The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2304

In history, only the Li Tang family can sweep away the troubled times and establish the foundation of the country in the shortest time. Li Yuan is naturally the overlord of the owl.

Prince Li Jiancheng stood out and hugged his fist: "although the words of the second brother are reasonable, at that time, the clouds will move everywhere. It can be said that fish, dragons and beads will mix. I don\'t know what emergencies will happen..."

"My son thought that my father didn\'t have to rush to Siming Mountain. Instead, he could take the opportunity to deploy the strategy of Hanzhong. As long as he occupied Hanzhong, collected all the land of Hebei and swept the world, wouldn\'t it be

Although Li Jiancheng is not as prosperous as Li Shimin, he is not a simple figure. He is also a choice for people.

Seeing that the two brothers were a little tit for tat, Li Yuan raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness and said, "all right, all right, stop arguing..."

After a pause, Li Yuan said, "Wenjing, what do you think?"

Liu Wenjing, the leader of Li Tang\'s plot, bowed out and said, "Your Majesty is holy and bright, and your ministers are stupid, but you also think what the two princes said is reasonable..."

This is a stroke. I dare not say.

Liu Wenjing is also really afraid to say more.

Li Jiancheng is the crown prince of Li Tang and the successor of Li Yuan, and Li Shimin is the great hero who led the army to defeat Guan Zhong, and his reputation in the army is still above Li Jiancheng.

In other words, this is the Li family differences.

How many foreign ministers who participate in the imperial family affairs can come to a good end?

Li Yuan waved his hand and said, "well, since this is an alliance of princes all over the world and princes from all over the world gather, if you can subdue the princes, it will be of great benefit to improve Li valve\'s reputation among the princes..."

"Since Shimin proposed it, let Shimin take people to Siming Mountain. You are ready to mobilize troops and use troops in Hanzhong."

"The son minister leads the order!"

Li Yuan\'s imperial skill is still very stable. Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng have nothing to say. Qi Qi kneels down and leads the order.


North, Youzhou.

On the boundless desert.

A young man in white robe was dancing a gun in the yellow sand.

At the moving place of the five hook Flying Magic gun, thousands of bright spear awns bloom at the tip of the gun, and a little cold light bursts out, like countless white dragons and python passing through the air, killing one of the yellow sand in the sky!

On the side, there were several Knights riding on divine Colts looking at the horse. All of them were wearing strong and heavy armor, covering their whole body, leaving a pair of eyes exposed outside.

"The young master\'s martial arts talent can be called the greatest in the world!"

"Fifteen year old martial arts master, there is no limit to the way ahead!"

"I don\'t know the heroes of the Central Plains. Who can be compared with the son of the world?"

These men stand in the wind and sand, standing still and stable as a rock.

Suddenly, a group of cavalry came out of the desert while taking advantage of the yellow sand.

"In the northeast, three thousand horses, Turkic dogs are dying."

"Youyun eighteen riders, prepare to attack and protect the little Lord!"

Led by the majestic cavalry, holding up the Zhangba long gun in their hands, they roared.

Several ghost cavalry soldiers, like those from hell, suddenly formed a conical array and looked coldly at the direction of the charge of the Turkic cavalry.

"Kill Turkic dogs!"

Just when the two sides were only a few hundred meters away, Luo Cheng, who had been dancing guns in the yellow sand all over the sky, stared coldly, rode his horse and raised his gun, and fiercely killed in the direction of the Turkic cavalry.


Before the battle, Luo Cheng\'s powerful five hook Flying Magic gun was reflected. During the wild dance, the gun screamed like a dragon and a tiger.

The spear awns suddenly bloomed, penetrated the sand, and rushed to the front of the Turkic cavalry. They immediately howled and screamed. They were stabbed in the throat by the spear, rolled their saddles and fell off their horses, and were trampled to death by their companions.

"Kill all! Leave none!"

Several of Youyun\'s eighteen riders, following behind Luo Cheng in white robes, ruthlessly chiseled into the Turkic cavalry array.

The Turkic cavalry screamed and waved machetes, but no one could get close to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, or picking, or lifting, or stabbing, or sweeping

All kinds of shooting skills have reached an impasse!

The Youyun 18 riders behind him roared wildly, followed behind Luo Cheng, and made a crazy chisel attack. Only a few people broke into 3000 riders. With unparalleled courage, the Turkic cavalry array was scattered!


Crazy killing!

Luo Cheng has a cold face and white robe. His shooting skills are unpredictable. The Youyun 18 cavalry behind him is like an indefatigable monster. He even crushed and slaughtered the 3000 Turkic cavalry!

The broken limbs and arms covered the ground, spilled blood and dyed the yellow sand red.

Three thousand Turkic cavalry were killed!

Looking at the bodies of Turkic cavalry everywhere, the man who looked like the commander of Turkic cavalry cracked his liver and gall and said in a trembling voice: "the devil... You are the devil!"

With that, he turned and ran without hesitation.

In the face of such a murderous God, dragging on is like looking for death.

"Go to hell!"

Luo chengmu blinked, took out a silver short gun behind the horse\'s back, threw it suddenly, turned into a silver dragon and killed!


The Turkic cavalry general\'s eyes were bulging. He couldn\'t believe looking at the short gun in his chest. His consciousness dissipated and fell off his horse.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Youyun 18 riders roared and killed again.

When night fell, the bleak roar of wild wolves gradually came from the desert, and the battlefield finally fell silent.

"Happy, killing Turkic dogs is happy!"

"The little master\'s shooting skill is not much worse than that of the Lord."

Among the eighteen riders of Youyun, their armor bathed in blood. They laughed loudly and shook the fields.

Luo Cheng finally smiled and said, "it\'s far from dad."

It\'s really pleasant to kill thousands of riders.

While they were talking, they saw a horse galloping in the distance. It was the youngest of Youyun\'s 18 riders who was screaming from a distance:

"The Great Han emperor issued a heroic order, and the Lord urgently called the little Lord back!"



Du Fuwei stood at the head of the city with his hands down and asked calmly, "good son, what\'s written on it?"

Du Fuwei is a grass-roots king. He was born a thief and didn\'t know words.

Xu Ziling glanced up and down at the calligraphy in his hand and said solemnly, "Oh, Dad, this is a hero\'s calligraphy from the emperor of the Han Dynasty......"