The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2333

The bright moon is in the sky, and the moonlight is as cool as water.

After Liu Hao gave the order to kill Li Er, all the masters of the whole Han Dynasty went out.

Song Kuo, the Duke of Zhennan, led the Wulin army to chase in the northwest. When he passed a hillside, he stopped.

Under the moonlight, four old monks with vicissitudes of life and vigorous breath are sitting on the bluestone in four directions from the southeast.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you have a great desire to kill. Why don\'t you put down the butcher\'s knife in your hand in order to get rid of it?"

The voice is vigorous and stirring, like the compassionate voice of the Buddha in heaven.

"The four holy monks, as expected, are not what the holy emperor expected!"

Song Kuang raised the Heavenly Sword with one hand, snorted coldly, raised the knife and shouted, "it\'s right to kill all the Buddhist bald donkeys tonight, and Li Er can\'t escape!"

Among the four holy monks of Buddhism, the emperor\'s heart is the most violent. He immediately roared like a lion and shouted solemnly: "benefactor song, you have lived outside Lingnan for a long time. It is a wise move to protect yourself. Why do you go out of the mountain to this muddy water today? The song valve goes against the sky at this time and will lose a lot in the future."

Song que sneered, "do you think Buddhism represents the will of heaven?"


Master Jiaxiang raised his palm on his chest and said, "the will of heaven is clear. We will have a final conclusion in the future. Since we were born today, benefactor song, we\'d better not show off our ferocity. Li Shimin still has great luck. His life should not be here... Goodness is goodness."

Ding Peng\'s eyes flashed red and sneered: "I hate the noise of a bald donkey in my life. Take a knife first!"


The full moon machete suddenly made a violent sound of gold and iron. This magic knife for thousands of generations burst out boundless knife Qi, suddenly cut through the void and cut vertically.

"What a magic spirit! Benefactor is possessed. Today, I\'m King Kong subdued!"

The emperor\'s heart venerable carries the Buddha\'s bodyguard spirit Gang, runs the Zen stick in his hand, such as the King Kong Buddha, and waves the King Kong pestle with an angry blow.

The light of Buddha, like a golden awn, covered the sky and collided with the terrible magic knife shadow in the air.


I only heard the crazy sound of Qi strength. That layer of Buddhist Gang Qi was destroyed by the terrible magic knife Qi!

The Buddha is one foot high and the devil is one foot high!

Kill! Kill! Kill!!

Thousands of knives turned into the howling voice of ghosts and gods, roaring in the air, miserable as purgatory!

Master Jiaxiang, Bai Mei Yixuan, already felt the extreme danger. He took a cross arm and pointed out several fingers in the air to help the emperor\'s heart venerable guard.

The two holy monks spent a lot of time to eliminate the sword Qi of the magic knife, which caused a terrible wave in their hearts:

"When did such a talented young man come out of the demon gate?"

"The evil king shizhixuan may not have such martial arts!"

The invincible magic knife in the ancient master\'s works still stands out in the Tang Dynasty.

Even song que of Tiandao couldn\'t help touching the Dao and saying, "if Ding Peng reaches the peak of his skill and sublimates the magic Dao to the utmost in the future, he can be compared with the ninth move of Tiandao."

Ding Peng took the lead and returned to the sea with a knife. He didn\'t talk much. He also showed his unique skill of watching the family.

Sabre ยท heartless chop!

A knife Gang, which was several meters long, suddenly split into the air and cut away. It was powerful and overbearing to the extreme.

Jue Tian, Jue Di, Jue Qing, Jue Yi, Jue Shen, Jue fo!

Those who stand in the way of tyranny and ruthlessness will be ruthlessly killed, regardless of whether they are human or Buddha.

"Today, it seems that you have to combine the power of the four people to subdue the devil."

Master Daoxin looked solemn. His jade like hands stretched out and used the secret Dharma of Buddhism.

Dharma hand!

Dharma is the Buddha among Buddhists. This set of martial arts is said to have been created by Dharma at that time. It is powerful enough to open mountains and split rocks!

At the same time, the master of wisdom also made a bold move. His hands were like Vajra Buddha\'s palms and grabbed at the domineering dagger gang.


Buddhist Gang Qi and Dao Qi collided in the air, and the Qi strength dissipated. The Dao returning to the sea was shocked and retreated one step.

"Good! This son\'s Dao is more powerful than the Badao mountain thirty years ago!"

Master Daoxin and master wisdom looked at each other and could not help frowning.

A Ding Peng is already strong enough to be unfathomable. The sabre technique of this bully young man is no less impressive.

Not to mention that there is a lack of Tiandao song to suppress the array. I don\'t know how many experts of the Han Dynasty are lurking in the dark.

Han Dynasty, what a powerful inside story!?

For the first time, the four holy monks felt that they were a little weak. It seemed that they were facing a deep mud and were struggling.

Song que saw the two younger generation pull out their swords and cut angrily. He suddenly became heroic in his chest. He played his sword and roared, "Tiandao has hidden its scabbard for 30 years. It\'s good to sacrifice your four masters today."

"Brother song, your opponent is me."

In the void, a burst of melodious laughter came.

I saw that I was dressed in a green shirt and came in an elegant manner.

Sanzhen Ning Dodge, one of the three great masters!

Ning Daoqi\'s face was like an ancient jade. He smiled and said, "more than a dozen master masters have been sent out by the Buddhism tonight. In any case, Li Shimin can\'t afford to lose. Can brother song sell the old Taoist a face?"

Li Shimin is the right man appointed by the Buddha. He also used all means to protect him.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of song\'s mouth and said, "it\'s also a great pleasure in life to kill the master of the Central Plains with the ninth move of Tiandao tonight!"

Before the voice fell, the knife light began.

No one saw how Tiandao came out of its scabbard, and no one could see what song Ke meant by the bright blade.

I can see that the moonlight in the sky has become dim under this knife. The knife Qi cuts into the sky, kills and cuts vertically and horizontally, and the sound of dragon singing and knife singing is really splitting people\'s minds!

"This emptiness is infinite, and purity leads to emptiness, so this emptiness is real. Although there are hundreds of differences between emptiness and reality..."

Ning Dodge\'s smile gradually solidified, and he rushed to the limit. With this pulse of Taoist Xuangong, he had to connect with the blade of Tiandao!

Clang clang!

There was a continuous symphony of gold and iron in the air. The two masters were staggered in the air. In an instant, countless moves passed. Song Weiwei was like a God, and he fell slowly with a heavenly knife, while Ning dodge flew back more than ten feet.

A section of Taoist robe sleeves fell from the air.

Ning dodge opened his eyes wide and looked shocked.

His Taoist heart could no longer be calm and set off a torrent of waves!

How... How possible!?

Tiandao is short of Song Dynasty, and the attainments of Dao technique have surpassed the realm of great master