the red gold dragon chair, they were full of awe in their eyes and didn\'t dare to look more. They knelt down obediently, bowed down and shouted, "Yun Guangling and Yun Yuzhen knock on the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Yun Guangling - force 85, intelligence 66, politics 64, command 72!

Special effects, water Mastery: Yun Guangling is the leader of Haisha sect. He has excellent martial arts and is proficient in water!

Its flag launching Battle + 2!

Yun Yuzhen - force 82, intelligence 81, politics 71, command 74, charm 97!

Stunt, neimei: Yunyu is really the daughter of neimei. She is carmine and extremely beautiful!

Yunyuzhen charm + 3!

At the first sight of yunyuzhen, Liu Hao knew what the ghost talent Guo Jia meant

This is sending women to the palace!

Haisha sect is one of the three major gangs along the southeast coast, which is as famous as Shuilong sect and jukun sect.

Yun Yuzhen is the famous red powder leader of Haisha sect in the original book of the Tang Dynasty. He is the enlightenment mentor of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

However, due to Liu Hao\'s participation, the plot line of the world has been disordered.

It is Yun Guangling, Yun Yuzhen\'s father, who is the master of Haisha sect. Although she is smart and capable, she is still perfect.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help looking at this beautiful woman in the Tang Dynasty.

Yun Yuzhen looks more than seventeen or eight years old. He has a long body and a pair of long legs.

Her face is like a snow lotus on an iceberg. It is pure and bright. She seems to feel Liu Hao\'s hot eyes. Her pretty face is slightly red. It looks like a strange sense of charm. People can\'t help but imagine the beauty when she is pressed under her

Half a ring, Liu Hao took back his eyes and asked calmly, "since the Haisha gang was destroyed, are you willing to surrender to the Han Dynasty?"

Yun Guangling quickly bowed down and said, "minister, I\'d like to die for your Majesty the holy emperor!"

"Step back and pass on my personal order to the Shangshu platform to grant the post of chief General of the Huanglong navy of yunguangling. If the other defectors of the Haisha sect are proficient in water, they will also belong to the Huanglong Navy..."

"Thank your highness, Ron!"

Facing Liu Hao, Yun Guangling was under great pressure. His back was soaked. He hurried to pull his daughter down and saluted again and again.

Liu Hao gave a random order, waved his hand and waved back Yun Guangling\'s father and daughter