The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2338

With that, Liu Hao called Cao Shaoqin and ordered Anlong.

The flying eagle sends a message and travels thousands of miles a day. The Han guarding Shu will get the news and will soon release Anlong. In a few days, he will be reunited with his good friends

"I want to integrate the martial arts of the two ways and six sects of the holy gate, and push back the ancient holy gate. There is no heaven magic policy. Now I lack the martial arts of the sky mending Pavilion and the Huajian sect. Please help me to complete it..."

After arranging Anlong, Liu Hao began to talk business with Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan was awed and said, "I admire the ancient demon policy and the ambition of the holy emperor!"

At present, he didn\'t hide anything. He handed over all his holy door martial arts and mental skills



Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host for mastering the martial arts and mental skills of Huajian sect!"

"Congratulations to the host. You have mastered the martial arts and mental skill of mending the heaven!"

"Congratulations to the host. Push back the Tianmo strategy and go further. Please continue your efforts!"

In his ear, a series of sounds of nature system prompted the sound, and Liu Hao came back to his senses.

Look at the time. Unconsciously, a whole day and night have passed!

The evil king Shi Zhixuan is really the talent of Tianzong!

On the understanding of Shengmen\'s martial arts, Xiang Yutian, the hidden evil emperor, was removed in the world. I\'m afraid no one can go to the right of Shi Zhixuan in the world.

Now I\'m discussing the martial arts of the holy gate with Shi Zhixuan. Even Liu Hao has benefited a lot. It\'s a step further from reaching the goal of pushing the holy gate back without heaven\'s magic policy

"The core of the Tianmo strategy is still that volume of Taoist Heart Magic Dharma. This volume is the most difficult to get..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and fell into meditation.

Throughout the whole book of the Tang Dynasty, Daoxin planting demons vaguely appeared several times. However, except for Xiang Yutian\'s cultivation, others\' cultivation is a dead end.

Even several disciples of Xiang Yutian\'s sect, you Niao tired and Ding jiuzhong, only learned the fur martial arts of the evil extreme sect, but did not learn the essence of planting demons. In Liu Hao\'s eyes, they are smelly fish and rotten shrimp, which can be destroyed with one hand

"The road should be taken step by step. When the Han Dynasty is established in the world, it\'s natural to collect Shengmen martial arts on that day..."

After a long talk with Shi Zhixuan, his thoughts became much clearer. Shi Zhixuan wanted to consolidate his realm and entered the sitting state, while Liu Hao went out alone and recruited Xiao Guizi and asked, "how\'s Li Yuanba?"

Little Guizi ran over, bowed and said, "tell your majesty, Li Yuanba seems to be dead. There is no Qi, but there are vital signs. Even Li Shizhen of Taiping Hospital is helpless."

"There is such a thing. I\'ll go and have a look."

Liu Hao was curious and followed Xiao Guizi all the way to another dark room.

This dark room is made of pure heavy iron, like an iron cage. There are several heavy royal guards and Longxiang camp forbidden guards inside and outside. The defense is tight.

Li Yuanba, a murderous man, was personally suppressed by one of the four famous captors. From a distance, I heard Xiao Guizi shouting, "Your Majesty has arrived."

The iron hand pushed the golden mountain and fell on the jade pillar. He knelt down on one knee and shouted, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The forbidden guards and royal guards of Longxiang camp also fell to the ground, bowed and shouted, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"All flat."

Liu Haolong came in with a tiger step, waved his sleeve and said, "open the prison door, I\'ll go in and have a look."

When the mechanism was opened, ten thousand kilograms of broken dragon stone was lifted up. Liu Hao took the iron hand into the darkroom prison and saw a skinny and sick boy hanging in the cell with a cold iron chain with thick arms.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help feeling that it was this thin young man who killed eighteen anti King cowards with two drum beating urn gold hammers. He couldn\'t lift his head to fight the world\'s fierce generals.

"Without breathing, the heartbeat slowed down countless times, almost nothing, but there is still a breath, similar to Taoist turtle breath, not dead yet..."

Liu Hao explored Li Yuanba\'s situation with his mind and couldn\'t help admiring the Xiaoqiang\'s vitality.

In the romance novel, Li Yuanba raised his hammer to scold the sky, and was killed by Tianlei. Now Li Yuanba is particularly sad. Tianlei, who was driven by Leichi, survived

"Is it because the thunder triggered by the thunder pool is not as good as the sky thunder?"

Liu Hao whispered.

There was a trace of fear in the iron hand\'s eyes, and he hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, this guy is a peerless murderer and the first fierce general of Li valve. It\'s better to kill him as an example?"

The iron hand is not a man who likes to kill indiscriminately, but Li Yuanba is too fierce. His combat power in the princes\' alliance can be called invincible, and even the martial arts master should shudder.

Keeping such a person is like a time bomb.

Liu Hao said, "it\'s not necessary to kill him. I can control him once and suppress him again. At this time, the situation is not clear. Li Yuanba can\'t wake up for a while and a half. Just look at it first."

"My Lord, yes!"

Liu Hao spoke, and the iron hand naturally pursued it.


In the square building.

Cheng Yaojin is pulling Yan Yun to drink.

Luo Cheng\'s martial arts are excellent, but he can\'t drink. After drinking for a round, he is already red in the face. At this time, he uses his martial arts to dissolve the wine.

Although Maotai is good, it has enough stamina. Qiao Luocheng is dizzy now.

Cheng Yaojin is very active. He takes several live treasures such as niugao and Mengliang, just like a bottomless pit. He fights alone on Yanyun\'s 18 horses in the wine field, but he doesn\'t lose the wind.

Tons, tons!

All he could hear was that he put his foot on the stool and held the wine jar in his hand. After a few breaths, a large jar of Maotai wine went into his stomach.

Cheng Yaojin\'s face was red and he hiccupped and shouted happily.

"General Cheng is heroic!"

"Some clothes!"

"A thousand cups of wine is not drunk. It\'s great!"

Yan Yun rode across Mobei on the 18th. He was also a good drinker. He didn\'t know Cheng Yaojin. Today, he met Cheng Yaojin and didn\'t refuse to drink.

Dozens of empty jars have been placed on the desktop, and the shopkeepers of Sifang building feel distressed.

When the price of this jar of Maotai wine was hyped to 100 gold, these people drank thousands of gold. They were so distressed that they shed blood