The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2295

"Where is Zu Junyan?"

"The end will come!"

Zu Junyan, who was named, looked excited and boldly hugged kungfu.

In Li Mi\'s eyes, the light of ambition flashed and said, "now that the tiger prison pass has fallen, Luoyang must be empty. You ordered 7000 light cavalry to raid Xingluo warehouse in order to harass Xingluo warehouse and create chaos. I led the army and then came."

"Yes, sir!"

Shen Luoyan frowned lightly and said, "Lord MI, at this time, there is Yu Wenhua and such as a wolf on the side to attack Xingluo warehouse. Is it open to discussion?"

"Besides, there has been no news from the intelligence agents in Luoyang for several days. If there is any abnormality, it is a demon. I\'m afraid there will be changes..."

Li mi burst out laughing and said, "Luo Yan, you\'re too smart, but you\'re too timid. If you want to achieve great things, you have to take risks. Storing millions of grain in Xingluo warehouse is the most important granary in the world!"

"Wang Shichong\'s incompetent generation, if we can capture Xingluo warehouse, our army will be in an invincible position. At that time, we will turn around and wipe out yuwenhuaji, and then expand the army. The whole army will be expanded by millions. Who can compete in the world?"

Li Mi\'s words were full of absolute self-confidence, and there was an arrogant spirit of sacrificing himself.

The general of Pushan public camp, Qi Qi, was also eager to try. He shouted, "fuck you, lay down xingluocang, and the Lord can also ascend the throne and become the king. At that time, we will be a big general, ha ha!"

"I\'m afraid of an egg! Wang Shichong, a fool, can\'t even see the tiger prison. Do you expect him to hold Xingluo warehouse?"

"Follow the Lord, even Zhang xutuo is killed. Are you afraid of those smelly fish and rotten shrimp under Wang Shichong?"

All the generals of Pushan public camp shouted together.

Zhang xutuo is a world-famous general. After Li MiFu killed Zhang xutuo, his generals expanded.

At this point, Shen Luoyan was silent and helpless.

Because she is well aware of Li Mi\'s arrogant habit. No matter what else she says at this time, Li Mi is also determined to go his own way and will never listen.


Wagang stronghold\'s army moved, and its troops and horses stretched for more than ten miles.

All the way, when Li mixing rushed his soldiers to Xingluo warehouse, he found something wrong.

Outside Xingluo warehouse, the flag of the iron and blood red dragon of the Great Han was hung high. The head of the pioneer general Zu Junyan was hung high on the flagpole!

Li mi was shocked!

At this time, smoke billowed in several directions around Xingluo warehouse, and suddenly countless soldiers and horses fell out.

"No... I\'m in a trap. There\'s an ambush!"

Li mi looked around and felt that there was a roaring killing sound in all directions. His back was soaked with cold sweat

"Don\'t mess up! Whoever dares to mess up again will be killed and decided!"

Li mi soon forced himself to calm down. He drew his sword and cut down several random soldiers in Pushan public camp. He roared: "the front army changes the rear array and kills a path of blood with someone!"

Up to now, it\'s the king\'s way to escape your own life. Where can you care about the life and death of your ancestors?

Pushan public camp is worthy of being the most elite force under Li Mi\'s command. Suddenly, it was attacked and did not fall into chaos. Instead, it changed back and forth, completed the formation and killed outside.

The Han army will be under the flag.

Qin Qiong rode on a yellow puma with a gold mace hanging on her back and a tiger head Zhan gold gun in her hand.

"It is said that Li Mi is the hero of the world. Even his majesty has a high reputation for him. He is really a powerful man!"

Zhang xutuo\'s suppression of local anti thief uprisings is as simple as eating and drinking water. It can be said that he is a hero. The foundation pillar of the imperial court was finally folded in Li Mi\'s hand, which also shows Li Mi\'s excellence.

"Go and meet this Pushan Gong for a while!"

Seeing that Li mi led the crowd to kill left and right, Qin Qiong couldn\'t sit still any longer. Instead, she took the tiger head Zhan gold gun and killed Li mi in the direction of Li mi.

"Duke MI, go quickly, my brother is dead!"

In the battlefield, Fu Zhen and Fu Yan, the fierce generals of Pushan public camp, danced wildly with their swords and constantly killed the enemy in front of them, shouting wildly.

At this time of life and death, Li mi did not show affectation. He handed over the back road to the two powerful generals and killed them in the weak place of the Han Army in the southeast corner.

"Come on! I want to see who dares to come up and die!"

"Wow, kill one!"

Fu Zhen and Fu Yan are both outlaws with excellent martial arts. They are known as Changbai double murderers and dance with double swords. They are also powerful. They even killed dozens of big men and fierce soldiers.

"The thief will stop being rampant. Qin Shubao is here!"

Only a long howling sound like spring thunder sounded. The chaotic army in the distance suddenly separated towards both sides. A golden faced general, like a God, suddenly killed behind Changbai\'s double evils.

Before the two of them could react, the gun power was like a crazy Python and a huge dragon. It pierced left and right, and mysteriously stabbed Fu Zhen under the ribs. Qin Qiong\'s wrist shook, and the violent gun power vomited, and instantly twisted Fu Zhen\'s pulse.

Brother Lianxin watched Fu Zhen be killed. Fu Yan\'s state of mind exploded. His eyes were red and roared, "I won\'t kill you, I swear I won\'t be a man!"

"You go down and join your brother!"

The Yellow puma turned into a golden lightning. When they passed by, Qin Qiong looked back at the moon, and the tiger head Zhan golden gun in her hand came out from an unimaginable angle, right in Fuyan\'s throat!


Fu Yan\'s eyes were sharp and round, his face was ferocious and terrible, his hands covered his throat, but there was endless blood pouring out of it

"What a fast gun!"

This was the last thought in Fu Yan\'s mind before he died.

Qin Qiong has also been dormant for a long time. It is rare to have a chance to do meritorious service today. All her energy and spirit have been mentioned to the extreme. The tiger head Zhan gold gun is like walking into a no man\'s land.

Although the soldiers of Pushan public camp are brave, they are like grass men under Qin Qiong\'s gun. They can\'t stop them at all. Shengsheng is killed into a bloody road.

Li mi ran away and suddenly heard a roar like a tiger roaring and a dragon roaring behind him. The fierce killing stimulated the cold hairs on his back.

"The ground is very strong!"

At this critical moment, Li mi turned his twelve layers of Qi and cut his back with a knife.


When swords and guns met in the air, there was a deafening sound of gold and iron, and the two horses crossed. Qin Qiong was a little surprised: Li Mi, as an owl, was so good at his kung fu!

Unexpectedly, Li mi opposite was even more shocked.

He made a move with Qin Qiong. The long knife was shocked, and Li Mi\'s whole body fell on the horse\'s back.

"Disha smashed his heart and pulse, and was listed in the list of wonders and unique skills in the world. Even Zhai rang didn\'t dare to take my knife. This golden faced man is extremely brave. Who is he!?"