The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2337

Liu Hao\'s emperor was really moving, his killing intention was gradually blazing, and Shi Zhixuan\'s look changed. Finally, he sighed and said dejectedly, "do I have any choice?"

If you don\'t fall, you\'ll die.

Shi Zhixuan has no doubt that if he carries it to death, Liu Hao will kill him immediately with a wave of his hand.

Liu Hao\'s arrogance made even the great master shudder at it.

"Shi Zhixuan, willing to surrender!"

Finally, the evil king Shi Zhixuan bent his knees in front of Liu Hao, lowered his arrogant head and chose to surrender.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have accepted the evil king Shi Zhixuan. The additional reward worship value is 10000 points. At present, the loyalty of Shi Zhixuan is 75 points!"

"Please help Shi Zhixuan to repair the spiritual hidden trouble. If it is successful, Shi Zhixuan\'s loyalty will be greatly improved. Please let the host know!"

The familiar system prompt sounded in Liu Hao\'s ear.

Sure enough, there is a big difference in the loyalty between the talents who are awed by Sheng and those who are distracted. However, Liu Hao will not worry about this. With the super-high monarch charm and the aura of God, Shi Zhixuan will be full of loyalty sooner or later

"With your help, the world will be settled!"

Liu Hao smiled and untied the ban on Shi Zhixuan, fully affirmed his ability and said, "I\'ll help the evil king cure the spiritual hidden danger first."

Although Shi Zhixuan was slightly moved in his heart, he was also skeptical and said tactfully, "I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to recover from my mental trauma. Your majesty, don\'t waste your strength."

I know my own business.

After being hurt by emotion that year, Shi Zhixuan\'s temperament changed greatly, which was a sign of madness.

In the words of later generations, this is a harbinger of schizophrenia.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "it doesn\'t hurt. Just try."

Liu Hao was full of confidence, but Shi Zhixuan didn\'t refuse. He sat down in the dark room, hugged yuan and kept one, and his mind was silent.


With a sword finger and a sword breath, he stabbed a thumb sized hole in the dark room dome.

At noon, his eyes fell straight down and just landed on the top of Shi Zhixuan\'s head.

Liu Hao\'s mind was shocked, and the emperor was really strong. He rushed out and began to stimulate Shi Zhixuan\'s Tianyuan divine orifices with the method of putting the essence on the fetus.

Tianyuan Shenqiao is the master of the stars around the human body.

The reason why Shi Zhixuan couldn\'t step beyond the top of the great master was that he was limited to this step.

However, he was smarter than Guan Qi, split into several personalities, and avoided his main consciousness from falling into a state of confusion

After about half an hour, Liu Hao cut off the rest of Shi Zhixuan\'s thoughts with the supreme means of forgetting his feelings.

"It\'s finally done..."

Liu Hao also took a long breath and looked at the handsome evil king Shi Zhixuan in front of him.

In addition to so many distractions, what is left in Shi Zhixuan\'s consciousness should be the personality of his beloved daughter.

If you forget your feelings, you can make great achievements.

Extreme love can also break the void.

Liu Hao doesn\'t need to try this way. Master Huang wrote a swordsman called wave over cloud, which breaks the void.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan slowly opened his eyes. There was no evil in his eyes. It was a clear and bright day, as if reflecting the truth of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Shi Zhixuan, who had never been moved, was inexplicably moved for the first time.

He knew that he was further away from the great master of Wudao to break the void realm, and there was no natural barrier.

In the future, as long as you have a strong foundation, you may not have no hope to set foot in this realm known as the land fairy.

All this is because of the great man in front of the emperor!


Shi Zhixuan pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees. He solemnly saluted Liu Hao and said, "I dare not forget the gift given by the holy emperor. I must make a report!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He has cured the hidden spiritual danger of Shi Zhixuan. Shi Zhixuan\'s loyalty is + 30. At present, the loyalty of the evil king has reached full value, and the additional reward worship value is 10000 points!"

The system prompt sound sounded like the sound of nature in Liu Hao\'s ear.

The worship value of reward is a small matter. The key is Shi Zhixuan\'s complete loyalty, which can help Liu Hao.

Liu Hao picked up Shi Zhixuan and said with a smile, "it\'s not difficult to prove the master of literature and Taoism in the future with the talent of loving Qing. I\'m looking forward to a great talent of both civil and military masters in the Han Dynasty."

The Han Dynasty, Wenchang and wusheng.

But none of those who have achieved both martial arts and civil arts.

Liu Hao himself missed the door. In recent years, his father-in-law, pharmacist Huang, rarely appeared. He was basically in the sage village and closed the door to attack the last threshold of the master of literature and Taoism.

With Shi Zhixuan\'s qualification, Liu Hao has no doubt that he can break through the barrier of master Wen and Tao.

But at present, there is no talk of Wendao cultivation in the world. Shi Zhixuan wondered, "Your Majesty\'s master of Wendao is..."

"This is the core secret of the Dynasty..."

Liu Hao slowly spit out his voice. Suddenly, like a saint, he uttered a long chant. Haoran\'s spirit rushed out of the sea of literature. There was a crazy sound of golden dagger in the air.

"There are still such means in the world..."

Shi Zhixuan was shocked by the air Reiki riot.

Only when we reach the top of the great master of martial arts and are about to get rid of the mundane realm, can we realize the shock brought by the vast literature and Taoism.

"I see... If you have a chance in the future, you must have a try."

Shi Zhixuan nodded, and his admiration for Liu Hao deepened.

Liu Hao received his great talent and said with a smile, "the vastness of literature and Tao is inherited from ancient times. After returning to the dynasty, Aiqing can study it by herself."

Now Shi Zhixuan is full of loyalty. Liu Hao secretly tells him about some dynasties. Naturally, it doesn\'t hurt.

"Your Majesty, I still have a close friend. I don\'t know what the situation is?"

The gentleman and the Minister discussed the half ring text way, and Shi Zhixuan suddenly asked.

"The evil king has friends?"

Liu Hao didn\'t turn around for a moment.

Tianlu, Shi Zhixuan is famous for his ruthlessness and cold-blooded. People all over the world are afraid to avoid him. Unexpectedly, there are close friends?

Shi Zhixuan said, "fat Jia Anlong in Shu has a deep friendship with his ministers. I heard that he fell into the hands of the dynasty. I don\'t know what\'s going on now..."

"It\'s Anlong..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and said, "the martial arts of Anlong Magic Lotus sect are well practiced, but I don\'t give up. I\'ll detain him in Bashu without killing him. I\'ll send someone to summon him..."