The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2324

Yang Lin, the patron king, did not dare to neglect. He threw out the Dragon stick with his left and right hands, like a crazy Python running, and constantly dissolved Luo Cheng\'s attack.

"This boy is so fierce!"

The princes in the League were amazed.

White robed magic gun, young hero.

I don\'t know how many princes have expressed amazing thoughts in their hearts.

"Luo Cheng\'s courage is the best of the three armies. It must be an enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield!"

Li Er\'s vision of people is very accurate. Seeing now, he loves and hates Luo.

Love is Wu Yong of Luo Cheng, and hate is naturally Liu Hao\'s collusion with Luo Cheng. The two sides may have reached an agreement long ago.

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They do have a bit of style of Zilong!"

Liu Hao also praised Luo Cheng.

In the romance of Sui and Tang Dynasties, Luo Cheng was ranked the seventh hero in the world and Yang Lin, the patron, was ranked the eighth.

Now look, Lao Yanglin is getting old and the peak is about to pass, and Luo Cheng is the rising sun with boundless potential.

The two men danced wildly with guns and sticks, and the aftershock of their Qi cracked a lot of the blue stone ground in the martial arts arena.

"Cold face, cold gun, Qiao Luocheng!"

Liu Hao looked around and couldn\'t help nodding and praising.

But I didn\'t expect that this word spread out somehow and became Luo Cheng\'s nickname, which accompanied him all his life

This is later, not to mention.

Luo Cheng and Yang Lin were killed in the dark. Yang Lin\'s Qi and blood were not as good as his prime after all. When he fought outside the three lilies, his Qi machine was not flowing smoothly and some were unsustainable.

Suddenly, Yang Lin was very powerful. The prison dragon stick exploded into a fierce and matchless momentum and forced Luo Cheng to fight.

Luo Cheng was in no hurry. The five hook Flying Magic gun pierced left and killed right. He dissolved Yang Lin\'s offensive one by one, retreated to 49 steps and pushed it to the edge of the martial arts arena.

In the exclamation of the princes of the league, Yang Lin jumped up, the water and fire prisoner dragon stick held high in the sky, and roared, "Double Dragons day by day, go to death!"

Roar! Roar!

The prison dragon stick turned into an angry dragon, burst through the void and covered the top to kill.

"This son is a young hero. Unfortunately, he has insufficient experience in martial arts and died in the hands of the patron king."

All the princes on the field are regretting Luo Cheng. Some people have even closed their eyes and can\'t bear to see Luo Cheng killed by Yang Lin.

Liu Hao, however, showed a faint smile at the corners of his mouth and slowly said:

"Return the horse gun!"

Luo Cheng almost stepped out of the martial arts field with one foot. At this critical moment, he twisted his body and raised his wrist with the help of the strength of his waist and abdomen, and shot him instantly!

The gun was as fast as a meteor. People only saw a cold flash in the air. The tip of Luo Cheng\'s five hook Flying Magic gun had pierced Yang Lin\'s chest, pierced him and picked him in the air.

in an uproar!

There was an uproar in the League venue!

All the princes stood up and looked at the martial arts arena in awe.

Cold face cold gun Qiao Luocheng, one shot to kill the patron king!

The water and fire prisoner dragon bangqiang fell to the ground. Yang Lin, a great hero of the past generation and patron of the mountain, held Luo Cheng\'s five hook Flying Magic gun in both hands. The tiger\'s eyes stared strangely round, but his eyes gradually darkened

Endure the death of heroes in the world!

Liu Hao also stood up, looked at the martial arts arena with his negative hand, and said in a deep voice, "bury the body of the patron king in the imperial mausoleum of the Sui Dynasty."

In this world, Yang Lin maneuvered and led the army to win half of the Sui Dynasty. He can definitely be called a hero.

Liu Hao always has respect for Yinghao, even if it is the enemy.

"Old slave, yes!"

Cao Zhengchun clung to his fist and bowed down to take command.

After Luo Cheng killed his patron Wang Yanglin, his true Qi has been exhausted.

I saw him fall to the ground with a bang. Youyun eighteen riders were worried and swept out one after another to surround Luo Cheng.

"It\'s no big deal. It\'s just that some people are out of strength."

Cao Zhengchun holds the whisk and feeds Luo Cheng a nine flower jade dew pill.

Jiuhua Yulu pill is the best medicine to help restore Qi. Luo Cheng\'s face was pale after swallowing it, but he could stand up.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Luo Cheng bowed and hugged Liu Hao.

Liu Hao said with a smile: "after today, Shi Xin\'s gun selection backer king will spread all over the world, and he will be famous."

Xu Yuanlang, the king of the state of Shandong, who had previously been a senior general and was spit blood by Yang Linqi, now turned red and laughed.

As soon as Yang Lin, the patron king, dies, the whole Qingzhou will be headless. Yang Lin\'s army will fall apart and collapse.

Luzhou is not far from Qingzhou, and the benefits he will get will be incalculable.

Cao Zhengchun collected the body of Yang Lin, the patron king. None of Yang Lin\'s thirteen Taibao dared to ask for it. The remaining people hurried out of the vassal venue and went back to fight for power and profit

This is the first big man to fall today, of course not the last.

Next, the white king of Xiangzhou talked about the Grand Marshal of troops and horses under the holy hand, and the purple faced heavenly king, xiongkuohai, finally appeared.

This man has the courage of ten thousand men. He has the brute killing power of double axe bully. He is still above Cheng Yaojin. He even killed 27 brave generals in the League venue. The princes are scared!

Fierce man!

He is also an unparalleled fierce man who does not lose the backing Wang Yanglin!

Xiongkuohai, the purple faced heavenly king, raised his axe with both hands and was in high spirits. He had to fight wildly in all directions and defeat all the heroes in the world. As a result, he was hurriedly called back by Gaotan saint.

There is such a fierce man under the master\'s hand. If anything goes wrong, it will really hurt to death.

The mighty purple faced heavenly king was called back by the talking saint. All the heroes on the field were relieved. They were too hard and under too much pressure. I\'m afraid that only the cold face and cold gun of the patron king could be successful.

But when the manpower finally came to an end, Luo Cheng picked the patron king with a gun. He also tried his best. He was escorted off the stage and rested by Youyun\'s 18 riders. The majestic sea was proud of the heroes. This is a high talkative saint with a low sense of existence. Taking this opportunity, he became one of the top princes in the world.

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger in the alliance of princes. After you sing, we come on stage.

After xiongkuohai killed dozens of brave generals, Wu Tianxi, everyone under Li Zitong, stood up.

The man was ten feet tall, with a waist ten circumference, a red face and a yellow beard. Holding a 180 Jin gilt bell, he stepped into the martial arts arena like a giant spirit, extremely powerful