The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2332

"The evil king takes ordinary people as chess pieces. Isn\'t he in the game? I feel that the evil king has reached the peak of the great master of martial arts. It\'s already the limit. If he goes further, there\'s no hope in his life?"

Liu Hao smiled and told Shi Zhixuan what was on his mind. His face changed.

Shi Zhixuan has a heart attack.

With the talent of heaven, he combined the essence of the martial arts of the devil gate and deduced the martial arts of the holy gate to a level close to ancient legends. Unfortunately, he was in a situation and had a problem.

Practice martial arts and Taoism, and come to the same goal by different paths.

In the end, they all ask for the way to get rid of vulgarity and the avenue of eternal life.

If the state of mind is not perfect, he will never take that step. This is also the truth that Liu Hao has learned from practicing martial arts and Taoism for so many years.

"Have you... Have you come to that step?"

Shi Zhixuan finally showed waves on his calm face and murmured, "how is it possible? No one in the world can take that step!"


While he was talking, Shi Zhixuan boldly started. A dark and evil palm force suddenly spit out. The fallen leaves in the forest soared and turned into a Yin dragon, killing Liu Hao.

Shi Zhixuan was born in the magic gate Butian Pavilion. Butian Pavilion is the way of assassins. The timing of Shi Zhixuan\'s shot can be said to be unpredictable and wonderful to the extreme.

If an ordinary martial arts master was present, he was afraid that he would suffer a loss, but Liu Hao stood still, with the indifferent and extraordinary trend of "you can be strong, and the breeze blows the mountain".


The Dragon God Gang flows naturally. Liu Hao seems to be surrounded by a layer of bright golden awn. The body protecting God Gang blocks Shi Zhixuan\'s earth shaking blow from the gang Qi.


Liu Hao took a step towards the front, and the dragon\'s energy dissipated. The fallen leaves broke into powder and fell from the air

Shi Zhixuan missed the blow, looked indifferent, and his body was like a phantom, shuttling through the void. He suddenly narrowed the distance between him and Liu Hao. Turning his hand was a palm and printed towards the key point of Liu Hao\'s back heart.

This is the unique magic body method. It is not unreasonable for Shi Zhixuan to escape from the joint attack of the four holy monks of the Buddha sect with the immortal seal and the magic body method.

Liu Hao\'s long hair danced without wind, his clothes were flying, his hunting was crazy, and his body tilted slightly. It was as if he had never predicted. He was very natural and unrestrained to let Shi Zhixuan take this blow.

"You take my palm!"

Liu Hao stepped on the sky, rose in the air, raised his hand and fell earth shaking. He was like a fairy palace God Emperor, who came to the world and covered the world.

Turn over the sky!

Fantianyin is so powerful that even the monster Li Yuanba can\'t resist it.

Shi Zhixuan suddenly felt the earth shaking palm strength of the falling sky, and his face suddenly changed.

It was a terrible blow, which made him feel the terrible fragmentation of the void!

Trapped in the imperial domain, the falling speed of fallen leaves slowed down several times, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze. Shi Zhixuan was in the imperial domain, and his proud magic body method slowed down several times.


The palm power broke out and aroused thousands of broken leaves. Shi Zhixuan had no way to go from heaven to earth. He only had to bite his teeth and use the immortal seal method to take this palm.

The violent Qi force rolls like a raging tide and dissipates abruptly.

Liu Hao glanced at Shi Zhixuan in surprise.

The immortal seal method is extremely strange and powerful. Suddenly, it is masculine and fierce. Suddenly, it is extremely feminine, or yin or yang. The two phases are intertwined, as if there is a strange pulling force to pull the majestic and powerful sky turning printing palm into the black hole

However, the magic and domineering place of Fantian seal was not under the undead seal method. Shi Zhixuan was knocked back for more than ten meters and broke several ancient trees in a row.

"Since you are here tonight, please stay with me!"

The evil king Shi Zhixuan is insidious and cunning, and there are endless future troubles. In order to chase and kill Li Shimin, Liu Hao has no time to verify the beauty of the undead seal method with Shi Zhixuan at this time, and suddenly opened eight doors to escape armour.

Bagua Jiazi, divine machine and ghost possession.

Hugh, life, injury, Du, Jing, death, surprise, opened eight doors and opened to the seventh door. Liu Hao\'s momentum suddenly climbed to unimaginable levels.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

I felt Liu Hao\'s momentum rising violently, and the evil king Shi Zhixuan was shocked and trembled.

The martial arts of the demon sect were originally based on quick success and instant outbreak. However, once Liu Hao opened the eight dunjia, he directly increased his combat power by geometric times, which was more terrible than any magic skill.


The unparalleled dragon fist was smashed to death.

The sky kills the opportunity, and the stars change!

The ground sends a killing machine and the dragon and snake land!

This fist affected the general trend of heaven and earth, and the killing opportunities were unlimited. The fallen leaves on the ground were swept up one after another, which also condensed into a crazy dragon and killed Shi Zhixuan.

"Immortal seven illusions!"

Shi Zhixuan\'s face was dignified, and he finally used his own killing at the bottom of the box.

The palm wind suddenly changed from feminine to masculine, and from hot to cold. Such a strange change can only be achieved by Shi Zhixuan\'s immortal seal method, which can integrate the two extremes of life and death. Life can be changed into death, and death can be changed into life.

With uncertain life and death, virtual and real, hard resistance to the unparalleled dragon boxing.

The great master\'s spirit surged and exploded. The ground in the forest exploded, and countless fallen leaves flew and fell.

The matchless dragon fist and the undead seal instantly matched countless fist palms, and Shi Zhixuan also had pain and couldn\'t say it.

The magic body method is clearly unique in the world. No matter who is up, it is invincible. However, as soon as emperor Liu Hao\'s domain is opened, it seems that he is trapped in a deep mud. If he wants to go, he will suffer the same attack as Liu Hao\'s storm.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two people\'s bodies flashed across the place, their Qi strength was destroyed, and the ancient trees in the forest were broken one after another.

The opportunity finally appeared. There was a flaw in the undead seal method. The unparalleled dragon fist broke through the void, broke through Shi Zhixuan\'s protective gangqi, and blasted half of his body into the ground.

If ordinary people take Liu Hao\'s punch, they will either be blown into meat cakes or broken bones and die.

Rao is the internal and external integration of Shi Zhixuan. When he reached the top of the great master, he was half dead by the strength of his overbearing fist

Liu Hao wandered freely. Without giving Shi Zhixuan the slightest chance, he controlled all the meridians, acupoints and orifices of his whole body, planted several imperial life and death talismans, and then stopped.

There was no way. There were too many secrets on the evil king Shi Zhixuan. Even if he controlled him, he had to be treated carefully.

Otherwise, he will find a chance to escape on the way to hunt down Li Shimin, which will be a loss of blood