The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2306

After the forbidden guards searched and confirmed that they did not carry weapons, Dugu Feng took Dugu valve people and followed the little eunuch into the palace.

For him, this palace was no stranger. When Wang Shichong repaired the palace, he even asked them to lend craftsmen to buy materials!

Seven turns and eight turns, walking through the pavilions and pavilions, and finally came to a palace.

On the white jade steps outside the palace gate, there stood two rows of armours clanking with long guns and halberds. They looked fierce and murderous.

Dugu Aotian didn\'t dare to see more, so they followed Dugu Feng slowly up the steps.

After searching again, Dugu Feng finally saw Liu Hao sitting on the red gold dragon chair, talking and laughing with Shen Luoyan.

"Is this son the emperor of the Han Dynasty? Seeing that he is not a few years older than ce\'er, how did he become such a big event?"

"Is there an invisible force behind him supporting him?"

For a moment, Dugu Feng had many thoughts in his mind.

He was no stranger to Shen Luoyan. Seeing her intimacy with Liu Hao, he preconceived that Li Mi\'s defeat was attributed to the snake and scorpion beauty. Shen Luoyan colluded with outsiders and sold Li mi.


Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, saw that Dugu valve people looked at the hall recklessly, and all their hair and hair were open. He said Yin: "don\'t you kneel down when you see your majesty?"

In Cao Zhengchun\'s eyes, Liu Hao is the son of the real dragon and the Supreme Master of the world. If he hadn\'t been in the palace at this time, he would have used thunder to kill.

Cao Zhengchun\'s Kung Fu was so great that he could compete with immortal Ning dodge. Dugu Feng looked ugly and glared at Cao Zhengchun, but he felt a powerful spiritual pressure that Mo Zhineng could resist. He was surprised: "this eunuch old dog, what powerful martial arts!"

The Dugu valve people in the Hall fell to their knees, but Liu Hao was still unmoved. He talked and laughed with Shen Luoyan, and didn\'t mean to let them get up.

Dugu Feng shouted: "I\'ve heard for a long time that your majesty is respectful to the virtuous corporal. Is that how you treat the virtuous talents?"

Liu Hao always loved talents. After joining Luoyang, he opened Langyatai to attract talents all over the world.

Dugu Feng felt that he had been treated unfairly, so he took this to attack Liu Hao.

Liu Hao was happy.


In his eyes, Dugu Aotian had only a few people, but the rest were just a pile of rotten fish and shrimps, which could not be a big deal. How could he be called a sage?

"It\'s said that you and Li Shentong of Li valve have a close relationship. Why don\'t you invest in Chang\'an Li valve?"

Liu Hao dropped another son and said calmly without raising his head.


Dugu Feng was shocked by five thunders, and he was stunned by Liu Hao.

He wanted to break his scalp and didn\'t understand. It was clearly a secret thing to do. When he met Li Shentong, he didn\'t even know his son. How could Liu Hao know

"Why, have you nothing to say?"

Liu Hao glanced coldly at Dugu valve, and the empty room generated electricity, which shocked everyone.

Dugu CE shouted: "holy emperor, it\'s too bad to insult someone today! Dugu valve is one of the four valves. What\'s strange about having business contacts with Li valve? We can\'t wait here. Naturally, there is a place to welcome Dugu valve!"

"Hehe, it seems that it is rumored that his majesty is very talented, but it\'s all empty talk. I\'m leaving."

Dugu Feng also stood up, arched his hands coldly and turned to go.

"How can you be presumptuous in the palace?"

Liu Hao snorted coldly, looked majestic and shouted, "take them all!"

"Take them all!"

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, shouted fiercely and took the lead in killing out.

"Tiangang Qi, ten thousand rivers return to the sea!"

He had already seen that Dugu Feng was not very happy. At this time, he was killed by thunder. Tiangang\'s true Qi broke out and all rivers returned to the sea, like a river tide, covering Dugu Feng.

Although Dugu Feng is the leader of Dugu valve, his martial arts are really not on the table.

Liu Hao just glanced at the corner of his eye. The maximum force value of these people was about 90 points.

It\'s better than Ning Dodge, the four holy monks and the scattered immortal. When they arrive in Luoyang City, they will also return. It\'s needless to say the end of these so-called Dugu valve Experts

After a weak resistance, Dugu Feng cried out, "ce\'er!"

During the fight, Dugu CE was killed by Ding Xiu, the commander of the royal guards, because he jumped too fast

Half Zhu Xiang\'s Kung Fu didn\'t arrive. The people of Dugu valve were dead or injured, and all of them were under the control of the royal guards.

"You will regret it!"

Dugu Feng was almost mad

Dugu valve leader, who was so respected, was as angry as a dog in front of Liu Hao!

"Into the dungeon."

Liu Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. He waved his hand and calmly ordered him.

Before long, the palace was quiet again.

"Dugu Feng is really difficult to become a great weapon."

Shen Luoyan sighed: "no wonder the pressure on the other three of the four valves in recent years can\'t lift their heads."

Liu Hao thought of the background forces of Dugu Aotian and agreed with Meier\'s military division.

The strength of the door valve is the projection of the whole family in the times. Naturally, it goes without saying that the Li family in Taiyuan has many experts among the door valves. Several sons of Li Yuan are dragons among people.

Song valve Tiandao song Ke is at its peak, and can at least suppress the luck for decades. The remaining Yuwen valve stably controls the forbidden army, and Yuwen Hua and Bing Xuanjin are also masters at the master level.

Dugu valve is the only one with the appearance of Yin flourishing and Yang declining. You Chuhong Kong, the old ancestor in the valve, has peerless martial arts, but her internal strength has the appearance of fire. Since then, she has buried the root of disaster. In addition, she is old and will not last long. Du Gufeng, the leader of Dugu valve generation, is the son of you Chuhong. His martial arts are at the bottom of the four valve owners. The younger generation of the valve is like Dugu CE and Dugu ba, They are all mediocre talents, smelly fish and rotten shrimp.

Only Dugu Feng has excellent talent, but she is a young woman. She will marry or not. At least ten years later, when she has achieved great martial arts, there is no definite number of ups and downs and misfortunes in this troubled world. How can she have such time for her?

Shen Luoyan glanced at Liu Hao\'s side face, saw him meditating, and asked softly, "Your Majesty is waiting for the real master of Dugu valve to enter the palace?"

"Those who know me, the falling wild goose!"

Liu Hao smiled and looked at Shen Luoyan. Between the eyes, the inexplicable ambiguous atmosphere flowed quietly.

Invisible flirting is the most deadly.

Shen Luoyan\'s pretty face turned red and turned sideways. He didn\'t dare to look at Liu Hao\'s deep and magical eyes anymore