The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2325

You know, the king\'s flag is made of tempered heavy iron. Its arms are thick and thin. It weighs at least a few hundred kilograms, but it\'s like breaking a straw in Li Yuanba\'s hand.

The people on the side were shocked and afraid to retreat, lest they might make the evil star unhappy and be crushed to death by him.

When the king\'s flag was broken, Li Zitong\'s vassal Yuntai immediately opened the pot. Even Li Shimin got up and his face changed greatly.

The king\'s flag before the princes Yuntai is a symbol of one party\'s power. Li Yuanba broke the flag with one hand, which is equivalent to beating Li Zitong in the face.

Li Zitong\'s face was livid and his fists were clenched. At least he was also a leader with hundreds of thousands under his command. How could he ever meet someone who dared to offend him like this?

Xiongkuo Hai, the purple faced heavenly king, also stood up and sneered, "this guy is really crazy. He really thinks he is invincible in the world?"

Xiongkuohai was originally a bandit in the mountains. Later, he met Li Zitong.

Li Zitong saw that he had the courage to fight the tiger with empty hands, so he included him under his command. Later, taking advantage of the chaos in the world, Li Zitong set up troops to occupy the Jiangdu, called the king of Chu and hung the black bird King flag. Xiongkuohai was the marshal of troops and horses under Li Zitong.

The Jianghuai army of Du Fuwei, the overlord of Jianghuai, did not dare to wipe its front.

Now Li Yuanba is arrogant and domineering. He has stepped on Li Zitong\'s face. How can he bear it!?

With a roar, Xiong Kuo Hai jumped down from the princes\' cloud platform and shouted, "little beast, if I don\'t kill you today, I swear I won\'t be a man!"

The purple faced heavenly king killed dozens of brave generals, and the princes were scared. At this time, everyone was in high spirits and focused on Xiong kuohai. He only hoped that he could kill Li Yuanba.

"Then I\'ll kill you!"

Li Yuanba abandoned the broken flag in his hand on the spot, moved with tiger steps and killed it.

The fists fell like wind and thunder.

"Little beast!"

Xiongkuohai\'s purple face was black with anger. The lion and tiger roared, raised their fists and fought in the air.


Their fists blew together, but they didn\'t have any tricks at all. They relied on their strength.

The divine power ran through the arms, and the violent Qi was surging. The people on the side couldn\'t stand and were directly lifted away.


Li Yuanba was surprised, nodded and said, "can you take my fist? Come again!"

At this time, xiongkuohai\'s arms clicked and his muscles trembled wildly, as if his bones had been cracked, and his heart was shocked. Li Yuanba came up like a crazy tiger again.

Boom! Boom!!

They punched each other again. They heard a click. Xiongkuohai\'s arm, thicker than ordinary people\'s thighs, broke and fell to the ground.

"The purple faced heavenly king can\'t beat this Li valve boy!"

"The mighty sea is over!"

On the field, the heroes were shocked. Li Yuanba roared violently, pulled his left hand, and the gold hammer of the drum beating urn with a chain jumped into his hand like lightning.


Li Yuanba raised the golden hammer of the drum beating urn and suddenly smashed it down. It turned xiongkuohai into a meat pie

A generation of unparalleled generals fell here!

Blood, flowing all over the ground, also splashed on Li Yuanba\'s face.

The original ferocious face looked more and more ferocious and terrible.

"Where is this still human? This... This is a monster!"

Li Zitong\'s eyes were bulging. He sat down on the ground and vomited a mouthful of red blood.

Li Yuanba killed xiongkuohai with fierce eyes. He also rushed to the princes\' Yuntai and killed Li Zitong. As a result, Li Shimin stopped him: "Yuanba, don\'t be rude before the holy emperor!"

At this time, the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp had entered the city, and the royal guards also pressed their right hand on Xiuchun sword. At the command of Liu Hao, they immediately surrounded and killed Li valve.

Li Shimin was awed and quickly bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the four younger brothers of the family don\'t know the etiquette and collided with the holy driver. I hope you will forgive me."

Li Yuanba held the double hammer and said with a smile, "these people are too weak to be my opponents."

"It\'s really high martial arts and low intelligence."

Liu Hao Huoran stood up and said with a smile, "today, when the princes perform martial arts, Li valve has such a strong general. It seems that he is ready to win the championship?"

Li Shimin quickly bowed down and said, "the Sui Dynasty lost its deer, and the world chased it. My brother Yuanba is weak and brave. He came to meet the heroes of the world today, but he doesn\'t want to create complications."

Li Zitong almost fainted.

This beam is big enough to stand. Xiongkuohai is the number one general under his command. He was hammered to death by Li Yuanba

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "in that case, the martial arts show will be held as usual."

Then, Liu Hao waved his hand and summoned Cao Zhengchun. The voice said, "today\'s martial arts show is also the end of the ceremony. Wang Meng has a good layout and can be ready to start."


Cao Zhengchun understood and bowed down.

Li Shimin also discussed with the people of Tiance mansion for a while, and finally let Li Yuanba board the martial arts platform.

Li Yuanba\'s golden hammers on the drum beating urn made the heroes feel numb. As soon as he entered the arena, he killed Xiong kuohai first, and then stood firmly on the martial arts platform to challenge the heroes in the world one after another.

Before and after, dozens of fierce generals staged a military battle against Li Yuanba, but no one could catch a hammer.

"This hammer weighs 400 Jin. Among the 1000 Jin of the two hammers, plus the strength in the hammer, it is the power of thunder..."

Liu Hao finally realized the horror of Li Yuanba.

In terms of martial arts skills, he may not be very powerful, but his personal talent is really evil. His arms have the power of dragons and tigers. This hammer has the power of thunder. It is pure to reduce ten skills at one time, and killing is like picking grass.

With one hammer, this man was killed. The princes and heroes in the field tied their hands and broke dozens of fierce generals. No one dared to challenge.

At this time, Wu Tianxi, a fierce general with red face and yellow beard, stepped out of the line and said with a loud smile: "good boy, let me try your means!"

Wu Tianxi is also an unparalleled general. He ranks sixth among the heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. He is also the enemy of all men. At present, he has swept all the generals under the princes and made great power.

"You take my hammer and try it."

Li Yuanba grinned and didn\'t say much. The golden hammer of the drum beating urn roared and went straight to Wu Tianxi\'s head.

Wu Tianxi saw him kill xiongkuohai with his own eyes. Naturally, he dared not neglect it. The gilded bell was held high in the sky.


The gold hammer of the drum beating urn collided with the gilded bell, and the gold iron roared wildly.

The hammer was powerful and overbearing. Wu Tianxi\'s Gilded bell was knocked open, and the tiger\'s mouth immediately cracked. Half of his body seemed to have been blown by thunder and lost consciousness

How could there be such a monster in the world