The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2341




The bell of the Han Dynasty sounded majestically.

Today is the day when Liu Hao summoned Dongming\'s messenger in the palace.

The foundation of the Dongming school is on the Ryukyu Island above the East China Sea. There is an excellent iron ore on the island. With this, the Dongming school has become the largest weapon manufacturer in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are many heroes competing for the deer in the Central Plains. Five or six out of ten weapons are spread from the Dongming school.

Liu Hao sent out a hero\'s note to summon the messengers of Dongming sect to come to Luoyang, the eastern capital, for discussion. Shan Meixian, the leader of Dongming sect, dared not refuse. He sent his own daughter and elders to Luoyang, the eastern capital.

"Your Majesty, Shan Wanjing and Shang Ming of Dongming sect have been waiting outside the palace gate..."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, walked briskly into the imperial study and said softly.

"Bring them in."

Liu Hao was reviewing the memorials without even lifting his eyelids.

"Xuan ~ ~ Dongming sent people to the palace!"

"Xuan ~ ~ Dongming sent people to the palace!"

Little GUI Ziyun had an inner strength, and the sharp and long voice stirred and spread far and wide.

Before long, the people of Dongming sect bowed down in front of Liu Hao and said, "overseas wild people, meet your majesty!"

This Shan Wanjing is a graceful girl, wearing a white plain yarn dress, her eyes are like painting, and her nose is like jade.

A green phoenix hairpin is inserted in the hair, and the whole person has a faint grace and quiet temperament.

She is worthy of being the granddaughter of empress Zhu Yuyan. In fact, her beauty is not under wanwan and Shifei Xuan.

"I\'ve heard that Dongming sect has mastered 70% of the weapons in the world. Wherever you want to be chaotic, you have to be chaotic. Where you want to be dead, you have to be dead. Is that true?"

Shan Wanjing didn\'t dare to neglect it. She bowed and said, "the people\'s daughter is just a businessman. She has no interest in the game of competing for hegemony. I hope your majesty can learn from her."

The Dongming sect is far away from home and has heard a lot about it. The young emperor in front of him rose up in Bashu, subdued the Song Dynasty, swept through Jingchu and killed the three heroes in Luoyang. The news has been spread for a long time. Not long ago, he killed the four sides in Siming Mountain. The world was surprised

Liu Hao said with an indifferent smile, "there\'s no end of eggs under the falling nest! How can Dongming sect want to be outside the world? Don\'t you also provide Li valve\'s weapons?"

Shan Wanjing had a little sweat on her white forehead.

Liu Hao\'s deep and bright eyes looked over and made her heart tremble inexplicably, as if she could not hide what she thought!

Li Xiuning of Li valve and Shan Wanjing are close friends in the boudoir. This relationship has brought many benefits to Li valve.

At this time, an elder of Dongming sect beside Shan Wanjing said, "if your majesty wants to purchase weapons from our sect, it\'s easy to say that it will be settled at 90% of the price. As for the relationship with Li valve, it has nothing to do with this transaction."

"Is this negotiating with me?"

Liu Hao\'s lips were hooked and looked at the people of Dongming school with a smile.

Clank clank!

Outside the hall, the white haired Cao Shaoqin\'s white eyebrows stood up, one hand had been pressed on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and the soft sword was half an inch out of its sheath.

Royal Guards also clenched Xiuchun Sabre and took a step forward together.

The well-trained royal guards don\'t have to say much. Just wait for Liu Hao to give an order, they will definitely kill the people of Dongming sect above the court.

The elder of Dongming sect knew that he had made a mistake and his back was soaked with cold sweat

Shan Wanjing looked pale and said in a voice: "the words of the holy emperor, the Dongming sect unconditionally pursues, and all the weapons of the Dongming sect will be directly supplied to the Han Dynasty in the future..."

Liu haoduanran sat down safely and didn\'t even say a word. Shan Wanjing made the biggest concession. None of the people in Dongming sect dared to speak loudly.

"What does your majesty think?"

Shan Wanjing bowed down with a respectful attitude.

She has dealt with Dongming sect affairs with her mother since she was a child, and has dealt with all the major valves in the world. However, in her opinion, no rich and powerful family has put pressure on her. There is a handsome young emperor in front of her

She answered her with only a few words of Indifference:

"Sure, step back."



"Yu Wenyue."

"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Wearing a flying fish suit, Yu Wenyue knelt down in front of Liu Hao on one knee and hugged kungfu.

According to the secret report sent by the military aircraft office in his hand, Liu Hao calmly said, "the military aircraft office plays a secret song. Shang Ming secretly connects with Li valve. Take someone to the Luoyang residence of Dongming sect."

"If so, what should I do?"

"Except Shan Wanjing, all of them were killed, and none of them remained."

Liu Hao threw down the fold and said coldly.

Yu Wenyue heard the voice of emperor Weiyi. Xiong\'s body was shocked and said bluntly, "my minister, obey!"


The autumn rain continued.

It also drizzled in Luoyang.

Dongming sect is a big sect that smuggles weapons. It does warlord business. Naturally, it is not short of money.

In the suburbs of Luoyang, there is a big manor.

The gardens inside are all built by famous craftsmen, imitating the pattern of the south of the Yangtze River. Rockeries, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions have a very quiet environment.

Such a beautiful environment should have made people relaxed and happy.

Shang Ming, the Young Marshal of the Dongming sect, was extremely irritable. He slapped the precious red sandalwood table in front of him into pieces and said angrily, "madder, even Yang Guang, who was in power at that time, didn\'t dare to do this to us. Why didn\'t the hateful dog emperor of the Han Dynasty pay attention to our Dongming sect?"

Shang Ping, the elder of Dongming sect, was almost scared to pee in his pants by Liu Hao when he was in the hall during the day. At this time, when he came behind, he looked resentful and said coldly: "since the establishment of Dongming sect, the Central Plains Dynasty has always held a soliciting attitude. Why has there been today\'s humiliation?"

"Such an overbearing emperor, cooperating with him is like seeking skin from a tiger!"

"Guanzhong Li valve has a close relationship with the sect leader. We Dongming sect simply take refuge in Li valve and support Li valve to dominate the world!"


The elder of Dongming sect was full of gossip and began to complain endlessly.

This is also the pride raised over the years.

The Dongming faction created countless excellent weapons and put them into the battlefield of the Central Plains. This strategic resource is enough to change the pattern of the world.

Even Yang Guang asked Dongming to buy weapons and equip Xiaoguo forbidden army.

In the world, who dares not to sell him some face