The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2328

Li Yuanba, like a monster, fought all over the world. He was beaten back by the Great Han Shenghuang with a fist!!

What terrible strength is this?!

"How... How is it possible?"

Li Er, who was on the ladder of the princes, breathed and clung to the railing with both hands. He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Li Yuanba wanted to pick the Heshi Bi hanging on the Han Emperor\'s platform, but he was shaken back for tens of meters. People were in the air, angry and crazy, and their hair stood upright, sending out a crazy roar similar to the wild and fierce animals in ancient times.

The eldest grandson Wuji of Li valve\'s counselor changed his face and said, "Lord, it\'s urgent. Retreat quickly!"

At this time, a male general wearing a gold helmet and a gold armor jumped down from the Han Emperor\'s platform with his Phoenix wings and gold bells.

"Whoever violates the emperor will be killed without amnesty!"

Yuwen Chengdu\'s deep roar contains infinite killing opportunities.

At the same time, Lv Bu, who was wearing a purple gold crown with Trident hair, a chain armor with a beast face and a halberd painted by Fang Tian, also jumped out and killed.

General Li cunxiao, general of flying tiger, Yang Zaixing, general of Yongguan seventh army and other five tigers on Jiulong killed them together.

Li Yuanba was knocked back by Liu Hao\'s fist, and suddenly fell into a violent state. He smashed with double hammers and collapsed a princes\' cloud platform. The princes on the cloud platform died so unexpectedly

As a result, the field was in chaos.

Most princes began to leave under the protection of their generals.

Seeing that now, the princes are not fools, and people with clear eyes already know very well:

They can\'t participate in this competition. The final decisive battle must be between Li valve in Guanzhong and the Great Han emperor who covered the sky with one hand.

Now the two sides are angry, and if they stay, they will be cannon fodder, which the wise don\'t do.

The princes left one after another. Luo Cheng, Youyun and a group of people from Shan xiongxin and erxianzhuang stayed.

Luo Cheng\'s true Qi has recovered at this time, and his fighting spirit is high. "I just want to experience the power of Li Yuanba."

With that, he shot out and besieged the crazy Li Yuanba.

Shan xiongxin stared at Li valve princes Yuntai and shouted, "spare your life the night before yesterday, but I can\'t spare you today. It\'s a pity that Li Yuan is not here!"

The two families have a deep blood feud for generations, which can never be resolved. They always have to be liquidated.

"This boy is a monster. If it weren\'t for general Qi Zhi of five tigers and nine dragons, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t have him!"

Yuwen Chengdu Fengji Liujin Dang collided with Li Yuanba\'s drum beating urn gold hammer. He felt the majestic force and was surprised.

After being quenched in the thunder pool, the Phoenix wing flowing gold bell weighs at least more than 300 kg. Yuwen Chengdu is killing in the air. His Qi is violent and has the power to open mountains and cut the sea. On the contrary, he can\'t carry the power of Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba was even more depressed.

If he fought alone, he could definitely beat anyone who besieged him.

However, the five tigers and nine dragons surrounded and killed him together. The power was more than that. In the void, killing opportunities were everywhere, like a cage in heaven and earth.

At this time, outside the League meeting, there was a thundering sound of horse hoofs.


The royal guards rolled up their cloak, walked quickly from the door and said in a hurry: "Your Majesty, the princes\' camp rioted, and the princes\' soldiers and horses came towards Siming Mountain."

The princes lost in the League meeting, but they were still unconvinced after all.

When they arrived at the barracks, many princes were thinking of killing and attacking Siming Mountain. They were desperate and paid off handsomely. If they grabbed the Heshi Bi, they would be the right one.

There was a roar of killing in my ears. It seemed that infinite soldiers and horses came from a distance.

The situation in the princes\' meeting place was in great chaos.

Various princes fled one after another. Under the protection of general Tiance, Li Shimin left Li Yuanba and slipped away long ago taking advantage of the chaos just now

Li Yuanba fought against the five tigers and general Jiulong alone. His momentum reached the peak and his killing was inextricable.

The essence of the wolf smoke runs through the people\'s acupoints and orifices. Like wolf smoke, it shoots straight into the sky, even in the strong wind.

The mind moves and everything is under control.

Liu Hao hung a cold arc at the corner of his mouth and decided: Li valve also wants to fish in troubled waters. At this time, he killed Li Yuanba first and then captured Li Shimin!


Liu Hao stepped heavily on the ground, swept more than 20 feet across the air, and pressed down with one hand.

Turn over the sky!

Heaven and earth fall, like gods and demons.

Li Yuanba danced wildly with twin hammers. He first knocked open the Phoenix wing flowing gold bell, then collided with Lv Bu\'s Fang Tianhua halberd, and finally took Liu Hao\'s palm.

Under the immortal, the strongest blow was not so easy to take. Li Yuanba held the sky with both arms and used the power of dragon and tiger, but he was still suppressed by Liu Hao.

"Fengxian, Chengdu, you go to suppress the princes\' unrest, and Li Yuanba is handed over to me!"

"Pass on my personal order again, and the imperial master will come out together and swear to kill Li Shimin in Sifang city!"

Li Yuanba, who was crazy, broke out with more fighting power than the great master. Even though Lv Bu and Yuwen Chengdu suppressed him with martial arts experience, it was at least a thousand moves away to distinguish the victory and defeat. At this time, the situation outside was chaotic and needed the general of the dynasty.

"Minister, take orders!"

Yuwen Chengdu and Lv Bu took their weapons and took orders. The royal guards also sent orders quickly.

In their eyes, Liu Hao is an invincible existence in the sky and earth. If there are still people in the world who can hold Li Yuanba, it is only Liu Hao.


When the generals in the field went out to unify the troops to suppress the situation, Liu Hao suddenly gave a long roar, and the emperor\'s gun flew into his hand like a real dragon.

Liu Hao stroked the body of Bahuang\'s gun, felt the tremor of Bahuang\'s gun, smiled and said, "old man, long time no see."

The tyrant\'s gun clanged, like the sound of a dragon singing.

Although the Bahuang gun quenched in Leichi has no more special attributes, it weighs 475 kg after absorbing the ancient god meteorite iron. In particular, the tip of the gun is haunted with a trace of lightning light, which is very overbearing.

"Wow! I\'ll kill you!"

Li Yuanba, holding a hammer in both hands, was as powerful as a crazy tiger and rushed up again.

The tyrant gun suddenly burst into boundless light, the spear tip cracked the void, thousands of spears burst out, like a dragon nodding.

The guns and hammers collided with each other, and the air flow in the void surged wildly. Another vassal cloud platform collapsed. Fortunately, people have gone to Taikong, otherwise another vassal died