The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2302

"Do this..."

Liu Haoxiang smiled, opened the door, looked around, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and the environment was quiet.

Wang Shichong can really enjoy it. The splendor and prosperity of the royal palace courtyard is no less than that of the imperial palace.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, gently closed the door, and the maids were held back, leaving Liu Hao alone.

Liu Hao flicked his sleeves and walked inward.

Walking to the door of the bedroom, Liu Hao\'s footsteps suddenly stopped.

I saw that a woman in black was lying on the couch with a low gauze curtain in her bedroom. Her beautiful eyes were closed and motionless.

As soon as the breeze sent, the light gauze and thin curtain in the house fluttered gently.

Liu haomu has brought some color of appreciation.

In the bedroom, the woman\'s skin is as white as snow and jade. Her black clothes and white skin are dazzling.

With dark eyebrows and black hair flying into the temples, she tied a beautiful bun on the top, a pinch of bangs gently covered her forehead, and the corners of her eyes tilted upward. The most impressive thing is that her straight nose matches her slightly raised cheekbones impeccably, full of pride but elegant.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Dong Shuni - force 73, intelligence 74, politics 62, command 44, charm 100!

Stunt, born to flatter: Dong Shuni has the appearance of inner flattery, charm + 2!

Ordinary people first meet, favor + 10!

"Cao Zhengchun\'s so-called baby means Dong Shuni..."

Liu Hao looked at Dong Shuni for a while. He couldn\'t help but admit that it was a peerless creature.

No wonder Li Yuan, an old lust ghost in the original book, refused to let go and included her in the harem.

In her sleep, the beauty suddenly seemed to encounter something dangerous. Dai Mei frowned gently, her towering chest fluctuated sharply, and even her breathing was a little short.

The next moment, Dong Shuni\'s delicate body trembled and woke up.

At this time, in front of her stood a handsome and majestic man.

Liu Hao\'s eyes are very bright, as deep and vast as stars and milky way, but his eyes are just pure appreciation and have no desire.

There was no one around except the wind. Dong Shuni was a little nervous. She pulled a silk quilt and covered the snow white on her chest.

As everyone knows, this pitiful state can arouse men\'s raging desire to ravage beauty.

Liu Hao moved slightly in his heart and said, "geese, come out."

As expected, Shen Luoyan came out from the shadow of the hospital. When she saw Shen Luoyan, Dong Shuni\'s beautiful eyes lit up slightly and exclaimed, "Luoyan, why are you here?"

"It\'s a long story..."

Shen Luoyan nodded to his close friend in the boudoir and said to Liu Hao, "Your Majesty, Wang Shichong is dead, but Shuni is innocent. Can you let her go?"

No one knows the rules of the game in troubled times better than Shen Luoyan.

In troubled times, the strong is the king.

Women are just the king\'s booty.

Like Yang Guang\'s concubine Xiao, she is also a famous beauty. As a result, after the chaos in the world, she fell into the hands of princes. It\'s just a plaything.

Dong Shuni\'s beautiful vase is the same as Princess Xiao. Maybe it will be sent out by the superior as an object to contact the princes.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "I promise you this little thing."

Dong Shuni is Wang Shichong\'s niece. Although she feels the same as her father and daughter, under the general trend, even Wang Shichong can only be awarded the head under the iron and blood attack of the dynasty. What role can she play as a weak woman?

If you really dare to calculate Liu Hao, it\'s easy for Liu Hao to kill her.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Shen Luoyan looked at his pure best friend and couldn\'t help sighing.

Dong Shuni, with pure nature, was born in this troubled world and fell into the hands of Liu Hao. She can be said to be lucky or unfortunate.

In the same room with the beauty, Shang Xiufang\'s melodious song came from outside, which was really intoxicating. Unfortunately, a burst of rapid footsteps interrupted this quiet beauty.


A royal guards hurried in, worshipped Liu Hao, hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, the Buddha sent a message. Heshibi is in the White Horse Temple. Please take shifeixuan with you to exchange!"

He Shibi?!

Liu Hao\'s spirit was refreshed. His children and women were all thrown aside and said, "drive the White Horse Temple!"


Buddhism was promoted in the Sui Dynasty.

After several repairs, the White Horse Temple in Luoyang has become a Buddhist holy land in the world, with an endless stream of pilgrims.

But today, the White Horse Temple is full of smoke, but I can\'t see half a person.

Step! Step! Step!

The iron boots of the imperial guards of the Dragon camp trampled on the blue stone ground and made a heavy noise.

Xie Xuan pressed the sword with one hand and looked alert. The Qi machine covered the whole white horse temple.

"This is the fluctuation of the jade seal..."

When Liu Hao arrived at the White Horse Temple, the temple was very empty. The forbidden guards of Longxiang camp were outside. The monks in the temple had long been cleared by Xie Xuan.

There is a pagoda in the temple, which is emitting strange energy fluctuations.

This feeling is not strange. Liu Hao had this strange feeling when he first came into contact with the jade seal.

He stretched out his hand and absorbed the Heshi Bi in the pagoda into his palm.

This piece of Heshi Bi is four inches round and made of muddy jade. It has bright color and is engraved with five dragon buttons. It is fine and lifelike.

The fly in the ointment is the missing corner, inlaid with gold, glittering and dazzling.

Liu Hao took as like as two peas of the emperor of Han Dynasty, and found out that the two pieces were identical.

"Unexpectedly... There are two identical national jade seals!"

This Heshi Bi is the legendary jade seal, which has been handed down since ancient times and symbolizes the supreme imperial power.

When the two pieces are juxtaposed with the Shi Bi, a dazzling dark light suddenly blooms.

Liu Hao had a strange look on his face.

These two pieces of Heshi Bi seem to have life, emit a brilliant light, and gradually integrate together

Two pieces of Heshi Bi, merged into one!?

He Shi Bi was observed by Qi watching technique, but it was still a hint of Qi luck. Liu Hao was about to ask the system what was the situation, but suddenly found that the system only prompted one sentence: