The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2339

"Lao Cheng, you are brave enough. When you come to Youzhou in the future, we will buy you the strongest burning knife!"

The boss of Youyun\'s 18th riding said with a smile.

Cheng Yaojin hiccupped and asked, "brother, why are you leaving today before you have a good time?"

Luo Cheng said with a wry smile, "brother Cheng, all the banquets in the world end. My father\'s Flying Pigeon sends a message. There are hidden changes in troops and horses in the Turks in the north. Let\'s go back quickly."

The boss of Youyun 18th cavalry looked dignified and said, "if he wasn\'t in a hurry, the commander wouldn\'t be in such a hurry. It\'s going to winter in a few months. The Turkic bastards want to take advantage of this time to detain and loot..."

Turks were born in grassland and desert. Their geographical advantage is not as good as that of the Central Plains. Naturally, they covet the fertility of the Central Plains. Basically, they buckle customs every year, plunder food, rob women, livestock and other resources.

Youzhou is located in the north, just bordering on Turks. Luo Yi led Youzhou army and fought with Turks in recent years.

Cheng Yaojin slapped the table angrily and shouted, "I\'m tired of these Turks. When the Central Plains is completely settled in the future, I will ask your majesty to level the grassland with a big iron horse and kill them."

"Well said! Step on the grassland and kill the Turkic bastards!"


When Li Yuanba was carefully guarded, Liu Hao turned back to the palace.

Liu Hao was thinking about Li Yuanba\'s situation in his heart. He didn\'t look at the road. As a result, he inadvertently bumped into a man. He only heard a charming cry, Wen Xiang nephrite, and then held him in his arms

Lin Xi\'s oval face blushed like a frightened deer and hurried away from the intoxicating warm embrace.

After half a ring, he calmed his beating heart, saluted Liu Hao YingYing and said, "Lin Xi, too hospital, pay a visit to his Majesty the holy emperor."

"It\'s Miss Linxi."

Liu Hao still had a soft and beautiful touch on his fingertips, so he couldn\'t help looking at it more.

Previously thought it was "right a", but now it seems that the old driver looked away. The pair of peaks in front of Linxi\'s chest are still quite large-scale.

"Your Majesty, the Siming Mountain battlefield has been handled. The specific casualties and cases are in this file..."

Lin Xi lowered his head and handed over the file in his hand, but he didn\'t dare to look at Liu Hao.

This kind of green and astringent shame added color to her, and Liu Hao felt a little hot in his heart.

Lin Xi is not the most outstanding beauty in Langya list, but she is definitely the most simple and beautiful

The temperament of helping the world and saving people is like a bright female doctor in later generations. Wearing a uniform adds a bit of temperament to her.

Liu Hao opened the file, glanced and nodded slightly.

With the existence of Tai hospital, the war damage ratio of Huben fierce soldiers in the Han Dynasty was controlled at a very low number.

"Do a good job. I\'ll take good care of you, female miracle doctor."

The storage space was full of glittering treasure boxes waiting for Liu Hao to open, but he didn\'t want to tease his sister. He encouraged Lin Xi\'s sister, and Liu Hao went back to his bedroom.

Lin Xi puffed his cheeks and his face turned red again


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure chest of emperor rating and obtained the Buddha bone relic * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure chest of emperor rating and obtained the Buddha bone relic * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure chest of emperor rating and obtained the Buddha bone relic * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure box of King\'s rating and obtained the Vajra pestle!"


Vajra pestle: Buddhist magic weapon, weighing 135 kg!

When holding a Vajra pestle and using Buddhist martial arts against the enemy, force + 3 and has a deterrent effect on the enemy!

Buddha bone relic (Imperial rating): it is a relic left by the sitting of an eminent monk, which contains strong Buddhist Chanting power. Please explore the specific use by yourself!

Liu Hao, full of expectation, has a black line on his face.

This is NIMA\'s!

At least he is also a Buddhist and Taoist master. He opened a pile of hidden treasure boxes of emperor ratings. As a result, he opened a pile of Buddhist bone relics

"System, what is the use of this Buddha bone relic?"

"The Buddha bone relic is a special item rated by the emperor and has a special function. Please explore it by yourself."

Hearing the systematic reply, Liu Hao turned black

The Vajra pestle is a weapon with good attributes. The Buddha bone relic is really useless. It doesn\'t provide any attributes. It\'s blind to the emperor\'s rating!

Pick up a Buddha bone relic and put it in the palm of your hand. Move your pupils to observe it carefully. The Buddha bone relic is about the size of a table tennis ball. On the relic, there is a shallow Buddha light and golden awn, full of a peaceful atmosphere and calming.

Liu Hao drives his mind and sneaks into the relic, but he doesn\'t feel anything. He just hears the Sanskrit singing

"At least one thing has been determined..."

After several attempts in succession, Liu Hao\'s state of mind gradually balanced: holding the Buddhist bone relic can calm the mind, the heart demons will not be born, and the external demons will not invade.

This is even more valuable for those who practice martial arts.

How many people are limited by the demons when they attack the shackles of martial arts, and their cultivation stops. It is difficult to cross the threshold all their life.

Shi Zhixuan, for example, suffered from mental breakdown and schizophrenia.

He had been interested in using the power of Buddhism to achieve himself, but he fell short. If he had such a Buddhist bone relic in his hand at that time, today\'s evil king\'s cultivation might have surpassed the top of the great master.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao felt happy;

"This wave is not bad."


The feudal assembly of Siming Mountain gradually came to an end.

The world turned against the king, and all the princes lost their troops and lost their generals. In a few days, they withdrew one after another and returned to their respective stations.

Shan xiongxin, with his subordinates and green forest experts, is ready to go back to Erxian villa.

Shan Bingbing took Shan xiongxin\'s clothes and said, "brother, can you stay?"

Shan xiongxin smiled, patted his sister\'s hands and said, "Bingbing, you are already a female general of the Han Dynasty. In the future, under the command of the Han Emperor, you should abide by the military law of the king and don\'t be capricious..."

A hero like Shan xiongxin would rather bleed than shed tears, but he is also concerned about his sister from the bottom of his heart