The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2298

Li mi was clearly extremely resentful. He couldn\'t see any trace on his face. He didn\'t know that he thought it was an iron die hard loyalty of the Han Dynasty.

Shen Luoyan\'s eyes were silent and his expression was lonely and lost.

How could she not understand Li Mi\'s thoughts?

At the critical moment, Li mi always put his life first. The rest, whether his family or subordinates, are his chess pieces and can be abandoned at any time.

"Well, you can discuss it yourself. I still have government affairs to deal with."

Liu Hao waved his hand and waved them back.

Once the preconceived belief is broken, it is like a broken mirror. It is almost impossible to recover again.

Facing Shen Luoyan, Li mi asked quietly, "Luoyan, how do you think the Han Army learned about the plan of raiding Xingluo cangzhang?"

"Among the Han Army, there are countless resourceful and wise men, far beyond the imagination of Duke mi..."

Shen Luoyan\'s delicate body was shocked and youyou said, "I don\'t need to say more. After leaving Luoyang today, our relationship between Lord and minister will be cut off. The Jianghu has a long way to go. Please take care."

Li mi turned black and said in a deep voice, "don\'t worry, Luoyan. When I go back and reorganize my troops, I will invade the Central Plains again and compete for the world."

Shen Luoyan was silent. Li mi talked to himself for a while, but he just asked for nothing. He hated it more in his heart:

This watch!

If it hadn\'t been for collusion with the emperor of Han Dynasty, how could such an attitude be today!?

Thinking of Shen Luoyan\'s graceful virgin body, who was rejoicing under Liu Hao\'s majestic body, Li mi breathed heavily, and her veins jumped in front of her forehead. She could hardly help but want to kill Shen Luoyan!


If you can\'t bear what others can\'t, you can achieve great things!

Li mi bit her teeth and endured humiliation. Her fingernails were stabbed into the flesh of her palm. After all, her reason and calmness defeated her impulse.

If you dare to make trouble in Luoyang at this time, you are really joking about your life.

As soon as you start, the big man royal guards standing outside the door will never show mercy. At that time, thunder will kill him like a dog.


After making the choice, Liu Hao kept his word. He not only let Li mi leave Luoyang, but also generously gave him a set of brocade robes and a horse.

The original clothes and armor were destroyed in the war, and the common people threw rotten eggs. They have long been filthy.

Li mi put on his brand-new clothes, drove his horse out of the city and galloped more than ten miles to the southeast.

After repeatedly confirming that no one was following behind him, Li mi held the reins and looked back at Luoyang with venomous eyes.

After half a ring, Li mi burst out laughing: "hahaha! Since then, let the tiger go back to the mountain and the Dragon swim in the sea. Today\'s humiliation will be repaid ten times in the future!"



"Li Mi is gone?"

Liu Hao knocked on the table with his fingers, and a cold arc hung from the corner of his mouth. He smiled and said, "send an order to Wang JINGLUE to make sure he is well deployed. I don\'t want to see any accidents."


Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, bowed down and took orders with his fists.

Liu Hao stood up, pushed the door and entered. He saw Shen Luoyan sitting alone in the hospital with his shoulders in his hands, with some self pity.

"All this was planned by his Majesty the holy emperor long ago?"

Shen Luoyan noticed the sound, turned his head sideways, looked at Liu Hao with a complex expression, and sighed faintly.

The Meier military division of Wagang stronghold, known as the snake and scorpion beauty, calculated everything and helped Li mi step by step to the leading position of Wagang stronghold.

But when she faced Liu Hao, she had a feeling that she couldn\'t see the depth at all.

Liu Hao said, "I use the world as a chessboard and ordinary people as chess pieces. Since Li Mi is in the game, he can\'t get rid of his fate."

It can be said that if Li mi didn\'t have the special attribute of recklessness, Liu Hao might spend some time to take him for his own use. After all, the more talents, the better, which is conducive to strengthening the Dynasty\'s heritage.

Unfortunately, he is definitely not a long-time person. The enemy in front of the supreme emperor\'s way naturally needs to be ruthlessly erased.

Shen Luoyan said bitterly, "what about me? Am I also your Majesty\'s chess piece?"

Liu Hao gently provoked Shen Luoyan\'s sharp and pretty chin and said with a light smile: "the beauty of famous flowers should enjoy themselves. I just appreciate the strength of Luoyan and want to be the person who appreciates flowers and interprets words."

This sudden gentle whisper, like the sharpest spear, pierced Shen Luoyan\'s heart and shook her mind.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Shen Luoyan\'s favor with the host is + 10. Please make persistent efforts!"

"Congratulations to the host. Shen Luoyan\'s favor with the host is + 10. Please make persistent efforts!"

Shen Luoyan has been smart since childhood. He is so big. With great skill, he has made a lot of sensational events in the Jianghu, but he has not experienced a serious love.

Now I met Liu Hao and Shen Luoyan also met the nemesis.

When it comes to intelligence and martial arts, Liu Hao is so powerful that he can\'t catch up with it. His identity and status are even higher and more popular.

Women are born to surrender to stronger men.

When facing Liu Hao, Shen Luoyan didn\'t know where to lose his calmness.

"Your Majesty, there are 3000 beauties in the back palace. How can you get your Majesty\'s magic eye with the posture of falling geese and willows?"

Shen Luoyan\'s heart was pounding, and he didn\'t dare to touch Liu Hao\'s hot eyes. His palm sized little face was stained with red clouds.

Liu Hao grabbed Shen Luoyan\'s shoulders, pulled her over and said word by word: "Luoyan, you underestimate yourself. I\'m serious."

At this time, the favorability has broken through the 90 mark. Liu Hao no longer hesitated, attached himself and kissed Shen Luoyan on his cold and fragrant lips.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The task of recruiting beauty military division has been completed. The reward has been issued in advance. The task has no punishment. Please know!"

Liu haohuai embraces beauty and hides merit and fame.



Step! Step! Step!

On the official road, the sound of horse hoofs roared like thunder.

A group of cavalry swept the earth and rushed to the.

The first general, wearing heavy armor and holding a long bronze knife, looked from a distance and suddenly saw a man coming face to face. He looked shocked and panicked, strangled the rein, and the war horse hissed under his seat.

His cavalry also stopped moving forward.

"See secret Lord!"

Bing Yuanzhen, a general of Wagang stronghold, fell from the saddle and walked up to Li mi. He pushed Jinshan and fell on Yuzhu\'s knees. He said miserably, "secret Lord, Jinyong city has been secretly attacked by Yu Wenhua and the old thief. The city has been broken. Eldest childe... Eldest childe died in the war!"


Li mi was shocked when he heard the speech. His dusty face was very pale