The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2342

Liu Hao was in the court hall today, but he almost stepped on the face of Dongming sect.

Shan Wanjing looked at the people planning to vote for Tang, but her heart was powerless.

It\'s not that she doesn\'t want to, but that she can\'t.

In recent years, the world has gradually become chaotic, and the Dongming faction has made a lot of war money, which is also becoming bigger and bigger.

The sect is becoming stronger and stronger. In this case, Shan Meixian\'s mother and daughter alone can\'t support it.

Until recent years, several elders of the Dongming sect were from Shang\'s family. Shang\'s family name gradually took power. Young Marshal Shang Ming also made an engagement with Shan Wanjing, so there was a trend to overhead Shan Meixian

When the elders of Dongming sect discussed the warm place, there was a loud thunder outside the door and a sudden rush of rain.



The sky thundered, the lightning suddenly appeared, and the rain gradually increased.

Yu Wenyue wore a coir raincoat and let the rain hit his cheek. Instead, his eyes were as cold as lightning and kept giving orders:

"The holy emperor ordered that none of Dongming\'s sect should go tonight!"

"If you find evidence of conspiracy, the rest will be killed except Shan Wanjing!"

"Do it!"

As soon as Yu Wenyue raised his hand, countless flying fish suits with hats and coir raincoats bounced up and swept into the high wall.

The royal guards are basically eunuchs who have cultivated the evil ward sword manual. At this time, their body methods are as fast as ghosts.


Step! Step! Step!

A rush of footsteps suddenly sounded in the manor.

At this time, the elders of Dongming sect knew that something had happened no matter how careless they were.

As soon as Shang Ping and others changed their faces, they took their swords, pushed the door and swept them out, but they were shocked and stunned in situ

At this time, the villa has completely become a Shura field!

There are countless corpses on the ground, the rain is mixed with blood, and the ground is red!

"I\'ve brought hundreds of good masters of the sect. They\'re all dead!"

Shang Ping shouted a few times. The village was like a ghost, and there was no echo

These elders of Dongming sect are also old Jianghu. They have seen many big scenes, but where have they encountered such strange and dangerous situations?

"Shangping and Shangming of the Dongming sect colluded with the Li valve in Guanzhong with an evil intention. Now they obey the emperor\'s order and kill him!"

Yu Wenyue rolled his cloak and walked quickly in the heavy rain. The tip of the knife was still bleeding

Behind him, a row of royal guards carrying Xiuchun sabres rushed up to kill him. Xiuchun sabres reflected thunder and snow in the sky.

"Fight a bloody way!"

Shangping, the elder of Dongming sect, screamed and killed him.

At this point, if you don\'t struggle, it will be like fish on the chopping board.

In addition to Shan Wanjing, Young Marshal Shang Ming of Dongming and several other elders of Dongming sect showed their martial arts and killed them.

"Those who are dying dare to resist stubbornly?"

Yu Wenyue looked calm, calm, indifferent, and cold to the bone!

Suddenly, a knife light cut through the night sky like a thunderbolt and rushed to the front of Shang Ping\'s head and flew into the sky!

Clank clank!

Royal guards rushed to kill Xiuchun. Xiuchun\'s Sabre was as bright as electricity and killed several elders of Dongming sect in an instant.

The martial arts of these elders are first-class in the Jianghu. They are a certain distance away from the peerless experts. They have no resistance to the royal guards who kill like ghosts. They scream and fall down in an instant


after rain the sky looks blue.

The air is very fresh. There are strange birds and Fengming in the garden behind the palace.

After dealing with the affairs of the central government, Liu Hao is feeding fish leisurely in the back garden of the palace.

When the bait was sprinkled, countless swimming fish rushed out of the water and robbed the food.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps in the distance.

"I\'m lucky that I didn\'t dishonor my orders. I found out that Shangming of Dongming sect had a secret letter collusion with Li valve. I killed him last night!"

Yu Wenyue knelt ten meters behind Liu Hao on one knee and hugged kungfu.

"Send the head of the elder of Dongming sect to Mrs. Dongming as a gift."

Liu Hao patted his palm, attracted Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, and said with a light smile, "Yu Wenyue is capable of doing things and gives a peerless secret script to the imperial Arsenal."

"I\'ll do it now."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, bowed his head and took the order.

"I will die for your majesty!"

Yu Wenyue took a deep breath, but there was an excited feeling of "scholars die for their confidants".

Dynasty Arsenal!

This is a sacred place that all martial arts practitioners in the Han Dynasty dream of. It is more powerful than any Jianghu Wulin holy land. I don\'t know how many times.

Liu Hao was in the habit of collecting martial arts secrets when he stepped on the heavens. The martial arts scripts he obtained were included in the imperial Arsenal. Among them, they can be called peerless martial arts scripts, which must be the best of the best.

"Your Majesty, Yu Wenyue chose Bing Xuanjin."

Cao Zhengchun soon came back and resumed his life. Standing on the side of Liu Hao, he bowed and said.

Liu Hao was slightly stunned. This ice Xuanjin was a secret script that burst out when he killed Yu wenhuaji not long ago. It was juxtaposed with Li Mi\'s Disha skill in the list of unique skills in the Jianghu. It was not difficult to enter the realm of a great master when he reached a desperate situation.

"It seems that it\'s time to give Wu soul stone to help him break the pass..."

Liu Hao checked Yu Wenyue\'s attribute ability and found that he was only one foot away from the master\'s realm.

With the qualification of Yu Wenyue, it is still worth cultivating.



The news that Young Marshal Shang Ming and several elders of Dongming sect were killed by the Han Dynasty overnight spread all over Luoyang the next day.

The whole city of Luoyang is making waves again.

"The emperor of Han Dynasty is so domineering. I heard that the royal guards killed Dongming sect all night at the command, leaving only Shan Wanjing!"

"Hehe, who called that dog day Shang Ming secretly colluding with Li valve to be a wallflower?"

"Shan Wanjing heard that she looks extraordinary. She can take it to be a maid for the emperor."


Luoyang Wulin talked loudly, and there was only one center of discussion:

Liu Hao!

Throughout the rise of the Han Dynasty, cities and territories have been conquered.

This young and domineering emperor manipulated and killed several famous gangs in the Jianghu. Now even the elders of Dongming sect have been killed overnight. Many gang leaders in Luoyang are more and more in awe of Liu Hao