The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2301

"It\'s old general Han!"

"Old general Han has already demoted the big man."

"Alas! I am a soldier brought out by the old general\'s army. I dare not raise my knife to the old general!"

"Me too..."

Han Qianhu led his soldiers to fight all his life. In the Sui Dynasty military system, six or seven out of ten were soldiers under his command.

The morale of the army was already shaken before the war began.

Sima Dekan\'s face was as gloomy as iron!



"Where is Yuwen Zhiji?"

Wu Yunzhao manglong\'s white robe was stained with blood. It was the soldier who provoked a Yuwen valve with one shot, and shouted loudly.

The hatred of copying the family and destroying the family in the past has been dormant until now. Once it broke out, Wu Yunzhao naturally wanted to kill the Yuwen valve to relieve his hatred.

Liu Hao also knew the old story between Wu Yunzhao and Yuwen valve, so he sent Wu Yunzhao as the general of Jinyong city.

Greg! Greg!

The soldier of the Yuwen valve moved his throat, pointed to a direction in the chaos, and died.

With a thunderbolt like look, Wu Yunzhao locked a figure and roared, "dog thief, where to go!"

Under the seat, the divine horse galloped past. Wu Yunzhao\'s Zhang Baliang Silver Snake spear, like a white Python and a silver dragon, passed through the air.

A shot was shot out, and he immediately came behind yuwenzhiji.

Yu Wenzhi changed into the clothes of ordinary soldiers just to run away. He suddenly felt the killing machine on his back and had to fold his body to stop it.

It\'s a pity that Bing Xuanjin, who has reached the peak with Yu wenhuaji, is not Wu Yunzhao\'s opponent. His martial arts are two grades worse than Yu wenhuaji


Liangyin Zhangba snake spear turned into a silver long dragon. The gun force burst through the key of Yuwen Zhiji\'s vest and blew out a blood hole the size of a fist.

Wu Yunzhao shook off yuwenzhiji\'s body, and there was another head on the horse\'s neck.

Three heroes of Yuwen valve, Yuwen Huaji, Yuwen Zhiji, Yuwen Shiji and three people are all here!



Luoyang, temporary palace.


A royal guards rolled up his cloak and hurried into the elegant backyard from the door. He knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Hao, hugged his fist and said respectfully, "tell your majesty that the dust of last night\'s war has settled!"

"As expected, Li mi took risks and led his troops and horses to sneak into Jinyong city along the secret road. He wanted to recapture the city and attack Yu wenhuaji at night. The two sides were in a fire. Li mi was defeated and Pushan public camp was destroyed!"

"Nanyang Hou Wu Yunzhao led the troops with Li Mi, sneaked into the city of Jinyong, and tried to kill yuwenhuaji, yuwenshiji, yuwenzhi and yuwenvalve..."

"Veteran Han Qihu led the snow wolf to ride into the Yuwen valve forbidden army camp outside the city, beheaded Sima Dekan and subdued 100000 Xiaoguo forbidden army. Jinyong city is under our control..."

Listening to the front-line military news from the royal guards, Shen Luoyan was moved.

Luoyang\'s game of chess has now come to an end.

Liu Hao sat on the Diaoyutai, but turned his hand over the clouds and covered his hand with rain. He successively destroyed the three powerful forces of Wang Shichong, Yu wenhuaji and Li mi!

Each of these three people is a big man who can shake the Central Plains.

Now all the three heroes fall into Liu Hao\'s hands. I\'m afraid the general trend of the whole world will change greatly.

Looking at Liu Hao with an indifferent look, Shen Luoyan observed a moment of silence for Li Mi and sincerely admired him.

Li Mi is the hero of the world, but it is his misfortune to meet an opponent like Liu Hao.

"I know..."

Liu Hao had already received the message prompt from the system and harvested several hidden treasure boxes. At present, he waved his hand carelessly and ordered: "pass it to General Yu Jian..."


Not long after the royal guards left, Yu Jian hurried in.

Liu Hao indicated that he didn\'t need to salute. He opened the door to the mountain: "Wen Ze is good at running the army. Now Jin Yong city has 100000 soldiers. Wen Ze can go to cooperate with the old general Han Jihu to practice. I want to make this group of soldiers meet the minimum standard of the fierce soldiers of the dynasty in the shortest time..."

The Xiaoguo imperial guards brought by Yu wenhuaji are basically strong elite soldiers of the Sui Dynasty. They are naturally different from the big head thief soldiers under Xiao Mian.

At this time, there is the Han capture tiger Shengwei Town army. With a little training, the Xiaoguo forbidden army can be put into the battlefield and expand the strength of the Dynasty army.

Yu Jian Qiang ran hugged his fist and said, "I take orders!"

After the ban was withdrawn, calm finally returned to the hospital.

Shang Xiufang stroked the strings, and the beautiful music flowed out quietly, washing people\'s hearts.

Shen Luoyan sighed: "congratulations to your majesty. Since then, you have been a well deserved overlord of the Central Plains."

Li Mi, Yu wenhuaji and Wang Shichong are competing for supremacy in the Central Plains. Now Liu Hao plans to kill the three big Lords. Who is Liu Hao\'s position as the overlord of the Central Plains?

"Half of the Central Plains has entered my hand..."

Liu Hao said calmly, "in less than a year, I will wipe out the world. At that time, I will see thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and bright stars side by side with fallen geese."

At any time, I don\'t forget to flirt with my sister. Shen Luoyan has been familiar with her for several days and turned her eyes.

Ding Dong!

"The host sits in Luoyang, arousing the hostility of Buddhism. The four monks will soon enter the world and regard the host as their mortal enemy!"

"The four holy monks are interesting..."

Liu Hao carefully checked the task description and flicked his finger on the desktop.

Now he is sitting firmly in Luoyang City. Naturally, Cihang Jingzhai can\'t accommodate him.

These four holy monks are the God level thugs of Cihang Jingzhai.

Four people came out together to attack and kill. Even the evil king Shi Zhixuan, the top of the great martial arts master, is not an opponent. It can be imagined that he is powerful.

However, since Cihang Jingzhai stood on the opposite side of Liu Hao, it was doomed to a tragic end.

"Order the military aircraft office to collect information about Buddhism in the north. Masters such as Ding Peng, Guihai Yidao and song que are ready to kill the four Buddhist monks at any time!"

Liu Hao ordered solemnly.

The three sabres came out together, and the great masters of the Han Dynasty arranged the four holy monks. What can these four holy monks do even if the Buddha came to earth?

"Your Majesty."

Just when Liu Hao was thinking about the development of the situation ahead of time, Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, walked up quickly and bowed down: "general Cheng Yaojin found a treasure in Luoyang for his majesty!"


Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up slightly.

There was no movement in the gold camp responsible for searching for treasures. What shit luck did Cheng Yaojin step on? Did he find the baby?

"Your Majesty, please take a step?"

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, bowed and made a gesture of invitation.

Curious, Liu Hao followed the old manager around seven times to an elegant garden in the depths of the palace.

"The old slave is gone. The baby is inside. Please have a look with your Majesty\'s own eyes."

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, showed a smile that all men knew and bowed down to leave