The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2305

Du Fuwei gave Xu Ziling a slap, and Xu Ziling said honestly: "the emperor of the Han Dynasty widely sent heroic posts, called all the heroes in the world, and went to Siming Mountain in the Central Plains to hold the princes\' meeting. This is inviting the overlord of Jiangdu to participate in the princes\' League meeting and want to have a drink with your father!"

"Are you serious?"

Du Fu Wei\'s expression moved and his sleeves rustled.

Since the rise of central Sichuan, the emperor of the Han Dynasty has successively wiped out Jingchu and Hanzhong. Not long ago, he designed to kill the three heroes in the first World War in Luoyang, which shocked the world and officially became the hero in the hearts of people all over the world.

Although Du Fuwei was powerful in Jianghuai, he was really unable to compare with Liu Hao in terms of noodles arrangement. He was full of admiration for Liu Hao. When invited, his own value was affirmed and he was naturally happy.

Kou Zhong\'s eyes turned wildly and said with a laugh: "congratulations to Dad. I\'m finally getting ahead. I\'m willing to attend this pig and sheep Conference for Dad to show the prestige of the Jiang Huai Army..."

"It\'s the princes!"

Du Fuwei turned black and gave Kou Zhong a slap.

Kou Zhong said wrongfully, "Dad, why did you beat me? These princes are similar to pigs and sheep..."

Xu Ziling held back his smile.

Both of them have never read a book. They fight, but it\'s also interesting.

Since the Tianyu culture and regicide, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling knew that nothing could be done. Taking advantage of the chaos in the palace, they escaped from the Jiangdu all night.

However, these two people also had a bit of luck. Just out of yuwenhuaji\'s pursuit, they met Du Fuwei, who dominated Jianghuai.

Du Fuwei took a fancy to the two boys and brought them back to the Jianghuai army, which led to the later story.

"The alliance of Siming Mountain princes will be held on September 5. There are still a few months to arrange."

Du Fuwei pondered for a while, solemnly ordered and said, "at that time, Fu Gongyou will stabilize the situation in the Yangtze and Huaihe River. Someone will personally take Xiao Zhong and Ziling."

Fu Gongyou was the No. 2 figure of the Jianghuai army. At this time, he also took orders boldly, "yes!"

"Daddy is wise!"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were even more overjoyed and shouted.


The general situation in the world is turbulent.

Liu Hao\'s heroic order, which was held at the meeting of the princes of Siming Mountain, shocked the four sides.

Not only did Yang Lin, the patron of Qingzhou, personally supervise the army, but Li Yuan sent Li Shimin, the king of Qin, to lead the Tiance mansion. Even Luo Yi, who claimed to be the king of Yan in Youzhou in the north, sent Yan Yun 18 to ride into the Central Plains.

These heavyweights have made moves, and the other princes are naturally unwilling to fall behind others. Otherwise, they are forced to fall behind and admit that they are not enough to be ranked among the princes in the world?

Du Fuwei, the capital of Jiangdu, also sent his adopted sons Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to lead the elite of Jiangdu to Siming Mountain.

Other heroes, such as Li Zitong, Lin Shihong, Wang Bo and Dou Jiande, also attached great importance to the conference. They either rushed to it in person or sent their most powerful generals to Siming Mountain to participate in the conference.

Liu Hao\'s hands stirred up the general trend of the world again, causing drastic changes.

But Liu Hao, like nobody else, listens to Shang Xiufang playing and singing songs, or talks about the general situation of the world with Shen Luoyan and plays chess with her. Meier\'s military master is more and more curious and admiring Liu Hao, and his popularity rises

Curiosity about a man is often the beginning of a woman\'s fall.

Liu Hao pushed Shen Luoyan\'s popularity to more than 90 points. Naturally, he did whatever he wanted. However, Liu Hao was not in a hurry to push Shen Luoyan, but enjoyed the process more and more.

As for Dong Shuni, she is a canary. She lives in seclusion in the deep palace. On weekdays, there are palace maids to serve and supervise. This woman seems to have a slight tendency of abuse. She also has some strange and subtle feelings for Liu Hao

"Your majesty!"

Just as Liu Hao was sitting in the side hall, a burst of light footsteps came in.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, holding the whisk, hurried into the hall and said to Liu Hao, "Your Majesty, Dugu Feng of Dugu valve wants to see you."

"Dugu valve?"

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and said calmly, "let him wait."


Cao Zhengchun bowed to his command and retreated.

Shen Luoyan, who was playing chess with Liu Hao, said with a smile, "Your Majesty, Dugu valve is one of the four major valves in the world. Is it inappropriate for you to treat it so coldly?"

Liu Hao put down a sunspot and said calmly, "heaven and earth are big. What can be bigger than the time to accompany the falling wild goose? What\'s Dugu valve? I\'ll give him a face when I see him."

Luoyang City, which was killed not long ago, is full of blood. All kinds of Luoyang gangs, large and small, are eliminated.

Only this foundation also escaped in the Dugu valve in Luoyang.

They didn\'t choose to stand in line for the first time, but secretly flirted with Li valve. All these intelligence are under the control of royal guards.

Liu Hao was so insightful that he was busy integrating his forces that he had no time to settle the Dugu valve. Unexpectedly, Dugu CE bumped into him at this time.

Outside the palace.

Several people in luxurious clothes were standing under the white jade steps, and their faces were very ugly.

One of the strong men scolded: "the dog day emperor of the Han Dynasty was just lucky to beat Luoyang City. He really regarded himself as the respect of the ninth five year plan?"

"Ma De! If you call us the master of Dugu valve so long, even the master of Li valve doesn\'t dare!"

"Lord, let\'s go. I can\'t stand the bird spirit!"

Headed by a middle-aged man in luxurious brocade robes, he secretly hated: "today\'s humiliation must make you regret some day."

This is Dugu Feng, the master of Dugu valve.

He stared at the palace and his face was so gloomy that he could almost drop black water.

Dugu valve is one of the four major valves in the world. Although it is not as strong as Li valve, song valve and Yuwen valve, at least the skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

When Wang Shichong was there, he crazily wooed Dugu Feng, including Li Mi, the leader of Wagang and Li valve in Taiyuan.

Be the best of both worlds.

It has always been the label of Dugu Feng. As the leader of Dugu valve, he still has a keen sense of politics.

After waiting for more than an hour, everyone stood with sore legs and feet. In the middle of the Palace door, a small eunuch came out slowly and said loudly, "Xuan ~ ~ Dugu valve Lord, come to the palace!"