The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2329

Liu Hao has been standing at the peak for a long time. This is still a heavy cavalry with dragon scales and Xuan armor. Even people and horses are covered in heavy armor. The long knife for cutting horses in his hand covers the sky

Between heaven and earth, a terrible killing shock.


Soon after the iron cavalry hurried, the chief of the royal guards at the military aircraft office galloped to him and shouted, "the princes\' camp is in chaos, and millions of troops begin to fight in disorder. The holy emperor ordered you to suppress it quickly!"

Dianwei and Xu Chu showed a bloodthirsty and cruel smile at the corners of their mouths and said coldly, "what about millions of troops? If you dare to make trouble, kill them all!"



The square plain is boundless.

Pei Ju incited the thirteen Taibao and led the army of 100000 backers. He began to go crazy and kill anyone he saw.

At this time, Li valve\'s Xuanjia heavy cavalry also opened the crazy slaughter mode, directly pushed towards the scene of the princes\' alliance, blocked the princes\' camp in front, and directly rolled over.

All the anti kings and princes in the world, of course, were not vegetarian. Under such circumstances, they mobilized their armies and began to fight disorderly.

The whole Sifang plain, with thousands of miles of blood, has been completely chaotic into a pot of porridge.

The great Taibao Xue Liang has already killed red eyes.

In his hand, a pair of wrought iron sticks, like a crazy tiger, chiseled and killed in the crowd madly, and roared in his mouth: "kill the Han dog, kill the Han dog!"

The rest of the Taibao, all with red eyes, rushed to the venue of the princes of Siming Mountain regardless of everything.

These 100000 Qingzhou soldiers are fierce soldiers brought out by the backer king. They also go crazy and kill people in order to avenge Yang Lin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, Xue Liang, the grand Taibao, was shocked and suddenly felt the ground shaking.

"Cavalry, many cavalry!"

Huang Kun, the ninth Taibao of Qingzhou army, had sharp eyes, hissed and took a breath and pointed to the distance.

I can see that on this vast horizon, there are a group of dark cavalry!

From a distance, it looks like a group of countless ants, coming in vast groups!

The horse\'s hooves roared, the ground began to shake, and the rolling smoke swept like a dragon!

Between heaven and earth, there are suffocating terrorist killing machines!

"Line up! Meet the enemy!"

Xue Liang, the great Taibao, roared and began to adjust the formation of the Qingzhou army.

He has been with the patron Wang Yang Lin for the longest time. He has not only learned Yang Lin\'s martial arts, but also learned 50-60% of his ability to lead the war. At this time, the cavalry obviously came for the Qingzhou army, which is inevitable.

The key to fighting cavalry with foot soldiers is a word of stability.

As long as we can stabilize the formation and resist the impact of cavalry, there will be a dozen.

As expected, the elite Qingzhou army carried out the orders and prohibitions. Heavy armored infantry, holding a heavy iron shield, stood in the front.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The iron shield inserted into the ground, as if it had built an iron fortress in place.

Xue Liang laughed and said, "if you look at 100000 cavalry, you can\'t defeat the Qingzhou army!"


One hundred meters away from the Qingzhou army array, Dianwei stood up on his horse. Qiu Zhuang raised the green dragon halberd with his arms and shouted loudly: "the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry, form the Liuhe green dragon array, break the array invincible, kill!"

"Liuhe Qinglong! Break the array and be invincible!"