The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2299

Zizi listened carefully to what happened before and after. Li Mi\'s fingernails pierced deeply into the meat, gnashing his teeth and said, "old thief Yuwen, how dare you sneak into Jinyong city while I attacked Xingluo warehouse. I will not kill you and swear not to be a man!"

No one is an idiot who participates in this game.

While Li mi coveted Xingluo warehouse, Yu wenhuaji also coveted Wagang stronghold.

In fact, Li mijian took a great risk in attacking Xingluo warehouse. Now is the time for him to pay the price.

"Secret Lord, what should I do now?"

Bing yuan is really brave and good at fighting, but he is not a resourceful general.

Li Mi\'s eyes were gloomy and pondered for a while. He said, "Yuwen Huaji must have an unstable foothold at this time. I know a secret road leading from outside the city to Jinyong city. Go back with me, kill the old Yuwen thief and recapture Jinyong city!"

As long as you kill yuwenhuaji unexpectedly, and then take a chestnut out of the fire to recapture Jinyong City, you may be able to take advantage of the trend to recruit the troops of yuwenvalve and grow in strength!

General Bing yuan was so excited that he boldly hugged his fist and said, "go back with Duke MI, fight to the death with the old Yuwen thief and recapture Jinyong city!"

Li mi looked around the field, raised his hand solemnly, pressed the emptiness and shouted, "Jinyong city is the foundation of Wagang stronghold and everyone\'s home!"

"Our parents, relatives, wives and children are all in Kim Yong city!"

"Now, while we were attacking Xingluo warehouse, Yu Wenhua and the thief secretly attacked our home and killed our relatives. He was a man\'s brother, so he went back to Jinyong city with someone and killed Yu Wenhua and!"

"Grass! Listen to Lord MI and kill Yuwen old dog!"

"Fuck, fuck!"

"Fight with Yu wenhuaji!"

The elite cavalry of Pushan public camp were immediately boiling. They thought of their family and wives who died miserably. The eyes of these desperate and fierce soldiers of Pushan public camp were red. They wanted to kill back to Jinyong city immediately and chop off Yu wenhuaji\'s head to feed the dog

A generation of heroes who are famous in history, indeed, have their own uniqueness. In a few words, they stir up people\'s emotions.

Li mi sat on the horse with his hands open and his eyes closed. He seemed to be intoxicated by the fanatical roar of the crowd.



Kim Yong city.

It is located in the northwest of Luoyang. The city is small but very strong. It is an important place to attack and defend. It is also the stronghold of Wagang rebel army.

Standing at the head of the city, Yu wenhuaji held the city wall with both hands and laughed loudly: "Li Mi is indeed a figure. The geographical location of Jinyong city carries Heluo. It is a place where Heroes rise everywhere. In the future, if you fight for the supremacy of the Central Plains, you can rush to attack Luoyang. If you beat Luoyang City, Yu wenvalve can dominate the Central Plains and stand high above all the heroes in the world!"

"Brother, how wise you are. Take one step and see three steps. I\'d better do it."

Wearing a strong armor, Yu Wenhua stood on the side of Yu Wenhua and hugged boxing.

After killing the monarch, Yuwen valve abandoned the Jiangdu, led his troops north, pinched each other with Li Mi for several months, and finally laid down his base camp and completely controlled the situation.

"Hehe, you have to guard against Li mi. He has a deep mind. Maybe he will kill a horse returning gun."

Before the words fell, there was a sudden sound of boiling and killing in Kim Yong city.

"Yu Wenhua and die!"

"Yu Wenhua and die!"

Yuwen Huaji\'s face suddenly changed and shouted, "what\'s going on?"

A scout of Yuwen valve hurried to the top of the city and said in a trembling voice: "I inform you that a group of dead soldiers of Pushan public camp were suddenly killed in Jinyong city and set fire everywhere in the city. Please make a decision quickly!"


Yu wenhuaji was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He gritted his teeth and said, "Li mi! This guy must be playing tricks! How dare you come and die!"

Kim Yong city was on fire everywhere and turned into a pot of porridge.

When it comes to familiarity with Kim Yong City, Yu wenhuaji is naturally not as familiar as Li mi.

Through the secret Road, Li mi sneaked into the city with the dead soldiers of Pushan public camp, set fire everywhere to create chaos, but also took advantage of the chaos to kill many Yuwen valve people.

Yu wenhuaji personally led the experts in the valve to intercept and kill the public in Pushan.

The two heroes finally ran into each other on the long street.

"Good, good, good!"

Yu wenhuaji said with a fierce smile, "there is a way in heaven. If you don\'t go, hell has no way to send you! Li Mi, I\'ll take your head!"

Li mi sneered, "who will win? I don\'t know. You can\'t go back alive tonight anyway!"


Li mi was like a gambler at the end of the road, killing out, full of crazy feeling.

A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road.

Yu Wenhua and Zhenqi lifted up and coagulated in his arms. A thin layer of frost appeared on his palm. The water vapor in the air condensed into ice edges and killed Li mi.

Ice Xuanjin!

Yu wenhuaji, with his family\'s peak ice Xuanjin, matched Li Miba\'s majestic earth Sha Jin!

The mysterious skills on the list of these two kinds of unique skills have their own uniqueness. The two Qi forces collide together, like a storm sweeping through, the violent Qi force escapes, the green bricks on the ground are lifted away, and the gravel, mud and dust dance disorderly.

Li Mi and Yu wenhuaji didn\'t get a bargain. Li mi stepped back more than ten steps, and his feet made footprints on the ground.

"He\'s hurt!"

When you practice martial arts like Yu wenhuaji, you can cross the master\'s threshold by one step. You are very sensitive.

Aware of Li Mi\'s flaws, Yu wenhuaji lifted his breath again and flew towards Li mi.

Bingxuan\'s strength was transferred to the extreme, and Desha\'s strength was no less. The two Qi forces collided violently in the air, and bingci broke up in every village, covering the body shapes of Li Mi and Yu wenhuaji

"Xuanbing limitless!"

After a hundred moves, Yu Wenhua and his eyes were fierce and bright. He jumped up in the air and suddenly hit the top with one palm, like the dark ice falling down.

"Disha cut the pulse!"

Li Mi\'s eyes were red, and he used twelve points of energy to meet each other.


As soon as they went up and down, their four palms were opposite. Their palms were as strong as the tide and spread out.

"If you can die under some ice Xuan strength, you can rest in peace!"

All I could hear was Yu Wenhua and laughing wildly.

The dust finally settled. Pushan Gong Li mi knelt down and half of his body was frozen into an ice sculpture. He just stared at the front and couldn\'t believe he died in the long street

Li Mi, the Duke of Pushan, fought in the long street and was finally defeated by Yu culture and.

The news spread like wildfire, and the whole Kim Yong city was full of desperate cries of the dead in the Pushan public camp