The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2326

Li Yuanba didn\'t give him time to react. A hammer on the right filled his ears like wind and thunder. Wu Tianxi\'s cold hair stood up and quickly turned sideways.

"Hiss! How could there be such a powerful force in the world!?"

Wu Tianxi looked at his bloody tiger\'s mouth and took a breath. He was shocked and speechless.

He is gifted and can lift a thousand kilograms of weight, but he is still vulnerable in front of Li Yuanba.

He only took Li Yuanba\'s hammer. Half of his body seemed to have been blasted by thunder. The meridians and orifices were completely crisped, and the sweat behind him was like plasma

"Go to hell!"

Li Yuanba\'s hammer failed to achieve success. He became more and more irritable. He chased his body with another hammer, which hit Wu Tianxi\'s shoulder and back.

The golden hammer of the drum beating urn weighs 400 kg. Wu Tianxi is not a King Kong. The body protecting Qi Gang was defeated by Ba lie\'s hammer strength, and half of his body collapsed

Unfortunately, the hero who ranked sixth in the Sui and Tang Dynasties has just emerged in front of the princes and heroes. He just died

"Who dares to fight me!"

After Li Yuanba killed Wu Tianxi, he raised his twin hammers and roared like a dragon and a tiger. The whole vassal venue was silent.


When Li Yuanba was powerful and killed all the princes in the world.

Unrest also occurred on the four square plains.

Backer Wang Camp.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, clanking with iron armor, holding long guns and knives, gathered on the wide plain in a murderous spirit.

I saw a scholar in blue. He climbed up and shouted, "the hero of the patron King\'s world, the great Sui Guozhu, is not bad for someone. Today, he was killed at the foot of Siming Mountain by thieves. If he doesn\'t revenge, Pei Ju... He\'s in vain!"

"If you don\'t take revenge, you will be in vain!"

"If you don\'t take revenge, you will be in vain!"

The voice of Pei Ju, a middle-aged scholar, had a strange charm. The rest of the thirteen Taibao thought of the scene of the death of their backer, Yang Lin, with a gloomy face.

Yang Lin has no empress. He has only 13 adopted children. He is very careful to teach them martial arts on weekdays.

This kind of feeling is also a deep and sincere love between father and son. At this time, encouraged by Pei Ju, several people immediately red their eyes, gnashing their teeth and shouting: "if you don\'t avenge your father, swear not to be a man!"

"Kill all the princes and step on the square city!"

"Kill all the princes and step on the square city!"



Lee valve camp.

Thirty thousand Xuanjia cavalry, wearing iron armor and long swords out of scabbard, are ready to go.

Yin Kaishan, the great general of Tiance, raised his sword and roared, "the king of Qin has an order. Today\'s alliance will change. Xuanjia heavy riding follows the general to level Siming Mountain and save the king of Qin!"

"Level Siming Mountain and save the king of Qin!"

Thirty thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry raised their long horse chopping knife and roared wildly.

The iron hoof fell like a Thor drum, splashing frenzied dust all over the sky, confusing the dark sky



At this time, there was a dead silence in the vassal venue.

Local princes, sitting on their own Yuntai, have turned pale.

Nothing else.

Li Yuanba is too fierce!

It\'s unreasonable!

Under the command of the 18th anti king, there were fierce generals who mounted the martial arts platform and wanted to win the Heshi wall. As a result, they were killed by this skinny and sick boy with a hammer.


The whole vassal venue was gloomy and full of blood.

Li Yuanba walked around the martial arts stage with a golden hammer in a drum beating urn. He angrily shouted, "why can\'t one fight?"

There was only silence when he answered him.

All the princes in the world have been killed.

Who dares to come forward with such an unreasonable fierce man?

Li Shimin smiled and said, "Emperor Han, the victory or defeat is clear at this time. Yuanba go and get the Heshi Bi."

Thinking of Heshi Bi, Li Er\'s teeth itched.

This artifact was originally prepared by Cihang Jingzhai to build momentum for him.

As a result, there were twists and turns. The fairy like woman in Cihang Jingzhai was caught by Liu Hao as a close maid.

This rumor was adapted into various versions by the Yin Kui sect of the demon sect and widely spread all over the world.

Some say that the hero of the Great Han emperor is unparalleled and forcibly conquered the heart of the fairy Cihang Jingzhai. Others say that the fairy Cihang Jingzhai fell in love with the Great Han Emperor and was willing to introduce herself to the pillow

As soon as Li Shimin thought of the immortal woman engraved in the bottom of his heart, he became angry.

Fortunately, the time has come to get everything back in hand.

Standing on the Li valve cloud platform, Li Shimin looked at the central Han Emperor platform and said with a mocking smile: "is it true that the Han emperor has broken his word?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "if you want to make peace with your family, it\'s also simple. As long as you pass, I\'ll drive the former general of five tigers and nine dragons, just come and get it."

"Come on, come and pick up my hammer!"

Li Yuanba, carrying a double hammer, strode towards the Han Huangtai.

"Bold madman!"

Standing on the Han Emperor\'s stage, Wu Yunzhao was furious.

The tiger steps out and crosses the distance of more than ten feet in an instant. Liang yinzhang\'s eight snake spears suddenly split into the air and stabbed away.


Liangyin Zhangba snake spear turned into a silver dragon and went straight to Li Yuanba\'s neck.

Li Yuanba frowned, raised his hand with a hammer and fired the lethal shot.

With a bang, Wu Yunzhao was shaken back by Ba Li for more than ten meters. Li Yuanba\'s skinny figure suddenly jumped up, jumped up for more than ten feet, and rushed towards the Han Emperor\'s stage like a tiger.

A hammer in the air!

The violent Qi burst through the void like thunder.

Liu HaoDuan couldn\'t sit still and didn\'t change his face. He suddenly turned his hand and hit a matchless dragon fist.

The fist force, which was as majestic as the Milky way, burst out and collided with Li Yuanba\'s drum beating urn and gold hammer.


The vigorous Qi collided fiercely, and the void seemed to collapse and fold by this blow. Li Yuanba felt the pressure for the first time.

The unfavourable golden hammer of the drum beating urn even gave a dull whine. He gave a strange cry, as if he had been hit by a shell and flew upside down.

Liu Hao Huoran stood up, and Jin mang appeared in his eyes, with a touch of arrogance.

Long hair, clothes and robes are automatic without wind. There seems to be a breath of supreme authority all over his body. Like an ancient Canglong, he wraps around Liu Hao and guards him!

Such an emperor!

All the princes on the field were about to drop their eyes to the ground, and they felt a shudder in their hearts