The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2307

Dugu valve.

The atmosphere was very heavy.

Early this morning, the leader Dugu Feng took people to the Great Han Palace. It was like a stone sinking into the sea and never came back.

There are even rumors in Luoyang:

"Dugu valve leader colluded with Li valve to harm the emperor. He really wanted to die!"

"Dugu CE, the hero of Dugu valve, roared at the Dragon Court and was ordered by his Majesty the holy emperor to kill him on the spot. All Dugu valves were taken down!"

In Luoyang, there were rumors everywhere and the political wind was wrong. Dugu valve immediately fell into a passive situation.

The backbone members of the whole family took half of the time, which was a heavy blow to Dugu valve.

"Do you want to... Directly attack the prison and save the valve owner?"

Dugu Ba clenched his teeth in the meeting hall.

He is the only brother of Dugu Feng. He is always arrogant and domineering by relying on his family power.

Hearing this, Dugu Aotian and others looked at each other. At this time, a dignified and deep voice came: "evil barrier!"

"The old lady is out of the customs!"

Everyone looked excited, just because the person who spoke was you Chuhong, the last leader of Dugu valve!

Dugu Ba said: "Mom, how did you get out of the pass..."

Before the words fell, the figure flashed in front of him. He had slapped people on his face. The whole person turned around. His cheek was swollen into a pig\'s head, and the five finger prints were clearly visible.

Dugu Ba looked sad and said, "Mom, why did you hit me..."

"Dugu Aotian was defeated by you worthless people!"

You Chuhong, with a cold face, sat high on the master\'s seat, hit the ground with a leading crutch in his hand, clanging.

Some people refused and said, "my ancestors, for hundreds of years, Dugu valve has a deep foundation and business all over the world. Even the Sui emperor treated us very well!"

"Yes! The haovalve is the foundation of the world. The great man Shenghuang acted without taboo. He broke the rules!"

Everyone thought so.

During Yang Jian\'s reign, empress Dugu Yitianxia treated the Dugu valve very well. Even when Yang Guang was in power, Dugu Sheng was appointed deputy commander of the forbidden army in the palace.

But later, Yu wenhuaji rebelled, Jiangdu blood and fire, and Dugu valve sent Dugu Feng into the prison. In fact, it was just a signal.

To eat such a big power as Dugu valve, we have to deploy slowly, but the high political sensitivity of the person in power behind Dugu valve was beyond his expectation.

"Your Majesty, you Chuhong, the old master of Dugu valve, delivered a famous post and asked to enter the palace. Would you also let her wait outside the palace gate and kill her spirit?"

Little Guizi bowed and asked.

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it. He said calmly, "no, you Chuhong is a rare understanding person. It\'s just to send her in for an audience."

Dugu Feng was confused and needed to beat. You Chuhong came to make compensation for land cutting. Liu Hao naturally had no reason to refuse.

Besides, Liu Hao also wants to learn some secrets from you Chuhong.

"Old Dugu, you Chuhong, meet your majesty!"

"Dugu Feng, meet your majesty!"

You Chuhong brought only one Dugu Feng when she entered the palace.

"The old lady doesn\'t have to be polite."

Liu Hao knew that it was a living fossil in the Jianghu. He waved his sleeve with a gentle emperor like cloud, and suddenly escaped in the air. It was like an invisible hand holding you Chuhong and Dugu Feng to stand up.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Dugu Feng - force 87, intelligence 77, politics 72, command 69, charm 99!

Stunt, Yingfeng: Dugu Feng\'s talent is extraordinary. She is the talent of yingnv!

Every ten years, Dugu Feng\'s force + 1, intelligence + 1!

If it is cultivated, Dugu Feng\'s attribute ability will advance by leaps and bounds!

"Yes, this chick is good..."

Liu Hao nodded and couldn\'t help looking more at the bright woman in red.

If nothing happens, this girl will be the next generation master of Dugu valve in the future.

Looking at you Chuhong\'s attributes, Liu Hao\'s face gradually became strange

You Chuhong, the old leader of Dugu valve - force 104, intelligence 76, politics 83, command 73!

Stunt 1, disorderly cloak: you Chuhong has experienced martial arts for hundreds of years.

The self created random cloak staff technique is known as the first defense in the world.

You Chuhong\'s force + 2. When fighting in disorder, the combat power increases by 5%!

Stunt 2, insight: you Chuhong ups and downs for a hundred years, insight into the world, intelligence + 2, politics + 2!

Tip: [the host increases you Chuhong\'s favor to 90 points, which will have a chance to trigger hidden task clues!]