The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2334

As soon as the Tiandao comes out, the blade will stand.

The vigorous Dao Gang seemed to have life and suddenly fell from the air, like a black dragon sticking his head out of the clouds.

This is the pinnacle of the greatest master of Daodao. Even if it\'s Sanzhen Ning Dodge, one of the three greatest masters in the world, he doesn\'t dare to pick it up easily.


Ning Dodge was horrified and swept back quickly. Dao Gang cut on the ground. The ground burst open a deep gully, with mud, dust and grass scraps flying everywhere.

The four holy monks not far away looked at each other. They wanted to go up together and besiege song que. As a result, they saw a round of full moon Sabre Qi in the air, hiding in the air and shooting at each other.

Magic knife!

The small building listens to the spring rain all night!!

The sword Qi of Yin evil and evil spirit covered the heaven and earth, and the boundless killing machine was boiling wildly. Even the four holy monks with more than one year\'s skill had goose bumps!

At the same time, Guihai also shot.

He pulled the knife with his right hand and cut out the air. He cut out all the knife gang and cut out the air as if it had been cut open!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

In the dark night, there were several figures rushing from all directions. The long howling of the imperial master was like the roaring of the dark dragon and the moon, stirring and frightening.



Not long after Liu Hao subdued the evil king Shi Zhixuan, the royal guards commander Shen Lian, Xun feizhan and others clapped their horses and killed them.

"My subordinates, wait for the escort to come late. Please forgive me!"

Shen Lian, Xun feizhan and others saw Liu Hao, rolled their saddles and fell on their knees in front of Liu Hao.

After a great war, the forest was in a mess, and the ancient trees were broken. I don\'t know how many.

"Get up."

Liu Hao threw Shi Zhixuan over and said, "this man is the evil king Shi Zhixuan. He sent someone to wear Pipa bones and take him back to Sifang city."

"My Lord, yes!"

Shen Lian was awe inspiring, but he didn\'t dare to neglect at all. He hurriedly hugged his fist and took command.

Being delayed by Shi Zhixuan, Liu Hao asked, "where is Li Er now?"

Xun feizhan bowed and hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, after Li Er escaped from Siming Mountain, he arranged several suspicious soldiers one after another and scattered the pursuit. General Xie Xuan led the snow wolf ride to catch up with him 80 miles away. He was about to kill him. Suddenly, a group of Buddhist soldiers killed him. They were the first 13 staff monks. They were brave and could not be taken as masters..."

"Thirteen stick monks save the king of Tang?"

Liu Hao was stunned when he heard the speech, and his sword eyebrows wrinkled.

I thought I was high enough to see Buddhism, but I didn\'t expect that the white Taoist with ox ears still gave me a big surprise.

These thirteen stick monks mean thirteen martial arts masters. This is the inside story of Buddhism and the trump card of Li valve!

"However, if the thirteen masters do their best, what can they do? Li Er can escape the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day. Sooner or later, he will march into Guanzhong and destroy Li valve..."

A cold arc hung from the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth.

The plan to kill Li Er was a failure, but it didn\'t hurt the overall situation.

Tonight\'s harvest has been so rich that it is unimaginable. In particular, Tianlei Hongding won Li Yuanba and captured the evil king Shi Zhixuan again.

When Li valve lost Li Yuanba, Liu Hao had no scruples and could deploy the strategy for Guanzhong.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao gave an order and set out to patrol the battlefield.


Today, there was chaos at the scene of the vassal League meeting, and the whole Sifang city was under martial law.

Many princes ran to the rich and prosperous Sifang city to fight the autumn wind. Naturally, they were severely suppressed by the fierce soldiers of Sifang city.

When Liu Hao returned to Sifang city after patrolling the battlefield, the royal guards of the military aircraft department had just arrived.

"The success of Sifang plain!"

The royal guards rolled up their cloak, rolled the saddle from the horse, fell down on one knee in front of Liu Hao\'s horse, hugged his fist, and said respectfully: "Congratulations, your majesty. In the war last night, Li valve\'s Xuanjia army was wiped out. General Li valve died more than ten people, but there was no trace of Li Shimin..."

"Don\'t check it. I\'m going to inform Taiji hospital to clean up the battlefield quickly."

Liu Hao waved his hand and gave an order.

He has been paying attention to the system panel. He didn\'t see the news of Li Shimin\'s death. Instead, the general of Tiance mansion killed several and burst out several Wulin stones, which is an unexpected joy.

Now it is the beginning of September and autumn, and the heat of midsummer has not yet dissipated. There are mountains of corpses lying in the wild. If they are not properly disposed of as soon as possible, they are likely to induce decay. At that time, there will be a plague, and the death and injury will be calculated in millions of people.

"I\'ll do it now!"

When the royal guards heard the speech, they were awed. They hugged their fists, rolled their cloak, and hurried to inform the Tai hospital.

Liu Hao drove his horse into the city and found that the usual busy Sifang city had become silent due to the war, so he went straight back to the palace.


Outside the square city.

Kou Zhong is commanding the fierce soldiers of the Great Han Huben camp to clean up the whole battlefield.

He was given by Liu Hao to serve the Han Dynasty with the moon sword in the well. Now he is full of energy.

"Hurry up. If you meet the Lee valve, cut it directly. Don\'t be wordy!"

With one hand on his waist and the other on his knife, Kou Zhong was dressed in the heavy armor of the king of the Han Dynasty, which was somewhat heroic as a young general.

Du Fuwei stood beside him and looked at the vast square plain. He said with a smile: "the Great Han Emperor, turn his hand over the clouds and cover his hand with rain. It\'s really a good hand. Du is convinced!"

Kou Zhong asked sideways, "Dad, what are you sighing about?"

Du Fuwei\'s broad robe sleeves flew over and said with emotion: "you can\'t see clearly when you are in the Bureau. The meeting of princes of Siming Mountain gathered heroes all over the world, in fact, in order to achieve the reputation of the holy emperor. Last night, after the world-shaking war, all the Heroes suffered losses, but the emperor of Han laughed last..."

Kou Zhong is very savvy. Du Fuwei knows that when the princes performed martial arts yesterday, almost all the heroes in the world were in a confluence. I don\'t know how many fierce people died.

These people die early now, which is tantamount to clearing the world for the emperor and reducing resistance in the future.

Thinking of this, Kou Zhong admired Liu Hao more and more: "the holy emperor is really a hero in the world and a person of great pattern. If you follow such a boss, you will definitely stand out