The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2336

"Ding Ding, North and south, the unification of strong men! The military division said well!"

"Hit! Hit the fuck!"

"Teach Li valve to be a man. Without Li Yuanba, see how they block the dynasty admiral!"

"Those local Jiwa dogs in the south of the Yangtze River, also known as princes, will ask to rate 3000 to ride and owl their head!"


The Great Han officials in the hall were calm, but the generals fought one after another.

The evil king shizhixuan looked on and suddenly had an absurd feeling in his heart: in the eyes of the Han generals, the princes and heroes in the world are the credit waiting for harvest, which is not enough to mention

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it falsely. The atmosphere in the hall was suddenly silent.

"JINGLUE, you have deployed the whole vassal assembly. What are your specific ideas for the next strategic action?"

Wang Meng was named, walked out of the column slowly, and bowed his hand: "I inform your Majesty the holy emperor that I seconded the words of the filial piety military division. The princes in the south of the Yangtze River are mediocre and mediocre when they are controlled by the holy gate. Now the imperial concubine suppresses the holy gate. Your majesty can send a general to lead a brigade of teachers and sweep the south of the Yangtze River in March..."

The people listened carefully and only heard Wang Meng continue: "the place in Guanzhong is the next strategic important place. Your majesty can send Marshal Wu Mu to lead the army to rush into Guanzhong and take Chang\'an directly. There is no fiercer general in Li valve than Li Yuanba. Now even Li Yuanba is captured. Li Shimin is like a lost dog. Who can block the unparalleled front of the back Wei army?"

"After occupying the land of Guanzhong, we can look forward to Hebei. We will attack the East and West Turks in the north. Within a year, the north and the South will be unified and belong to the strong Han!"

"This man has the talent of Wang Zuo!"

Shi Zhixuan followed his voice and saw that Wang Meng was dressed in a green shirt, elegant and unrestrained, and his whole body was full of vigorous Qi, like ancient sages. His voice was like thunder, which made people tremble.

There is no need to look at the world map. Shi Zhixuan has long been printed in his heart. He also believes that Wang Meng\'s plan is a perfect plan at present.

According to this strategy, the Han Dynasty could break through the north and South in less than a year and kill all the princes on their knees.

Liu Hao said, "what\'s the meaning of the Shangshu stage?"

Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang, and others all bowed their hands and said, "ministers and others seconded Wang JINGLUE. This is the best policy for managing the world."


Liu Hao immediately decided:

"The Duke of Zhennan, song Kuang, is the chief general, Guo Jia is the chief planner, Kou Zhong hangs the pioneer seal, and today he will gather 100000 new troops to invade the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Yue Fei is the marshal, Zhuge Liang is the counselor, Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing are the left and right pioneers. Today, we gather 200000 troops to kill and rush to Guanzhong and close the Longhao valve, but there is tenacious resistance and kill them all..."

The world is still in the hands of haovalve after all.

Li Yuan sat in Guanzhong, secretly colluded with Turks, and also had countless relationships with guanlonghao aristocrats. Since Liu Hao was determined to sweep the world, he naturally had to wash Guanlong aristocrats with blood.

"Minister, take orders!"

Yue Fei, Xu Huang, Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing, Zhuge and others all took the order.

Only Kou Zhong, standing at the end of the row, was a little stunned.

"This boy, stupid..."

Cheng Yaojin, standing next to him, muttered, kicked Kou Zhong on the ass and kicked him out of the line

Kou Zhong just regained his mind. He turned back and glared at Cheng Yaojin, kneeling down to accept the order.

When the temporary military debate ended, the war machine of the whole dynasty began to work.

The crowd withdrew from the court and dispersed.

The first time Kou Zhong hung the pioneer seal, he felt a little guilty. He found Cheng Yaojin who had just kicked him and asked, "brother, what should this pioneer general do?"

Cheng Yaojin patted Kou Zhong on the shoulder and said with a grin: "boy, you really have vision. You found the first pioneer General of the Han Dynasty. I Yaojin hung the pioneer seal and killed and retreated 100000 troops with two axes..."

Kou Zhong was awed: "it was the first pioneer general Cheng. I\'m disrespectful!"

"Look at your knowledge, teach you a few hands, keep you, and you can benefit infinitely."

Cheng Yaojin was flattered and said with a smile: "listen, the vanguard general, you can\'t advance rashly when you meet the enemy. After you find out the enemy\'s situation, you can\'t retreat. Just rush to the front and kill the enemy, and you\'ll get the credit..."

"I see."

Kou Zhong nodded again and again and said, "in terms of cutting people, I\'m the best at Yangzhou Shuanglong. It seems that I must be the young commander of the dynasty in the future, and I will dominate the world..."


Cheng Yaojin turned his eyes and thought that this boy can play better than me

As they talked, they agreed very well, hooked their shoulders, laughed and drank


After the soldiers broke up, Liu Hao took Shi Zhixuan to a dark room.

The evil king shizhixuan had a creepy feeling and said, "you... What do you want to do?"

If the acupoint and orifice meridians were not cut off, he would like to run the magic body method and escape from here. After escaping, he would immediately escape thousands of miles and never see Liu Hao again in this life

It\'s horrible!

Liu Hao is ten thousand times more terrible than those old bald donkeys in Buddhism!

The great master of martial arts is detached from the world and has great martial arts skills. However, when facing Liu Hao, he still inevitably has a sense of oppression in his heart.

After all, Liu Hao was the real king of the dynasty. In a word, he launched a million troops to invade the north and the south, and the Dragon looked at the world.

"The evil king is afraid sometimes?"

Liu Hao went to Shi Zhixuan, untied the chain on him, let him restore his basic action ability, looked down at him with his negative hand and said, "I think you still have some talents, which can be used. I\'ll give you two ways."

"First, submit to me and serve the Han Dynasty. I can help you eliminate your spiritual hidden dangers. It is not impossible to improve your cultivation and break the void in the future."

"Second, I\'ll die immediately. I use the secret method to absorb your skills and give them to others. Then I use the soul searching secret method to deprive you of all your memory and martial arts..."

Liu Hao calmly looked at Shi Zhixuan and asked, "how do you choose?"

The road is under your feet, you choose.

In the face of Shi Zhixuan, a powerful demon sect leader with a deep mind in the city, it is absolutely nonsense to move with emotion and reason.

Only enough interests can make it move