The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2303

"Congratulations to the host. He Shibi has been successfully obtained. The next task will be triggered automatically - say hero, who is hero!"

Tips; [in troubled times, there are many powerful and treacherous heroes like crucian carp crossing the river. The Han Dynasty rose up and the fire merged with the Central Plains. Please host a meeting of princes to establish absolute authority among the heroes in the world. The completion of the task depends on the degree of awe of the princes!]

After the task prompt is released, the system has directly entered the upgrade state

"This sister! Just pretend to be dead!"

Liu Hao looked at the ancient jade of Heshi Bi, and there was a kind of conjecture in his heart: this treasure of Qi luck seems to have some strange relationship with the system

Those who are in harmony with the family are in charge of good fortune.

At the beginning, he obtained the Heshi Bi in the main realm of the Great Han Dynasty. Since then, he has opened the door of all heaven and all worlds, swallowed up Qi and fortune, and achieved the foundation of the royal dynasty.

Today, I got another piece of Heshi Bi and merged the two into one. It seems that some unknown strange changes have taken place

"Your Majesty, no trace of the four holy monks has been found."

Xie Xuan led people to search around the white horse temple for a week, but found nothing. He came to reply to Liu Hao.

"He Shi Bi, I\'ll accept it with a smile and leave Shi Feixuan here. It\'s not a loss!"

Liu Haoxiang smiled.

Buddhism wants to make a gentleman\'s deal and exchange the Heshi Bi for Shifei Xuan.

It\'s a rare treasure of gas transportation. Its value is immeasurable. If you earn it in vain, what else do you want?

As for the four holy monks, if they dare to appear, they will be hung up and hammered by the imperial master.

And this holy female shifeixuan, known as the hope of the future of Cihang Jingzhai, is a humble maid in front of Liu Hao.

Her Taoist heart has long been broken. If she is allowed to practice for a hundred years, she may not be able to reach the highest level of Cihang sword code.

Moreover, if we look at the overall situation and wipe out the world in the future, it is natural that mountains and rivers meet.

Liu Hao took a deep look at Shi Feixuan and said calmly, "let her go, drive back to the palace and call the ministers of the Shangshutai into the palace."


The royal guards guarding Shifei Xuan retreated.

At Liu Hao\'s command, the guards of Longxiang camp retreated like a tide.

The smoke curled up in the huge white horse temple.

Shi Feixuan looked at Liu Hao\'s wandering back and felt a strange resentment and disappointment



Once the news that the Han Dynasty had settled in the Central Plains came out, the whole world immediately caused an uproar.

Wang Shichong, Li Mi, Yu Wenhua and these three heroes are not ordinary people. They support hundreds of thousands of soldiers one by one and can occupy a place in this troubled world.

Liu Hao sent troops from Jingchu to Luoyang in only a month. He also conquered tiger prison and Jinyong city with his unique strategy. For a moment, he was famous all over the world in the name of the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

After killing the three heroes, Liu Hao held a secret discussion with the ministers of the Shangshutai, widely distributed heroic posts, and called haoxiong from all over the world to gather in Siming Mountain in the Central Plains to hold a meeting of princes!



Patron palace.

The patron Wang Yanglin sat on the tiger skin seat, holding the roll with both hands, suddenly patted the table and sighed:

"Things are changeable, which makes him famous!"

"It\'s a pity that the emperor of the Han Dynasty killed Yuwen\'s old dog in his hand from Sichuan to Jingchu, and then from Jingchu to the Central Plains..."

Qingzhou is thousands of miles away from the battlefield in the Central Plains. The news has returned to Qingzhou two months later.

Yang Lin is the patron of Yang Jian\'s imperial seal. It can be said that he is the real Optimus of the Sui Dynasty. He naturally wants to kill Yu wenhuaji, who killed the king and destroyed the Sui Dynasty.

Unfortunately, the situation changed too quickly and the news was not smooth. Yang Lin trained in Qingzhou and failed to respond. Yu wenhuaji launched a mutiny and killed Yang Guang.

At this time, a green counselor under the account stepped out of the line and offered advice: "old prince, at this time, the emperor of the Han Dynasty issued a heroic order to summon the heroes of the world to gather in Siming Mountain, which is the time when the old prince rose!"

Yang Lin asked sideways, "Pei Ju, what do you say?"

The counselor named Pei Ju talked with confidence and said, "the state of Han has sat in the Central Plains at this time, like the sun in the middle of the sky, and has also passed the Li valve in Guanzhong. It can be said that it is the leader of the anti king in the world. At this time, the emperor of the state of Han called on all heroes to gather in Siming Mountain. The world must gather together and gather together."

"If the old prince led the elite of the Sui Dynasty, took it by surprise and led the Qingzhou soldiers to kill Siming Mountain in one fell swoop, wouldn\'t he be able to make the world\'s anti thieves headless and support the new Lord at that time, so that the old prince can turn the tide on the fallen, help the building on the falling, and make great contributions for thousands of years..."

The patron Wang Yanglin nodded. Obviously, he was very moved. The tiger\'s eyes moved and looked around the hall.

There are thirteen Taibao standing in the hall. They are all magnificent and vigorous. Obviously, they are all people with high martial arts.

Yang Lin smiled: "Mr. Jue CE, kill all the heroes in the world, which is admired by the lone king!"



At this time, the situation was chaotic. The holy emperor of the Han Dynasty settled in Luoyang, the eastern capital, and Yang Hao, the king of Qin supported by Yu wenhuaji, was the puppet emperor of Sui.

Li Yuan attacked Chang\'an in Taiyuan and also supported a small emperor called emperor Tai.

Later, he attacked Guanzhong under the banner of righteousness in order to win over the people. The cities in Guanzhong fell one after another. Now the whole land of Guanlong has fallen into the hands of Li Yuan.

After entering Chang\'an, the general trend of Li valve has become, supporting millions of soldiers. With the support of Zhonghao valve, the little emperor was kicked away by Li Yuan, claiming to be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and enfeoffing all officials.

Chang\'an, imperial palace.

The civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty gathered together and were having a heated discussion.

"I think there must be fraud in the meeting of Siming Mountain. Please be careful!"

"Yes! The emperor of the Han Dynasty is insidious and cunning. He killed three heroes in one plan. Your majesty, don\'t miss the trick!"

"If you want me to say, it\'s the king\'s way to send someone to attack Hanzhong and rob Hanzhong territory back."


All the officials in the hall are discussing the heroic order released by the Han Dynasty.

Only a small number of people thought that they would go to Siming Mountain to participate in the alliance of princes all over the world, and most of the ministers advocated that Xianping Hanzhong should completely occupy that strategic place.

In the open hall, there was a lot of noise. Li Yuan was upset and couldn\'t help rubbing his temples.

At this time, Li Shimin slowly walked out of the column, bowed down and saluted, and said respectfully, "father, if you defeat all the heroes in the world in Siming Mountain, can\'t you fully accept the hearts of the people, and Li Tang has officially become the Lord of the world?"

The word "Lord of the world" seems to have infinite magic, which attracts Li Yuan