The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2300

Facing the crazy counterattack of the dead in Pushan public camp, Yu Wenhua and Leng hum: "Hang Li Mi\'s head at the head of Jinyong city to deter the remaining evils of Wagang!"

Whatever you are, you may be defeated at any time from the road of striving for hegemony.

Li Mi is dead. As a winner, Yu wenhuaji still has more than 100000 troops in his hands. He has a feeling of being powerful.

"Send another order to Sima Dekan, transfer the Xiaoguo forbidden army outside the city into the city, kill all the town, and leave none!"


Yuwen valve\'s men took orders and walked quickly.

Xiaoguo army is the Imperial Guard of the Sui Dynasty. It is strong and brave. Its combat power is amazing. There is no suspense about suppressing the dead in Pushan public camp.

However, Yu wenhuaji didn\'t wait until Sima Dekan was killing the dead in Pushan public camp. At the end of the long street in the distance, there was a roar like a tiger and a leopard thunder.

"Yuwen old dog, big man Wu Yun summoned you to take your life!"

I saw a majestic figure like a mountain, carrying a magic gun, driving the horse, running through the long street.

In his palm, the long gun turned into a swimming dragon, with thousands of shadows. The soldiers of Yuwen valve were picked up like grass people wherever they passed.

Seeing the big enemy in front of him, Wu Yunzhao\'s eyes are red and his killing intention is violent, like a raging tide and waves. The gun\'s strength is heavy and powerful, and his power is unstoppable!

"Han Army!?"

Yu wenhuaji was shocked and said, "how could the Han army suddenly appear in Kim Yong city?"

"Even if the military division arrived at Li mi long ago, we risked to recapture Jinyong city. We sneaked into Jinyong city with Li mi through the secret way..."

Wu Yunzhao sneered: "Yuwen old dog, die!"

In the cold cry, Zhang Baliang\'s Silver Snake spear in his palm suddenly turned into a silver dragon, coerced Wu Yunzhao\'s towering killing intention and killed it.

"Damn it, the mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind... Ice xuanwuji!"

The majestic force of the gun broke out, and Yu Wenhua and his mind trembled. He dared not neglect it, and once again used the unique skill of Yu wenvalve.

The water vapor in the air was absorbed into Yu Wenhua\'s palm, and condensed into an ice shield with extremely cold and mysterious strength. The cross arm was placed in front of Yu Wenhua\'s body.


The fierce unmarried couple\'s gun strength collided with the black ice shield. The gun strength was continuous and punctured heavily. In an instant, the sick shield formed by the condensation of ice and black Qi in front of them was blown to pieces.

Wu Yunzhao was the fourth hero in Sui and Tang Dynasties, second only to Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing.

At this time, he became crazy, and his momentum reached the peak. The essence of wolf smoke ran through Wu Yunzhao\'s acupoints. It was like wolf smoke, shooting straight into the sky. Even the strong wind couldn\'t disperse.

"Kill, kill!"

Without telling Yu wenhuaji, he raised his hand and shot again. The tip of the gun turned into thousands of silver dragon gun shadows. The gun potential swept through and the whole void was torn.

Yu wenhuaji had just been shaken back and had suffered internal injuries. At this time, he had a desire to retreat. His feet moved back wildly towards the rear, knocked over a large area of houses and wood chips flew around.

But Wu Yunzhao jumped up from the horse\'s back, with a long gun like a dragon. The Qi machine has completely locked Yu wenhuaji, and he has the posture of chasing him to the ends of the earth.

The two knocked down an unknown number of wooden houses. Yu Wenhua and his arms were shocked. When they were frightened, they wanted to grab the eaves and run away, but they only heard Wu Yunzhao roar: "old dog, where to go!"


Zhang Ba Liang\'s Silver Snake spear burst out and burst into boundless brilliance. It flew through the air like a silver dragon dancing its claws, hit the key of Yu wenhuaji\'s vest and nailed him to the eaves!

"You... You..."

For a moment, Yu Wenhua was not dead. He trembled his fingers and pointed to Wu Yunzhao. He was so angry that he died.

At this moment, everyone in the long street was silent and stunned!

Which of Li Mi, the leader of Wagang stronghold, and Yu Wenhua Ji, the boss of Yuwen valve, is not a powerful hero who talks and laughs and wields tens of thousands of troops?

However, in this cool night, in this long street, two big heroes died one after another.

Wu Yunzhao cut off Yu wenhuaji\'s ferocious head and hung it on his horse\'s neck. His killing intention was still unabated. He shouted: "tonight, kill all the debris of Yuwen valve and seize Jinyong city!"




The Han Huben fierce soldiers poured into Kim Yong city from the secret road outside the city. Like a tiger into a sheep, they began to fight at night with Yuwen valve soldiers. In Kim Yong City, the killing was shocking.


In the camp outside the city, the soldiers of Yuwen valve hurried to Sima Dekan, hugged their fists and said in a hurry: "big general, no good, big general, Han army stole into Jinyong city and killed people everywhere in the city. Please hurry to help!"

The Jinyong city is not big enough to accommodate too many troops. The Xiaoguo forbidden army led by Sima Dekan stationed troops several miles away from the southeast of Jinyong City, just in a corner with Jinyong city.

Hearing the news of the scouts, simadekan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

I feel like I have suffered a great internal injury

Is there any mistake... Sneaking into Kim Yong city overnight!?

Why didn\'t you see someone break into the camp outside the city?

Is it the coming of heavenly soldiers?

Sima Dekan forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, waved in awe and said: "send a message to all the generals, point together their troops and horses, and prepare to join the general into Kim Yong city!"


Xiaoguo military headquarters will respond boldly.

Boom, boom!

When the Xiaoguo Imperial Guard was about to leave the camp, a thunderous horse hoof suddenly sounded in the distance.

"What sound?"

Sima Dekan\'s horse went out of the camp. He looked awe inspiring. Looking around, he saw dark cavalry on the vast horizon!

From a distance, it looks like a group of countless ants, coming in vast groups!

The horse\'s hooves roared, the ground began to shake, and the rolling smoke swept like a dragon!

Between heaven and earth, there are suffocating terrorist killing machines!

"My God... Wolf! Many gray wolves!"

"Hiss! This is... What\'s the situation!?"

"The wolf war riding is terrible. Look at the flag. It\'s the iron blood red dragon flag of the big man!"


Xiaoguo imperial guard is the elite of the elite of the Sui Dynasty, with strong combat power.

However, have they ever seen such a magnificent side!?

Thousands of ferocious gray wolves ran wildly, and from time to time they howled through gold and jade.

"Han Han catches the tiger here. The thief will get off his horse and be subdued quickly!"

A veteran with gray hair and a bright head rode out of the battle with a knife. He described it as magnificent and extraordinary. It was Han Qianhu, a veteran of Shangzhu state in the Sui Dynasty