The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2343

The heads of Shangming and Dongming\'s elders were soon sent to Shan Meixian, Dongming\'s wife.

On the same day, Liu Hao received an autograph from Shan Meixian.

Specifically, the letter indicates that the Dongming school is willing to unconditionally support the submission of the Han Dynasty to dominate the world. You can contact the princess Shan Wanjing of Dongming to solve all matters, big and small.

"It seems that this Mrs. Dongming is not a simple person. This time, I killed Shangming\'s 25 sons with the help of me, which also left Dongming sect speechless..."

Liu Hao is an old hand at playing with power. As soon as his mind turns, he sees through Shan Meixian\'s mind.

Shan Meixian is the daughter of the empress Yin. But without the help of Zhu YuYan\'s power, people who can mix up at this level in the Jianghu are definitely iron women with wrist.

"Mrs. Dongming\'s wishful thinking, why don\'t your majesty marry Shan Wanjing? At that time, people will get both money and money. The whole Dongming sect will also be a dowry, so they will all be sent to your majesty..."

Shen Luoyan, the military master of Meier, sat on the side of Liu Hao, with her beautiful eyes moving and looking forward to flying.

In terms of calculation, Shen Luoyan\'s cunning Chengfu is no worse than Shan Meixian.

"What is Dongming school?"

Liu Hao smiled and said, "I\'d rather marry the fallen goose into the palace than marry Shan Wanjing. That\'s a great pleasure."

Speaking of it, Shan Meixian was born to Shan Wanjing when she was used by Bian. Liu Hao didn\'t kill Bian. It\'s still Shan Wanjing\'s father murderer

However, Shan Wanjing\'s mother and daughter live up to the side. They only have hatred. They may also thank Liu Hao.

Shen Luoyan felt Liu Hao\'s hot eyes flowing on her unscrupulously. Her heart trembled and her head bowed. She said, "Your Majesty is kidding again. I have something else to do. I\'ll leave first..."

With a slight lift, Meier\'s military division ran away shyly again

Liu Hao watched Shen Luoyan\'s graceful back disappear and felt a little funny: a woman as intelligent as a fox was a piece of white paper in terms of emotion.

However, it is this mature and green taste that is the most moving.

In Luoyang palace, Liu haoshui went to qucheng and pushed down Dong Shuni and Shang Xiufang, but he didn\'t rush to push down Shen Luoyan. He also enjoyed the beautiful feeling brought by this ambiguous process.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Song Kuan leads the army to advance rapidly. Du Fuwei leads the Jianghuai army to fall without fighting. The additional reward worship value is 30000 points and the merit value is + 100000!"

"Congratulations to the host. Kou Zhong led the vanguard to break the enemy. The seven strong generals under Li Zitong, who were killed in a row, suddenly realized the martial way. Kou Zhong\'s force + 1!"

Liu Hao was in high spirits and began to open the system to check the war news.

After this upgrade, the system has an additional function, that is, it can put the holographic scene of the current world. Even if Liu Hao is in the center, he can control the overall situation.

The picture goes to Jiangdu.

Yang Guang, emperor of the Sui Dynasty, fell into this prosperous city, and Li Zitong came to a dead end here.

At this time, before the battle between the Han Army and Li Zitong\'s army, the battle drums roared in the sky.

Kou Zhong had a Red Gold Tiger helmet on his head and a gold lock armour. He was as big as a mountain. He stood in front of the array with a moon sabre in the well, giving people a towering feeling of standing in the deep Pavilion.

Against Li Zitong, his face is blue and he is about to spit blood

He just came back from Siming Mountain and lost Wu Tianxi, a fierce general. He was attacked by Kou Zhong and killed seven generals in succession.

The morale of his subordinates was affected and there was a certain degree of chaos.

Li Zitong looked around and shouted, "who wants to go out and take the head of this Liao, worship the general and reward ten thousand gold!"

One of his subordinates, Qin Wenchao, a senior general in a white robe, slapped his horse with a gun and shouted, "Han will stop being crazy. I\'ll fight you!"


The two guns dance wildly through the air. The Qi runs around like a tiger.

Qin Wenchao\'s martial arts are not as powerful as Wu Tianxi, but he is also a rare fierce general. At this time, it is also quite powerful to kill with a gun.

"Come on!"

Kou Zhong\'s face was calm, and the immortal formula was urged by his true Qi. The moon sabre in the well in his palm made a clang sound of the dragon.


The long knife broke through the air, cut a perfect curve, and collided with Qin Wenchao\'s long gun.

The sound of gold and iron in the air sounded wildly. The true Qi of the longevity formula was burning like the scorching sun. The strength of the knife invaded along the long gun. Qin Wenchao\'s arms hurt and his heart was even more shocked.

Li Zitong\'s heart was hanging to his throat. He watched Kou Zhong and Qin Wenchao walk through flowers, knives and guns, killing smoke and dust.

After thirty rounds, Kou Zhong broke out.

A knife splits the air and slashes angrily!

The blade was like a mountain torrent. The chopped Qin Wen\'s super long gun got rid of it. When Kou Zhong and Qin Wenchao crossed, they caught the moment when Qin Wenchao\'s true Qi stagnated. The tiger\'s back was heavy and the ape\'s arm was light and relaxed, and brought him all over

Li Zitong\'s Chu army was in chaos.

Kou Zhong\'s fighting power is so strong that he even picked Eight Generals of the Chu army and killed 100000 Chu soldiers!

"Heaven will die alone, and heaven will die alone..."

Li Zitong\'s heart beat violently. He saw the scene in front of Qin Wenchao being captured alive. The world was spinning in front of him. He vomited blood and fell off his horse

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Kou Zhongsheng captured Qin Wenchao, the great general of the Chu army, and Li Zitong, the king of the Chu, vomited blood and died. The additional reward is 20000 points of worship and 100000 points of merit!"

Liu Hao was slightly stunned and looked at Kou Zhong holding the moon sabre in the well and killing into the thousands of troops like a tiger down the mountain. A happy smile appeared at the corners of his mouth

The moon sabre in the well is not with the wrong person!

Kou Zhong also lives up to the reputation of Young Marshal. He uses it to cross the battlefield and kill generals. He is invincible!

Dufu Wei surrendered and Li Zitong was defeated.

Song que, the Duke of Zhennan, and Guan Yu split troops to attack the south of the Yangtze River. Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, and Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin, suppressed the southern Wulin. Strategically, sweeping the South has been almost an overall success.

Liu Hao did not appear on the battlefield, but he was firmly behind the scenes and planned strategies. He also had a feeling of winning thousands of miles.

"It\'s time to start the last war..."

Liu Hao set his eyes on the land of Guanzhong shrouded in the fog of war